Can I master data structures in 2 days

I'm gonna need a run down on this class and any material so I can pass the final exam. I started reading up on linked lists and it seems pretty straight forward (though doubly linked lists are something else). Are b-trees important or can I get by with barely studying them?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Is that a boy or girl


What is the curriculum. Depending on your knowledge beforehand even redblack trees can take a while.

Her boyfriend is black btw.

If you fail algos you are a fucking brainlet, I passed that shit drunk without going to class, ez pz. B-trees are linked list in a fancy way, very important. The solution to trees anything is recursive, remember

You must still be drunk user

Not all trees involve recursion. Shut your fckin retarded ass up. Example: Breadth-First Search on trees.

You need to have basic understanding of trees and how to traverse them, that alongside simple linked and double linked lists alongside some bullshitting should give you a passing grade

clearly a female(male).

Attached: 4c1165c0a1c4bb77b037803d11fc90b2.png (196x536, 239K)

Most data structures are pretty straight forward concepts, but get more complex if you want to optomize them. For example binary trees are simple as fuck, but if you want them to maintain their o(logn) search time then you should learn about AVL trees which are much more difficult to implement. Same is true for most data structures, easy to learn but complicated to optimize

All trees that can use BFS can use recursion fucking retard

You can see in the way she sits that she is an anal slut.
Also OP, do your homework instead of wasting your time and tuition

>lol traps XDDDD
Die faggot.

Who is she and post pictures of her and her black bf pls

hopefully a boy

girl (formerly boy)

She's my retro waifu

>already had her insta bookmarked

>I started reading up on linked lists and it seems pretty straight forward
>taking a datastructures class
>end of the semester and a linked list seems "pretty straight forward"

lmao yea guy you sound like youre fucked

>B-trees are linked list in a fancy way
just about the worst way to explain it

Just say "B-trees are generalized binary search trees". That's at the very least accurate unlike what you said.

link me up senpai

Its just pointers and some data, make penis shaped trees if you want, its the same

black dude got her preggers and broke up with her like a month before she had to give birth lmao

Whoa how many types of trees are there that are covered in a class like this? I thought b-tree stood for "binary tree" but after looking it up they're different things

Attached: 1509798295758.webm (1920x1080, 2.68M)

You're taking a final in two days and you're still going over linked fucking lists? Are you kidding me?

lmao, yea but the complexities of searching those two different structures are vastly different, you'd understand this if you understood data structures

It really depends on the level of the class and which data structures your teacher chooses to cover. How do you not know what topics were covered in class?

>tfwno slam pig to beat you in golden eye

he was too busy browsing fagbook the whole time in class


Lol, no one is going is to know what was covered in your class. You should have paid attention. When i took my into data structures class we covered stacks, queues, avl trees, graphs, bfs, dfs, hash tables, hashing methods, merge sort, quick sort, dijkstras algorithm, and other stuff. You can try to learn all that in 2 days, which is fucking impossible, but its pointless anyways since you dont even know if your class contains the same material

I bet she's fun to ride though

t. pajeet

doesn't matter you fucking bigot!

I've never met someone who had trouble understanding data structures. All the people who claimed to have any issues with it actually had trouble either with basic logic or refused to surrender to the programming language in use.

Also there are like thirty million types of trees, find out what your school is asking of you then come back.

Shut your whore mouth

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How many people here had to implement these structures from scratch?
I'm self taught, but that's what I tried to do. I can about 80% of an balanced
binary tree. In your cd classes, did you have to do that, or did you just answer
some questions about it.

Also, are graphs much harder than trees? Next week going to try to knock
out graphs section of interactivepython's algorithms / data structures course

If you weren't able to get it in the rest of the semester you won't be able to get it in 2 days. Just take the F and try harder next year.

Yes, you can learn it in two days. The easiest languages to review it would C++ or Python.

Avoid C for now because you would need a little more time for it. Like, four days.


Learn the stuff visually. And write the code. B trees are very important. Learn b+ trees and other similar structures. 2 days is plenty of time if you got the code down.

That's Kelsey from the MetalJesusRocks YouTube channel. She's looking THICC in that pic.


her name is Kelsey Lewin. She is frequently on the MetalJesusRocks channel.

Her boyfriend (now fiance) is not black btw. Here is a vid of him proposing:

She is cute, but I warn everyone here, NEVER date or pursue gamer/anime chicks. Kelsey seems normal enough, but most will fuck all of your friends. I don't care how cute and innocent they seem. They are absolutely degenerate. Hide your power level, learn to not be an opinionated spaz, and land yourself a relatively normal girl.

Attached: kajandrea.png (642x446, 428K)

She knows how to handle the middle part

God I wish that were me.

it's funny. i sometimes feel bad for you younger kids because of how difficult it seems to be for you get your careers going.
and then i read a post like this and i realize that 90% of you are fucking losers who don't really seem to be into programming but you're hoping that once you pass all your classes and get your degree then you'll be on the road to big easy money.
i don't think i'll ever have to worry about being aged out by you unmotivated babies.

who cares? you are going to fuck it anyway.

OH GOD, please tell me that's from a porn movie!

Any hole is a goal user.

>she's taken by some faggot s o i cuck
rip my life

lmao if doubly linked lists are fucking you up B-Trees are going to get that booty.

Sorry man, you're gonna have to retake it next semester. I hate to say it, but if your interest in the subject isn't enough to actually put some effort in during the semester the future isn't going to look good for you as far as becoming a developer is concerned.

Try harder, study more. You can do it man.

You must be one of the one's kicked off of Tumblr for cp.

You should try R3ddit. You don't belong here.

looks like a guy


Okay at least you sound line you know what you're doing how can I use my linked list knowledge for b trees? Honestly I binged on some league of legends today so I need to make the most of tomorrow

What is a queue ?

Imagine being this dumb lol

Attached: pepe.jpg (487x498, 78K)

If you're seriously asking this question, you need to retake the class. At this stage you're suppose to be reviewing, not trying to learn mass amounts of material in less than two days.

this has to be bait. i know a lol addict just like you who had to take data structures 3 times to pass.

Sadly it's likely not bait. There are plenty of faggots that'd rather play vidya than study for a few hours.

can anyone name the drink he's holding? its logo is similar to my company's

Just memorise the doubly linked list, non-balanced BST, and hash. All you need desu.