You can't call yourself a true tech enthusiast unless you've hoarded at least 500 of these

You can't call yourself a true tech enthusiast unless you've hoarded at least 500 of these.

Attached: wires.jpg (1056x1408, 635K)

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fuck i only have 499

nothing screams I'm a professional enthusiast more than bread ties.

You're not a true enthusiast until you've tied 500 of them around your dick.

The black ones don't come on bread

At once?

My cat loves to play with them.

well jolly, then call me a tech enthusiasts!

Why aren't they sold anywhere if there's demand for them?

Use electrical tape instead. Far superior. Get a 5 pack from the hardware store, and your cables will always be nicely coiled.

And if they stay coiled long enough, there will be a sticky residue all over everything!
Superior for coiling cables and has more uses!

Electrical tape doesn't leave residue if you remove it using scissors. It only leaves residue if you stretch it off.

Also, electrical tape can be cut to any length and bind even massive cables easily. I use it to store a 100' ethernet cable. Good luck using twist ties to do that.

But they are, user.

>not having a box full of zip ties for all your cable management needs

Attached: P_20181230_024355_vHDR_Auto.jpg (1777x1000, 442K)

No. Over an extended period of time it will leave a residue regardless.

you are like a baby. i have bags full of all that shit, in 20 different sizes.


I love to play with them. Until I start chewing on them followed by choking on them.

bad cat


way ahead of you>>

Attached: brent big thumbs up.jpg (398x500, 38K)

>or all your cable management needs
yeah, right. how many lolis do you have in a basement?