“a bullshit job is a form of paid employment that is so completely pointless, unnecessary...

>“a bullshit job is a form of paid employment that is so completely pointless, unnecessary, or pernicious that even the employee cannot justify its existence even though, as part of the conditions of employment, the employee feels obliged to pretend that this is not the case.”

Would you describe your current employment as a 'Bullshit Job', Jow Forums?

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OP dick gobbler

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I automated my job years ago. Now I just pretend to work for the 3 days a week I go to the office. The 2 days a week I work from home are basically days off.

filling out excel spreadsheets?

That was uncalled for.

Well I'm unemployed now, so I don't think I count.

I work IT at a small company,
I think it's easy to get caught up in impostor syndrome because the job seems so easy and bullshit to you, then you realize that basic 5 second things you do save your company thousands of dollars and hours of lost work.
Literally some days I just re link quick-books to a network filefolder and that's it.

Ask your boss if the company will pay for certifications.
Study in your free time at work, get your cert on the company dime.

It'll make you better at your job so you don't feel like a piece of shit when you have nothing to do all day, and boost your career prospects.

people have been using this word a lot more lately. hivemind shit no doubt. be on alert for prime NPC when you see someone use this word

elaborate please. Are you a sysadmin? How do i get a job like yours?

Is it the new 'problematic'?

ITT first world problems.
There are literally BILLIONS of people that would risk their own lives to be able to sit on an office chair making thousands of dollars a month. You should be thankful that so many great people worked hard just to provide you with an easy-as-fuck life.

Oh I already do that,
I work on projects all the time, and I do admin and accounting stuff on the side to help my co-workers.

I was just saying that a lot of times we tend to undervalue our work, especially when its trade skills like wiring.

it's your fault. Go to your bullshit job and just drone it till the time you have to go back. Pour your mind and soul into your hobby and aim to monetize it.

this, americans and europeans are already privileged but they think they are not.

While a lot of people are indeed completely oblivious to just how shit life can still be for some people in the early-twentieth-century, a lot of gripes are relative. You might have hot and cold running water, but the company you work for that turns over millions or even billions per-quarter might only pay you enough to cover your rent and other basics, which means you can't meaningfully save or withstand any kind of unforeseen economic mishap that might befall you or a dependant of yours.

fuck off back to r*dd*t you communist moron

kek and you think that's worst than having to pay for eat everyday? Or that you are left in a hospital without care if you don't have money? "First World" countries have a lot of benefits that their population don't know (or care). Come live to our shithole for one year, you will want to RUN BACK to your country. That's the reason for the phrase "first world problems".

u wot

I never said it was "worst than having to pay for eat everyday", I'm just saying living in the first world isn't a stress free experience and that human beings aren't rational enough to go "at least I'm not Venuzuelan poor" when they're having to scrimp and save to buy themselves a new pair of glasses.

>u wot
you know exactly what im talking about fuckface. your overt leftist word drivel is transparent as fuck. you think about what you're purposing for more than 2 minutes and it falls apart. you should stop posting on sites with a higher intelligence quota than what you posses. you are out of your depth and a fucking fool if you think posting shit like that would not get called out.

>I live in a shithole, feel bad for me

I'd love to know what's got you so upset, but that's a lie and I actually don't care.

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>I love doing meaningless bullshit for my Jewish boss!

>he doesn't care
>still posts a response like this
you should post this screencap on r/Jow Forums m8! you'd surely get lots of upvotes! :)
nice assumption faggot. the bottom line is you get paid what you're worth, and if you do a good job you 90% of the time move up in a company. if you don't want to work for someone else, start your own business. there are options in first world countries, but leftist faggots pretend there aren't because they're simply too stupid to get their own business going and they have no fucking skills so they project this on everyone for the sake of validating their own shitty arguments. if you're going to sit there and bitch about making a living wage for doing close to nothing then you are an ungrateful faggot fuck and need to be culled. bottom line.

>everyone should just be a small business owner

Yeah, that seems feasable.

nice job attacking a point i didn't make m8

you hear this quite a few times on Jow Forums elsewhere
. all automatic .. keeping quiet about it.
sorta sad .. is like a voluntary prison

>reddit spacing
>passive aggression
yeah this checks out lmao

Except you didn't amke a point, other than "the free market will", which is, and always has been, utter nosense. How are you supposed to get promoted from the kinds of tedious service jobs which many Western nations currently use as their main sources of employment? If you're an office drone there often aren't ways to advance in a meaningful sense. Perhaps you have a slightly better job in a more skilled profession, but many of these are being automated or moved abroad, meaning the kind of job your father or grandfather held their entire lives isn't there any more, and if it is it's a far more precarious kind of employment. Maybe you could further your education to later seek better job opportunities, but if you're living rent payment to rent payment, that kind of stress can be too much.

In the UK we've had a decade of stagnant, or marginally lower, wages and massive cuts to public services, if pointing out this as a problem makes me a "Communist" in your eyes then you don't know what you're talking about. Your economic illiteracy doesn't make me a Marxist.

>in the uk
post discarded

kek, I am not asking for you to feel bad about me, I ask you to stop being a little bitch.

So when they find out, what happens?

You'll have to pay back all the money they used to employ you.

>saying things aren't perfect and there is room for improvement is being a little bitch
And this is why third world countries remain third world countries.

you are still being a little bitch, though.

And it's definitely not because of these things:

No but the Pajeet I work with has a bullshit job because I pick up all his slack so we aren't all fired. But it all works out in the end because I bully him and make his life a living hell whenever he fails to be my coffee bitch and maid. Wife's homemade naan in the fridge? Ooops, how'd that get in the trash? HR has no sympathy because they're quite literally racists, and I can't really blame them. The unspoken agreement is that for about 7 hours a day this man is my personal slave and I do his work because he's fucking stupid.

Anyone else own a Pajeet?

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>Wife's homemade naan in the trash
>my coffee bitch
Look forward to commit die by poisoning

Pajeet might be dumb but he's not dumb enough to kill his source of income.

>tfw when you make this post because you're actually the pajeet and you need to pretend on the internet for validation

>just accept shit that happens instead of trying to improve
>or blame others!
Seems like you guys are quite literally the bitches here

Helpdesk. It's only bullshit when people call with issues that should go through email ~5%
There is a lot of bs with software and hardware we use but that's entirely different thing

Vihaan, is that you buddy? My coffee could really use a warm up.

>hahaha how the fuck is poverty real hahaha nigga just make more money like nigga work harder haha.

no because I'm an electrical engineer at an advanced research firm.

I get paid decent, not great, but because I'm an intern straight out of college they don't give me much to do. but they are also paying for a masters degree.

If you don't like your shithole, and don't care to improve it, just leave?
I heard europe is quite open to immigrants right now.
Or you could invalidate anyone else's problems by saying how much worse you have it. Sure that's gonna help you

That’s not how that works, you’re still monitoring and making sure nothing goes wrong in your system, just add a remote killswitch for good measure in case you are fired.

No he doesn't, he's still physically in the office and his job is being done, the fact that he automated it is irrelevant.

>If I ignore his point he can't prove me wrong!

I'm a lieutenant and our entire regiment exists basically to house the conscripts so that they could clean the stuff up. If there weren't any conscripts there wouldn't be anything to clean. The definition of a bullshit job.

Oh, I left a long time ago. As long as you fucks keep raping the world for oil and cheap plastic gadgets, there's no future for the third world. I won't live to see improvement in my people's lives, might as bring hell into yours.

Basically any job that employs a woman.

What IS your point? I never said poverty isn't real, I never said working hard is the only solution. I never invalidated your problems, unlike what you're doing. The poor aren't poor by choice, nor will hard work alone fix that. Saying other's problems are irrelevant because you have it worse isn't gonna help you either though.
>I ran away to fix my problems(as I said, acceptable choice) and NOW I will keep blaming others for my home countries problems(since you didn't care to try and improve things) and actively try to bring others down to our level
You're a nigger. Not because of the color of your skin, whatever that may be, but because of your destructive mentality

I work in the customer service team for an extremely popular multi-national corporation (think McDonalds size). Because all of our stores are franchised there's almost no point in having my department as we simply don't deal with customers. I spend most of my day browsing the web and playing with my phone with the 5 others who work with me.

Yeah, my job is a bullshit job. Pays well though.

>nigga just protest or something hahaha, like just move your butt and improve your country hahaha
Easy for you to say that. Try saying that again after seeing dozens of activists being slaughtered meters away from you because they tried to stop the sale of state-owned oil rigs to foreign companies.
Then look at activists who did not get murdered, but lived a life of struggle and could never see even a glimpse of effect from their efforts.
One day you have water, the next day all the underground water in a radius of 80km get poisoned. Two days later, it's Nestle selling water subscriptions. Now you have to go even farther to get water and it's pretty expensive.
Repeat this for everything, from agricultural supplies to education. But you sure have the shorter stick, having to sit down and pretend to work for just 5 thousand dollars a month, you're a fucking hero. You should be proud of being born with a silver spoon, you know

I can tell you're american just from your "american dream" rationale. Don't blame others, take responsibility, be a man. The world is not that hermetic. There are forces working for some and against others.

I understand where the hate is coming from, and I agree that first world countries and companies exploiting the third world are the absolute scum of the earth. I understand that trying to change things for the better is, in 99% of times, going to get you killed. I never said the problems of the first world are ANYWHERE NEAR the level of the third world. They aren't comparable on any metric. While many problems here can be solved by simply writing a letter to an important person, over there it's practically suicidal to argue with the ones in power. But guess what? Why should others stop trying to fix their own little problems, however tiny and unimportant they may be, because others have it far worse? Our ancestors died fighting, defending what they believed in, even just for a piece of paper, granting them a few more rights. If you don't try to fix your countries problems, why should we stop anything we are doing to come help you? If this is a cry for help then you are in the wrong place, there are organizations out there trying to improve things for you. If you can't fix your own problems, try to reach out for help. Being mad at the rest of the world because you have it worse won't fix anything, going up to people that could help, and trying to cinvince them to do so at least could give a chance at seeing improvements. You have internet, you have that option. No one here is going to kill or imprison you for protesting or rallying people for the cause of helping your people back home. But of course it's easier to scream into other people's faces for having it too good, instead of trying to help those you supposedly care about so much.
Jesus, I'm too drunk for this, see you fucks tomorrow

No, because if I'm not there and something breaks it would take the other teams hours to figure out how to approach the issue.

i think the point of identifying BS jobs is in realizing why we're all still working 40-hours a week when productivity has grown so much in the past 40 years. back then, we thought we'd be down to 15-hour work weeks by now. liberals then pivot to an argument for GBI and shorter work weeks, or the freedom to branch out and follow a passion rather than stick to the "safe" high-paying job that is soul-sucking and BS. i'm not sure what conservatives do with this information. maybe somebody can enlighten me.

Basic certification -> Helpdesk -> From here on in it's all bullshit -> Systems Administrator

I'd love to have a bullshit job if it means I get to come home at a reasonable hour and do something other than sleep, shower or prepare for work.

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Did you at least delete your shit or killswitch it

dude (or dudette), if you are from a 1st world country a 9-5 is the default soulcrushing job, unless you are from Japan. That said, if you are not from a 1st world country, I don't know what to say to you.

untrue in NA unless lawsuit, but would be a very hard case to retroactively dock pay for a service you provided regardless.
You'd be fired though

I work as a cleaner at a place where basically everyone has been fired
They still bring me in for some reason
So I do my usual routine of unenthusiastically dragging a mop along a crystal clear floor and wiping some dust off the shelves
I dont think my manager understands that mess doesnt create itself
Its been like this for 6 months but i cant leave because the pay is too good

An inefficient economy does not go away because somewhere else people have it worse. Stop moving goalposts, you fucking hippie

Based if not LARPing.
Hell, economists in the 1930s predicted that we would have to work only 15 hours a week in 50 years, yet somehow we aren't. Why?
The technology is there. Instead of using it to work less, we ended up using it to work more, by effectively making up bullshit useless jobs.
If 70% of people "working" stopped tomorrow, the world wouldn't even notice.

I get what you're saying, but just because the situation could be worse doesn't mean there isn't a problem.

Of course, I'll take a bullshit job that at least pays the bills every day over starving, the problem is that the situation could be even better, AND we already have the means to do it, yet we aren't.

>If 70% of people "working" stopped tomorrow, the world wouldn't even notice.
You realize most people work blue collar jobs that can't be easily automated with a script, right? Maybe with robots

>not making the script misbehave on purpose in case you are fired
I'm pretty sure this would be legal as you can feign incompetence and you wouldn't be an employee anymore

>the bottom line is you get paid what you're worth

Imagine being this retarded

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Well those BILLIONS of people are not here in this discussion now. AINT THAT RIGHT BITCH?

That's actually not true. In the west, most people work in white collar jobs, many of which are mostly useless. Blue collar jobs are largely safe, but almost completely underpaid for some reason, although I do believe that with AI automating desk jobs, blue collar jobs will certainly rise in 'prestige' in the future.

pic source pls

Dance wagie dance

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lots of those jobs are pointless though
imagine if call centre workers (the ones who call you to try and sell you crap, not the ones you call to not-be-helped with your technical problems.) simply didn't show up anymore. Would that be anything but a net boon to humanity?

>Would you describe your current employment as a 'Bullshit Job', Jow Forums?
I work as a Level 1 tech of course it's a bullshit job, if people had the initiative to type their quesiton into Google and if Microsoft didn't force Windows 10 updates I'd be out work.
The only reason I've not jumped out of the office window is that all of my colleagues are great and make going to work bearable.

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Funny when half the people work in services and resource supply.
People wouldn't notice that there's no milk in the store, no clerk and their hairdresser is gone?

NEET retards here have no idea.

I did work 2 years in cooling system support, basically I had to fix fans

>Won't somebody think of the Africans

shut the fuck up

Direction of travel means much more in life than absolute quality.
The chinaman who has seen his living standards grow exponentially in a mere decade will be happier than the Briton who has seen his living standards stagnate for a decade, even though the Brit's living standards are still exponentially above the chinaman's

> first world problems
You mean the only problems that matter?

You have no idea just how many people at "work" actually fucking work.