No bar

>no bar
>no distinguishable borders
>light colorscheme
Why do minimalfags do this? Is this why functioning humans of society say ricing is a meme?

Attached: 1531429093031.png (1920x1080, 1.39M)

They just hide them for the screenshot and then restore them afterwards.

Well, its like gaming but with OS settings.
It's pretty meaningless, but some find enjoyment in doing this.

What is autohiding when not in use

"ricer" reporting in. I don't consider the image in the screenshot as minimal. Having a transparent terminal with nonsense info covering 5% of a wallpaper, is a complete waste of space and bloat. But often limitations, and minimizing user interface, both forces and encourages the user to use the keyboard (to f.i. move/resize/close a window) and be more creative. Same with notifications, it limits distractions and makes it easier to focus. And a notification doesn't have to mean "You got mail" it can be a taskbar button, finished download, CPU load high or even if you take it to the extreme, a clock. Personally i like to minimize interface as much as possible, so i can fit more non-UI content on the screen (text document or web page, mpv showing album art, terminal).

>ricing is a meme
"functional society" is fake news.

Attached: functional-society.png (1080x1920, 552K)

I can understand hiding the bar for maximized windows to actually maximize the area it's occupying, but what does one gain from doing that to a window that takes up only 5% of the screen on its own?

5% of the screen I guess

imagine needing running a terminal command when you want to know what time it is

Dang that is a sexy Jow Forums css. How?

Fuck your stupid strawman argument.


This, or maybe he does everything via terminal, you can do everything a bar does just with some commands.
date, cal, xbacklight, alsa controls, df, etc.

That Jow Forums CSS looks like Reddit (and that's a good thing).

The first track on that Om album was so good.

Attached: boomer.png (550x550, 119K)

There's a difference between minimalism and ricing. Ricing is purely for aesthetics. This is done by people who have no lives. Minimalism is when you use a basic set of programs and set your system up only with what you need. It's actually practical on machines with mediocre to low specs like single board computers. It's easy to reproduce on any computer in minutes and the configuration is simple. Everything loads fast and I'm able to make efficient use of my machine's resources.

Pic related. AmiWM on a Raspberry Pi. It's a floating window manager with simple and familiar controls and a menu bar to launch applications. I don't need anything else. I can just pick and choose the other programs I actually need like a clock, editor, browser, etc.

Attached: 2019-01-07-165109_1280x1024_scrot.png (1280x1024, 114K)

Nice man !
Any life improving advice when looking into ricing ?
And if you could find some downside which would it be ?

Aren't tiling wms more lightweight?

Does it even matter when we're counting the difference in MB?

maybe I'm retarded, but how do you do something like this with raspbian that already comes bundled with so much shit??

fuck you buddy
dont post my image


Tiling is a layer of extra shit on top of the standard instructions already used by the X server and most applications.

>Pixel text UI mixed with super rounded and smoothed CSS

Don't use Raspbian. Use Devuan. The image comes headless with just the root account. No systemd. No other shit you don't need. Just the base system. You can set up X and a WM and applications of your choice.

>everything is the same color
>only thin lines indicating "window starts here"
That thing looks horrible. Colors are used for a reason. They make it faster to distinguish stuff from each other.

It must suck to be half blind.

Attached: your_post_discarded.png (800x800, 477K)

>no bar
It's probably set to hide automatically. So what?

I'd take that over half-brained anyday. Nice argument, btw.

Lol butthurt

Attached: 1540709433667.png (665x670, 176K)

CSS is called Pygmalion and is created by Catgrills.

what's a reddit?

*sips* tell me about it.

>life improving advice when looking into ricing ?
nice bait

I use the "pixelfont", (Fixedsys), because it is the smallest font i can read without getting a headache. When i am writing and coding, I prefer larger fonts and more or less no syntax highlighting. I do very few CSS customizations of my own, because I hate CSS. And most sites, break their design once a year, meaning one have to do them again and again.. So I either borrow someone else CSS, or leave it as default, and don't bother to make the rest of "my rice" follow a website design.

Attached: lifeimproved.png (1080x1920, 312K)