That guy who is not using anki to boost his programming skills

>that guy who is not using anki to boost his programming skills

Attached: Anki-icon.svg (1).png (1200x1200, 131K)

I've been using SRS to learn russian. Not Anki though.

I've been using it for german

> This guy who continues to shill anki to boost botnet

Please share programming anki deck.

Programming isn't about rote memorizing.

Have you tried reading you might actually learn something. SRS is only useful for learning readings of Chinese characters. Language isnt acquired through flash cards.

Anki made me learn enough to make a program that auto-generated a deck with example sentences based on raw text.

Please share more of your unique insights


It's a waste of time

What are some good uses for it? I've been thinking about using it to memorise the C standard library.

Just use the standard lib. You'll remember everything important eventually. It's not exactly monstrous.

If you actually use Anki for programming you UNIRONICALLY NEED TO KILL YOURSELF IMMEDIATELY. Like fucking RIGHT NOW.
Absolutely fucking baffling.
Now using Anki for Japanese, I can understand.

See You need to know what's IN standard library, its shortcomings and pitfalls. That comes only with experience. But all the separate functions themselves? Nah. I don't even bother to remember argument order in file/buffer operations because it's all over the place. Better let the IDE/plugin for your editor do that for you.

Good luck remembering all the patterns and syntax for all the languages you use faggot

The same could be said for language learning and yet rote memorisation is still the standard there. Why? Why not just look up a word in your pocket dictionary the same way programmers look up a function on Google? Because you can't hold a conversation that way. Actual fluency requires effortless recall and speed, i.e. memorisation. I'm not sure how useful spaced repetition is when it comes to programming. I'm open to the idea but perhaps it's useless. I have noticed however that mediocre nerds have developed a kind of phobia of any kind of rote learning.

How do you even use anki to learn programming?

memorizing stuff lel faggot
just take drugs

by fixing the bugs

No need to wish me luck. Because I remember the syntax pretty fucking perfectly without it.
Either you don't program enough, or programming just isn't for you.
Seeing as you need to explicitly learn patterns I'm going to go with the second.
Please stop shitting up my field.

How the fuck are you using anki for programming u dumb fucking nignogs

By not having functional fixedness and realizing that reviews can be as complex as you want



Host your own server and stop being a dependent faggot.

>for programming skills
Share a deck? I'm not really sure how to learn programming from srs besides names of certain paradigms maybe.

Doesn't seem so useful to me, maybe to learn some more obscure function in the standard library

I want to use anki in order to memorise/review Chinese (characters), but I can't find a proper deck

Any good math decks besides the 20x20 ones?

Are you retarded? Just search manpages for shit you don't remember.

I'm using it mainly to increase my vocabulary. I'm using an actual book to learn grammar. SRS is great for that.