Rate my elite gaming rig

Rate my elite gaming rig
Its possibly the best harmony of parts in a build ever

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incoming seething poorfags and pajeets


The only replies you'll get are from the retards that haven't filtered you yet.

Let that sink in.

What are you gonna good in a year when your CPU is outdated? Buy a whole new chipset?

>anti-static bracelet

Spotted the retard.

Enjoy broken parts then

Yes? Im not poor

poor pajeetnigger spotted

AMD IS for richfags actually dumb fuck

If you weren't poor you wouldn't spend money on needless gaming hardware and invest it instead.

But unfortunately you need to cope with some void in your life so you put all your ego into your 9900k cause marketing manipulated you into thinking that having the absolute best actually means something.

Imagine your mobo sad Meg.

Because they have to buy the Ryzen 1700 then 2700 then 3700?

amd autist screeching

>buys 2080ti and 9900k
>but not a 970 pro (or better two for raid 0)
It's like you want slow loading times. I hope at least that's 32GB of 3200 DDR4 there?

that case better not have LEDs in it

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I'm really happy for you without irony. That wonderful feeling to try something new and powerful, uhh!!! Enjoy It.


How does it feel to be BTFO by a Ryzen that costs half as much?

>Mate20 Pro
Actually based.

How about you actually post the thing put together instead of posting the same picture of some boxes stacked for a gay photo shoot?

>unreleased product


Or almost matched by a released Ryzen that costs half as much.

What's wrong with LED's?

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Seething amdpoorfag

So why wouldn't op just get the best when he can obviously afford it? You seem booty blasted because you're some poorfag with some shit ass dell

Fucking phoneposter couldn’t even change the filename.

I’ve never used an anti static bracket and in 29 years have never had an issue.


Because something considerably better is coming in a couple months, for cheaper.

Wow Jesus you are dumb

>he's so poor he cant afford to kill parts with static

Kys urself

>Kys urself

good book
the rest is total dogshit
Nice reddit pic from 6 months ago

>No windows 10 box
2/10 try harder.


Jow Forums only likes beige, dirty, ugly boxes or thinkpads with 10+ yr old hardware with an installation of gentoo

you're fine user

nice logic poorfag shouldn't you be working overtime so you can eat? lmao

Dh15se am4 > dh15
Lol enjoy being a retarded consumer I guess.
Rtx is fucking useless and that i9 is a housefire

shit phone
shit keyboard
>lv belt
nu-rich fag
>corsair crap
nu-male crap

Idk what to buy but blue is what apple fags tell me to buy


not enough bling
>Blu-Ray combo
to do what with lol, get scammed into buying expensive software that doesn't even play back at full quality?
the keyboard is also meh
>Core i9
should've just waited for third gen Ryzen
air coolers are trash too is it 2012 or something
it's top of the line, but i'd rather wait for the 11xx series to drop and get maybe two 1180Ti in SLI instead of the ray tracing meme

Based and redpilled. American SJWs want to silence this man, find out why


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>rate my gaymen rig
Looks pretty gay

Its shit

It's the only way to save money.

These are all empty boxes you faggots

motherboard power supply and ram could be better

netflix + bluray + makemkv is the only reasonable way to get a high definition movie collection

You most likely wont see this but if you consider yourself any form of enthusiast. Then return the 9900k and mobo and get an x399 motherboard and cpu. The 9900k is the mainstream cpu, not the enthusiast one.


you just admitted of being a retard

oh look the Jow Forums faggot that unironically supports a zionist company

Attached: Jewishshilllyingon4chan.png (3764x1540, 1.14M)

>Buys hardware for mainstream users
Have fun with your toy, poorfag. Hit me up when you grow up and have enough money to buy a double Xeon server, like a NEW server, not an eBay bargain

Stop posting.

Attached: stopitnow.png (1240x888, 141K)

He's legitimately mentally ill.

>buying expensive software
>buying software


Let’s see, MSI z390 in the dumpster. Actually you’re fucking retarded at spending money. Such a shame. 2080Ti shame, i9? What even, let me show you how to be smart. Return it all
Buy x299 EVGA dark off eBay EVGA official store for 190$, 9800X when price comes down (I preordered it for 589$) you’re maybe too late and it has silicon level hardware Fixes to spec. and meltdown. Then 2 1080Ti off eBay and slap em in sli. A lot of games scale well with 16X sli each card

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