What color are they, Jow Forums?

what color are they, Jow Forums?

Attached: purple and orange skulls.png (970x719, 137K)




purple and orange

Both red

Attached: 1gb69c.jpg (199x260, 30K)

Left to right
The first column is: #ffea03 (Yellow)
The second column: #005299 (Blue)
The first and second skull: #d71820 (Red)

i'm getting purple and orange skulls on green striped field, bossman



yellow and blue
yellow and red

Yet people spend grand on "color accurate" displays and "calibrate" them, shaking my head. You niggas better not have any light sources in your room.

I see this as well!

This is the only right answer that can be replicated effectively and pass pier review

Attached: pier.png (488x448, 436K)

It's all yellow. Fucking blue light filter.


blue, red, yellow, orange

Blue and Red
Orange and Yellow


Red and Orange both according to my eyes and RGB code. Though optical illusion of blending colors makes the red one purple when the distance is large, that is the image is small in thumb form.

eye picker tool from photoshop says both red.

Left: red and blue. Right: red and yellow.

Same. Even from the small sample size we can conclude that we are normal and everyone who sees something different are retards.

First skull is red and blue which makes it look purple
Second one is yellow and red which makes it look orange

This explains it best.

What color is this skull?

Attached: skull.png (517x719, 78K)

Hey Reddit, just wanted to say thanks for stopping by and have a nigger faggot.


got 'em

purple (red+blue bars in a dither pattern) and orange (red+yellow bars in dither pattern)
the background ostensibly would mix to be green, but it just flat doesn't for my eyes, it's just this eye-searing blue+yellow bar pattern

Do you guys like my white and gold programming dress?

Attached: upvotes.png (225x300, 39K)

Attached: dunno.webm (1038x552, 2.14M)


Happy Cakeday, u/Anonymous! :)

I'm almost convinced that everyone who says this dress is white and gold is trolling

its white and gold in the picture due to the lighting. irl it would look black and blue to anyone

The negative space horizontal bars are a pattern of Blue and Yellow, whilst the skull shape on the right is composed of red bars where the yellow bars used to be. This combines with the blue bars to give an illusion of it being purple. The right skull on the other hand, changes the blue bars to a red, and with the combined color from the yellow bars gives it an illusion of being orange.

>the right
I mean the left holy shit. my brainlet status is going nuts today

I saw white and gold when I first saw it and my buddy didn't believe me. Then I looked at it from an angle and saw the black and blue. Now I can't see the white and gold anymore.

It's definitely purple and orange.

>Paste it into GIMP
>Color picking tool
>One skull is orange with yellow stripes, the other is red with blue stripes

Attached: ok retard.jpg (640x640, 42K)



any other colour is wrong.

The color of non-technology. (Unless you're talking about how they get blurred in the thumbnails.)

>before maximizing image
>after maximizing image
dark red skull on yellow lines
bright red skull on blue lines

I picked colors in GIMP and paintbrushed a big dot of each under the picked part. What color are the two dots?

Attached: dress.png (225x300, 77K)
