Ayyy lmao

Ayyy lmao

Attached: IMG_20181224_102620.jpg (1079x846, 61K)

What are you trying to say?

Regardless, thanks for reminding me about that update.

Dude weed lmao

Attached: 1383688300347.jpg (591x474, 88K)

fuck off, no-one smokes here

Attached: Anonymousmom.gif (330x204, 2M)

>fuck off, no-one smokes here
i do when i code

writing some bash scripts doesn't count, fag

is 4.19 LTS now?

Can't wait for it to get rolled out to Arch so I can take meme pics of my T420 running 4.20.

Attached: 420_torvalds.jpg (640x400, 31K)

>fuck off, no-one smokes here
I guess by 'here' you mean 'reddit'?

lol ! Xd

rly good one m8, 420 yolooooo lol...

tfw started smoking because of memes but it helped me instantly get a gf who also smokes and now I smoke a pack a day and I've always drunk a lot and I'm afraid I'll turn into an alkie but dont want to stop it because that's gay

>smoke a pack
we're talking about weed, kiddo

Smoking weed is trash tier if you have a job, you can't properly concentrate

fuck off kid

That's bullshit. Not only do some strains can help you concentrate and be more productive, but also noone makes you smoke on fucking site, just smoke when you're back home from work.

you don't need to concentrate while flipping burgers for a living


you don't need that when you're a code monkey either



No to many new features. .20 is most likely to be.

Gentoo already has it