Why doesn't anyone measure the frequency response of fans and instead use decibels?

Why doesn't anyone measure the frequency response of fans and instead use decibels?

ez idea here to become the reference site for fan benchmarks

Attached: 1920px-Perceived_Human_Hearing.svg.png (1920x1231, 82K)

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Because its impossible to make a silent computer that's not 2007 level performance

Drill a hole in ya wall or use a steam link if you want silence

This is another reason Apple computers are a marvel. Modern hardware that's unaudible.

800mhz CPUs tend to do that, yeah

Can you link any modern Apple computers with 800Mhz CPU's?

Just check out the clock speeds after running a youtube video for 30 seconds

Too complicated for most sites and users to measure and understand. Sound level readings are usually more of an afterthought in most reviews.

iToodler shills are like cockroaches, they never quite stay away after being utterly BTFO

So no. Got it.

nobody wants your stutterfire iToys faggot, fuckoff.

Attached: stresstest.jpg (1311x685, 193K)

What niggerbass cans are these?

I see you've linked a 2013/2014 model, can you link to any modern Apple computers with 800Mhz CPU's?

>ez idea here to become the reference site for fan benchmarks
no money to be made

>d-d-doesn't count!
fuck off Tim

Everybody who wants silent performance just buys Noctua or bequiet by default.

People who "don't care" and will just crank up their speakers or use headphones to compensate, would rather know CFM and static pressure.

Those with more money than sense just put their computers in another room and run usb-c optical cables though the wall for their peripherals.

Attached: 81rjkAjlP9L._SX466_.jpg (466x574, 29K)


Why would linking a 5 year old computer model count? Haha oh man.

You lost the moment you moved the goalposts

iToddlers BTFO

Attached: satanialaughing.gif (540x304, 1.52M)

Based and redpilled

Windows PC's running 16Mhz haha Apple superior once again.

Attached: DXAS0-OWsAEPXXq.jpg (1024x718, 219K)



Here's one form 2011, looks like it's a recurring issue, but you'll defend your shitty products despite that. iToddlers have no soul.

Attached: wowsofast.jpg (1125x683, 98K)

> Modern hardware that's unaudible.

Literally my first post, goalposts haven't moved an inch. Just brainlets with poor reading comprehension getting smashed lol.

> 8 years old
> Modern

Fine display of mental gymnastics.

Double based
absolute cringe and bluepilled

>he's still trying

Attached: satania-sanitoddlersarelosers.gif (500x284, 1.75M)

>mental gymnastics

Sounds like you know all about that.

> He thinks posting laughing cartoon pictures is a counter

Truly beta


i just take off my cochlear implant so idgaf

Perfect silence is really a pretty stupid endeavor unless you're in some very specific use case like a studio, where you probably could put the PC in another room. I say this as someone who has noctua fans and have tweaked fan curves and such quite a bit. I made my own low noise adapters for a older system.

First off, there's a "noise floor" in every house unless it's very well insulated. Make your PC silent and you will hear the hard drives. Use SSDs only and you will hear the refrigerator, ventilation system, neighbors kids, etc. Life isn't quiet and it's better if you get over your autism unless you really enjoy tinkering. after all you'll probably be listening to music anyway.