Why is this allowed?

Why is this allowed?

Attached: shitty small backspace.png (640x480, 2K)

I wish I had that fucking enter key, half the time I push \ by accident. My fault for having a roccat arvo way back in the day.

guess you just cant handle a bigass

I can, but the problem is not with the return, but with backspace, it's fucknig small and you can accidentally click / or even printscreen on some keyboards.

lol just don't make mistakes, retard.

based and redpilled

Why is [thing I don't prefer] allowed

If everyone liked the same shit the world would be a better place

Get a keyboard with bigger backspace key. Or stop making mistakes.

>buying chink keyboards

You think that's bad?
This exists.

Attached: worstreturn.png (375x369, 3K)

oh god why

Attached: 1481949010931.jpg (403x330, 29K)

>retarded americans in charge of design

Underrated post.

Attached: 1831ad5d728153f817860d5c0bd5c29a.jpg (1200x900, 348K)


If your keyboard doesn't look like this, it is a bad keyboard.

Attached: unnamed.jpg (460x524, 38K)

>t. enterlet

Attached: Full-size-keyboard-form-factor-min.png (1235x371, 11K)

Based and redpilled

holy jesus

This guy is a homo

Everything in this post is lies.

Patrician configuration

Attached: man-pressing-blue-enter-key-clipart_csp3417751.jpg (450x338, 21K)


Attached: o.gif (500x500, 1.03M)

No mistakes allowed
Think before you type

He knows the weirding way.


W-what is happening?

>using a get script, and on one of the slower boards
Go away, kiddie

Attached: 1536195029090.jpg (542x537, 44K)

i have this

>didn't even post satania

Attached: 1547868487465.jpg (1255x613, 135K)

Check out these 1s

Check out these 4s

Check out these 8s.
Go on, check em.

Attached: 300px-Doublesguy.jpg (300x301, 17K)

so where do you fit the reverse virgule

I'll let you know when the little guy finds the spot

Yeah, it should be outlawed and existing keyboards burned down.


Attached: SmartSelect_20190119-193406_WhatsApp.jpg (1080x1700, 762K)

Attached: 1521706840956.gif (230x230, 1.54M)

I have this. Fucking hate it, because I used OP's skeyboard layout for 5 years and use my pinky for the enter key, now it cant reach REEEEEEEEE

>chinks still don't make cheap ISO keyboards
Fuck me

>he needs a 2u backspace
LMAOing @ ur life

Attached: IMG_20190119_143836.jpg (2976x3968, 1.25M)


The only based option

Attached: šđčćž.jpg (462x334, 154K)

Very happy with this layout/keysize

Attached: file.png (1707x503, 1001K)

They do tho
Look at aliexpress


>>no keys for Ш Ђ Ч Ћ Ж Џ

>small left shift

Burger spotted

Why'd you need extra bloat on your kb when you can fit an useful key there?

>his keyboard doesn't have an extra key for his left hand

I'm russian, actually.
Not needed.


Because you can put it in the right shift space, you mong. Better yet, split the backspace key and put it in that row.

Fixe'd that for you

Attached: 1547882670229.png (640x480, 3K)