Does Firefox spy on you

Does it?

Attached: file-6.jpg (515x1024, 556K)

Other urls found in this thread:
Yes. Even more than chrome.
Also crap list for retards into the trash it belongs.

Thank you so much. Time to switch to Ungoogled Chromium I geuss

>crap list for retards into the trash
OP's picture is literally from the site you linked, faggot.

Attached: 1547594439364.png (992x1250, 623K)

Chromium spies on you too.

I use waterfox, tell me why I shouldn't and whats a better similar option.

>t. NSA

Waterfox might as well be firefox with a different logo. If you're dead set on crapwarefox, at least use palemoon which does away with the majority of the cancer (but has its own political agendas).
That said, chrome cancer is more stable, much faster, much more standard-compliant (because every webnigger tests exclusively on chrome, so it basically MAKES the standard), and less botnet (no really).
My overall recommendation: everything's fucked, we need to rebuild the internet from scratch, and the tools to browse it.

>>t. NSA
>trying to be anonymous/private from comfort of home

The ungooglified chrome of Firefox. It still has botnets but less. Get Firefox Nightly and stop being a pussy.

You could also use Links desu.

He said ungoogled chromium you mongoloid

>at least use palemoon which does away with the majority of the cancer (but has its own political agendas).
>chrome cancer is more stable, much faster, much more standard-compliant
I can't say I have had any of those complaints about waterfox.

>The ungooglified chrome of Firefox. It still has botnets but less.
Which botnets does waterfox have?

>Get Firefox Nightly and stop being a pussy.
Whats better, different?

>After following the mitigation guide, this software is Not Spyware.
learn to read next time

Read it yourself, shill.

Automatic connections to some websites you've visited, including their trackers
Websites you visit most often are added to the New Tab panel. When you then open a new tab, Firefox will sometimes make requests to the sites in there, including some of their trackers. I haven't determined how it works yet. Sometimes it doesn't make the requests at all; other times you end up with hundreds of images, scripts, trackers, etc. loaded simply because you opened a new tab (without visiting any website explicitly). Was NOT able to find a way to disable this, even in about:config.

Chromium is actually the best

>using the new tab panel
user_pref("browser.newtabpage.enabled", false); user_pref("browser.newtab.url", "about:blank");

>Pale Moon blocks privacy enhancing addons like noscript, citing this rationale for blocking such an imporant addon:
>no noscript
you joking right?

>was not able to find a way to disable this

because you are a brainlet like OP and anyone else screaming Firefox botnet.

Mozilla publishes a wiki entry since years how to disable EVERY SINGLE NETWORK REQUEST that was not initiated by you by toggling couple flags “How to stop Firefox from making unrequested connections“ and yes I sniff the traffic .

I said it many times before and will again. Mozilla made Firefox the biggest brainlez filter. Good job.

Ungoogled Chromium is still Webkit/Blink based meaning using it you give your entire browsing history to Google and 1000 other advertisers due to fingerprinting.

But sure some legitimate telemetry (it's open source and can be disabled idiots) in Firefox I'd bad but Giving my entire browsing history to random advertisin companies is perfectly fine

You can still get noscript on it and last I heard it was only ad nauseam that they blocked.
That's the politics I was mentioning though. That's why I gave up and joined the (((ungoogled))) chromium botnet.


Instead of using Firefox reading the 5 minute manual on how to debotnez it (published by Mozilla themselves) and as thus avoiding giving your entire browsing history to Google and thousand other advertisers

How am I shill please elaborate instead of just butthurt around like a little child

Want to deny you give every single link you visit to Google and thousand other advertisers by using Blink/Webkit?

Want to deny that Mozilla publishes a wiki entry how to disable any automated connection?

Want to deny FF can protect you against fingerprinting?

does it work for waterfox as well?

whats with the low-res text? jesus christ

see above Post

as said Firefox is the biggest brainlet filter in existence. And you are proving this clearly again.

It's a fuckton of new virus checked code and buggy features but you are first to get cool stuff.

Again, if you really care about anonymity/privacy, stop using the internet.

There is no reason to fucking use Waterfox. All of those forks are made for brainlets like OP that cannot read documentation. Just use Firefox you even gain the ability to circumvent fingerprinting which no other browser has not even Waterfox or Icecat.

What if I use addons for that?

stop linking this website people need to understand what botnet actually means.
Qutebrowser is not a botnet (including to their classification) still it gives your entire browsing history to Google and countless other advertisers due to fingerprinting. And you guys don't consider that botnet? fcking brainlets

People scream at Mozilla because they don't focus on features user care about. If they want to gauge what feature they should invest money in people scream botnet. But when they neglect the wanted feature people scream switch browsers. How retarded are people??

Use Icecat niggers

You cannot stop fingerprinting with add-ons it is impossible (read browsers js api to understand why). Firefox 60+ has fingerprinting protection built in C code which cannot be circumvented. Add-ons can always be tricked though. That I'd why Tor says Chromium.cannot be used as Tor base browser.

Goylord, I...

fuuuuuuuuuck so what do I do, I don't want to go through massive hassle of moving all my shit and addons to a new browser for dubious gains

Found another Brainlet. Again anyone not using Firefox is either a brainlet (how do I read a wiki entry 3hard5me) or a shill.

The only thing Icecat does is make the changes at compile time for brainlets like you but lower privacy and security. Check it out yourself advertisers can instantly detect Browser forks (including Firefox and Chromium) which is the reason why using spinoff browsers (like Icecat, Brave or Ungoogled Chromium) actually helps advertisers

Install ungoogled chromium or write your own browser.

>dubios gains

that is the exact point.
In this thread there are maybe two people that understand how privacy works. All the others opened themselves to the botnet even more by using forks like Ungoogled Chromium Brave or Icecat.

If you care about privacy you install newest Firefox and enable resist Fingerprinting and remove all “privacy addons“. You clearly don't though so for you (a.d the rest of this thread) you can use default Google Chrome. I am dead serious all of you have your entire browsing history away already and by using obscure forks (including uungoogled) you are making it worse.

Ungoogled Chromium also gives your browsing history to Google and countless other advertisers you fucking idiot. Do you unterstand how fingerprinting works?

The only two ways to combat this is use Tor browser or use Firefox with resistFP enabled (which makes FF look identical as Tor for websites).

how is trying Worse than not even trying?

t. paid shill. Even the clinically retarded wouldn't be THAT dumb.

In Web privacy it sadly is as we could see here.
If all of those idiots in this thread stayed with default Chrome/Firefox they would be harder to fingerprint than with all the forks/privacy add-ons.

By using stuff like PrivacyBadgwr, Noscript, Ublock, Ungoogled Chromium, Icecat, Brave you stick out the masses. Which is the exact opposite of what you want to do. Which is also the reason that only Tor and Firefox in Tor mode can ever stop fingerprinting (giving your entire browsing history to Google and countless other advertisers).

So you deny that fingerprinting is a real thing?
Or do you deny that a random obscure fork is easier to fingerprint than the browser that billions of people run the exact same binary off?

But let me guess your next response gonna be “shill“ with no reasoning whatsoever like the give times before right? You aren't even a paid shill (a paid shill would at least do some research ) so why do you shill on the first place?

Maybe you didnt know how fingerprinting worked or what it is and now are sad that a Mongolian advertiser has your entire families psychodemographical profile while you continue to give countless random advertisers your browsing history

Dude you even know what fingerprinting is? He sadly is absolutely right. Literally go just try it yourself and run some fp scripts on different browsers. The hardest to target are stock Chrome/Firefox on Windows 10 with no add-ons at all. The easiest are Ungoogled Chromium/Waterfox and all those other forks.

By far the hardest to fingerprint (according to Google impossible) is stock Firefox with resistFP enabled

>broke: ITT everyone calling each other's browsers botnet and spyware/malware ad infanitum
>woke: ITT realizing that every browser ever is compromised, even tor browser.
>woke 2.0: not being an autist, and accepting the adage of "diminishing returns," and just being satisfied with adequate privacy considerations without requiring 10-15 hours a week of troubleshooting, because you're not downloading 50 TB of cheese pizza or part of a secret neo-nazi islamic bio-terrorist cult, and you're "okay" with some third rate advertiser getting the smallest scrap of your data that you will just adblock and "no tracker" signal away regardless.

Attached: 1547743052479.jpg (758x644, 64K)

>being that desperate

we all once gave Google our browsing history no need to worry. Lets just hope for you that you are inside European Economic Area and it wasn't anything politically debated. If you are outside the eea I am deeply sorry for you but you deserve it desu.

Brave moved to chromium and supports extensions now. Blocks all the google tracking spyware shit as well

>10-15 hours a week
I installed Firefox (took a minute maybe) started it then toggled the Tor flag and enabled block Tracker. All in all the setup took 3 minutes. Been using that setup since years. Don't know where the 10 hours a week come from. You don't even need any “privacy“ add-ons anymore.

And still leaves you vulnerable to fingerprinting ie giving your entire browsing history to random advertisers. And I know they implement “fp protection“ but no it doesn't work (run valves fp script then remember it is open source imagine how good commercial solutions are).

Brave is literally easier to fingerprint than stock Google Chrome. It is just a cashgrab by nutrient Brendan.

It's easy enough to spoof location to a Euro-peon locale. I'd recommend Linux users do this in a sandboxed browser such as the snap packaged firefox. This will allow you to run two versions of firefox without issues. You can run the version installed through your package manager for things that require your real location, thus limiting your real-life stuff to the botnet.

Attached: only oldfags will remember.png (1030x169, 29K)


It's possible to turn off automatic connections but you don't need to turn everything off like automatic updates.

* dom.webnotifications.enabled;false
* dom.push.enabled;false
* network.captive-portal-service.enabled;false
* privacy.resistFingerprinting;true

* English (United States) [en-us]
* English [en]
This makes browser fingerprinting harder because it's the default setting for Firefox USA.

Firefox preferences
* Homepage and new windows: Black Page
* New tabs: Blank page

* Provide search suggestions: off, if you don't want to make automatic queries when you type.
* Do not use Google.

Privacy & Security
* Trackers: Block all known trackers: Always
* Third-Party Cookies: Block all third-party cookies or just those set by trackers: All third-party cookies (may cause websites to break)
* Do Not Track: Always.
* Block cookies and site data: All third-party cookies
* Keep until: Firefox is closed
* History: Firefox will Use custom settings for history: Clear history when Firefox closes.
* Block dangerous and deceptive content: off, if you have trust issues.
* Certificates: Query OCSP responder servers to confirm the current validity of certificates off if you have trust issues.

* HTTPS Everywhere
* uBlock Origin
* Noscript

Start using offline password manager and install trusted auto fill plugin. After these changes Google reCAPTCHA is almost impossible to do unless you do it like 10 times. This happens because third party cookies are blocked, resistFingerprinting, uBlock Origin, Block all known trackers setting. These are some basic settings if you want to minimize connections and make it little bit harder to track you or you could just use Tor Browser which is by default much safer than anything else.

The firefox browser is spyware and poorly made. So what's left except a toxic community full of shills who harass everyone.

This will also make sure that your browser doesn't leak add-ons.

Might want to turn off these too:
* Allow Firefox to send technical and interaction data to Mozilla
* Allow Firefox to install and run studies
* Allow Firefox to send backlogged crash reports on your behalf

imagine being this retarded

no, but it sucks for other reasons.

That's why you spoof as chrome running on Windows 10

I go into about:config and change all the telemetry URLs to, does this help?

>ungoogled chromium
>top tier

I just blank them all.