What is the best alternative to shitty rxvt-unicode?

what is the best alternative to shitty rxvt-unicode?

Attached: 220px-Tux.png (220x261, 39K)

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good rxvt-unicode

Attached: kitty.png (256x256, 8K)




Whats wrong with urxvr? It does the job well enough for me

fuck off, it really shit and can't normally display glyphs

if only it was in debian's repos, and it wasn't such a fucking pain in the ass to compile from source...

Based and redpilled

Is just a fucking terminal emulator how hard can it be to install from source

needs vte-ng, a spinoff of a component of gnome-terminal, which itself needs a fuckload of deps

well Debian is pretty big, it is weird if dependencies aren't there at least. But maybe try not to be a contrarian and just use gnome terminal

Is it just me or are patches a fucking pain in the ass to apply.

i have the same problem with solarized patch and scrollback. Cannot make them work together . Inb4 brainlet

It depends on your use case.
rxvt-unicode is really great because it hits like twelve niches at once, but if you don't use all of its benefits that much (or you're in a totally different niche entirely) then it's not amazing.

If literally all you do with a terminal emulator is use it to run the very occasional command and you don't keep windows open for too long, use st. st is basically rxvt-unicode except it doesn't fuck up character widths but also it has no scrollback.

If you're a normie and hate yourself use hyper.is/

If you want a simple terminal emulator that has theme support and scrollback, you should not be using st, you should be using rxvt-unicode

The only thing I noticed is that the diff files of many patches don't match up with the current release. So you have to choose between using the most recent st release, not using patches or manually fixing patches yourself.

it's easy to customize and has a modal approach, like vim. once built, pretty lightweight, too

ok. look at the pic. and tell why?

Attached: 2019-01-15-175358_1366x768_scrot.png (1366x768, 513K)

Just use st or urxvt bro

Anybody here using mlterm?


your .xresources has a different font set for urxvt

hyper is literally cancer. built on electron, and winblow$ version



Attached: 1547430847655.png (289x289, 42K)


This, just C-M-[f2] and run your commands there.


alt+ctl into a different tty and run all commands independently from the X session
tm*x users dont @ me

>not doing display splits to run an xorg server on one monitor and getty on another


no alternative, urxvt is best

I'm using xfce4-terminal because it fits my needs, but termite, terminator, guake, st, konsole, gnome-terminal, tilix are popular choices, as well as urxvt, so maybe the problems is in your config files

is there a more modern terminal that offers the ~same features but is actually made like that, not just a mess of tacked on features over the years? background images in urxvt for example are done with pixbuf and gtk+2



Try XST, it's an ST fork with transparency, scrolling, and a few other patches applied. It also pulls from X resources/defaults so configuration is easy

Thanks for the suggestion. However they apparently aren't going to include the delkey patch again (github.com/gnotclub/xst/issues/21) and I feel like using a fork of st, which includes patches that I don't need, conflicts with the idea behind st.

>try to hack on some suckless programs
>realize how little i know about C
i think i have to give up

What you mean by that?
It's a bitmap font terminal which is vastly superior. TrueType terminals are slow as fuck. Plus the font is blurry.

My go-to alternative is shitty rxvt-ascii

>being this retarded
install gentoo