What Python IDE does Jow Forums use?

What Python IDE does Jow Forums use?

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expected nothing else from scriptkiddies

Why the hate against IDEs?

>IDE for Python

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pycharm because I'm not a jobless neet

vim + screen + pdb
and that's the only acceptable answer

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Kwrite on KDE

I personally use vim. I'm giving python lessons for engineers though, they cannot do without an IDE. I tried.

Forgot to add: Spyder

pycharm is free

Lol, not using tmux. Keep it stupid user.


If your project is large enough that you think you need an IDE you're probably using the wrong language.


Kate text editor for all languages.


No ide, just nvim


IDLE :^)


cracked pycharm

bloat, makes you less efficient
(someone pls post the chart)

Visual Botnet Code

VSC is the only correct answer for python development

Jesus, the fucking state of Jow Forums.

IDEA lol

whats the point of a phyton ide?


can someone post this chart

jupyter notebook if you are doing something that needs it. kys otherwise

Why wouldn't you just use vim?

Vim with pylint, syntastic and a couple other plugins has served me fine so far.

If I’m actually at the computer spyder. If i only have a terminal or trying it over ssh, emacs

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what fucking chart?

Pycharm and spacemacs

has nothing to do with the size of the project but complexity.

any reasonably complex software benefits greatly from an IDE and a debugger, especially with python if you need to switch interpreters between projects and have an integrated package manager.

you're all clueless hacks. lol programming in a text editor, ok bud good luck with that im sure you're writing some serious fizzbuzz

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Kate is great, but it sucks that you have to have KDE in order to use it.
So I moved to and it's almost as good.


my IDE is any text editor and a terminal.

>What Python IDE does Jow Forums use?
I tend to use C++ because it has SO much support and libraries. The IDE I use is either vi, sublime or code:blocks.

Why do people bother with Python?

>I tend to use C++ because it has SO much support and libraries
>Why do people bother with Python?
Because of the support and libraries. pip + venv/pipenv makes it brain-dead easy to import other people's code. Plus, even though CPython is slow, not having to go through an intermediary compile-time step is nice.

yea I agree. But since I use kdenlive, Kate, and several other things I just gave up and use kde now. The WM in it is very full featured I like that I can bind super key + left click to move windows instead of some stupid hotkeys etc

>complex project

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>development environment
it's not even a real programming language
why would you even want to try to develop anything in it?
Visual Basic is more of a real language than python.

Completely and unironically IDLE.

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How's year two going?

Small scripts: vim
Actual projects: PyCharm

>any reasonably complex software benefits greatly from an IDE and a debugger
My point was that you're gonna benefit even more by not using Python (or any other dynamically typed scripting language) for large/complex software. Even with an IDE your experience is gonna be subpar.

t. Sentdex


t data analyst