Day in the Life: software engineer

do it really be like that?

Attached: 5.png (1058x544, 1.21M)

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Python fags btfo

ever guy gathers around the fish head because it's the only female in the building

God only a women would do this

Also user i dont know because i didnt fall for the computer science mem and went in to electrical engineering

Not outside venture 500 California IT company. Here in Texas, we are mostly white males, and we have own offices with 2-3 ppl in it, not those huge plane hangars with CCTV everywhere.

They give them free food and events and shit because they want them to associate work as home and put in extra hours for their overlords.

Save your money and retire early or create your own business.

Does she work at Patreon or Yelp? Jarvis is in that video and he's a manager at Patreon

I usually show up from 9:30 to 5:30. Breakfast is served until 10, and dinner starts at 5. So I get 3 meals a day from work while still working

>pretending to work

Attached: (1280x720, 38K)

>tfw you're aspiring to be that

Attached: 1453745146731.jpg (650x467, 108K)

You couldn't pay me 500k to work in an office that looked like with people that fucking onions and gay. Dead serious. I'd rather live under a bridge. That looks like a fucking nightmare. They probably cried on each other during election night. Guaranteed the gook wouldn't even touch a single one of them.

>tfw programming coworkers are all old men
>job has a dress code

Feels good man

>starts work at 10:30
>eats food in front of computer
>headphones on, talks to no one
>coffee dependence
>unliveable hipster city
>inedible overpriced hipster food
>public transport
>fur baby
>indoor plants
>watching netflix until midnight


No. This narcissistic cunt isn't actually working, she's being cute for the attention.

That's "standup", the one time of the day people take their headphones off and talk to each other

You've got a problem with indoor plants, fucko?

Attached: DozVSLiU8AA1MXd.jpg (512x512, 47K)

fuck oath I do

Can't afford a child? How about a fur baby?

Can't afford property of your own? How about indoor plants?

>I'm an autistic child.

Can't afford an iPhone and a Macbook? How about a poodroid?

I almost fell for the computer science meme but after seeing this video a while back and taking a tour of the Facebook offices in my city (friend's mom works there), I decided that lifestyle was fake and gay and switched majors to electrical engineering.

She's cute though and I think that's the most important element.

Her other videos are no good, don't like the way she talks, but this one is okay

So many boobs in one photo, but only one women. Are they putting something in the water user? Are these guys blasting gear and have gyno? Why do they all have man boobs user?

god I wish I was her

Have you hooked up with any of them?

>mfw team/s spread across the glone
>two standups daily
>i skip both of them because their timing is shit
a remote life is the best life

the female s.oy face lmao

>do it really be like that?

if course she's asian

Isn't the guy on the right, the one with the glasses, the same guy who does similar videos ?

No. Close though.
Gotta love the token jew in the middle

He is

pretty much accurate.. she didn't show any of the meat of the job, though, which is wrestling the computer and telling product managers to fuck off

what the hell is wrong with his teeth

>virgin python slav
>chad SAP SWE

Even his on-camera pretend-lifestyle is slavery.