Anyone has the txt file ?

Anyone has the txt file ?

Attached: Capture.jpg (798x399, 44K)

Other urls found in this thread:

where tf is Collection 1

inb4 huge fake

The mega dump is kill

I only have the ANTIPUBLIC magnet



Are you an idiot? It has my own and my friends' passwords

will download for fun
i wonder how well it will compress


Doesn't text have a 100:1 compression factor or something crazy like that?

it's uncompressed by default, but considering most email hosts are the same text over and over again, it should compress pretty well.

I myself don't have the other 4 collections and it sucks, I need to find them too

You probably meant something else. I thought you meant that the magnet sucks.
>t. not native speaker

As a thank you I've found this

Don't know how legit this is, but it's worth checking

Attached: coolcat.jpg (226x225, 6K)

Mah man, it's even compressed!
Thanks a bunch, I can download it before I can get another hdd.

getting 72% savings on 7z

I'm glad I help

i'll pass.
would have been nice to filter out your own shit though, to see which sites you'd have to change your password on.

BTW what the fuck is MYRQ ANTIPUBLIC ??

Attached: io.png (1661x1185, 365K)

so if i put my email there they will add me to their personal database and if i sent the password to them they also will have it?

wtf is 'anti public' ??

So change the password before checking the old one.

You only have to check the email, idiot.

wtf did anyone got into any email??

I tried a bunch of them with 0 résults

actually I've got into 1 on
wtf is this website

Your (or someone) created an account into it, and it was leaked. My email from 2003 appears as pwned on but nothing happened with it, even with the weak password I had before.

None of the fucking yahoo one work ffs

if someone wants to try it out.
post results

Attached: Capture.jpg (431x263, 50K)

That's a bummer. I'm downloading the whole dump just to check a single yahoo email.

it requires aditional verification you retards, like security questions and shit.

No I mean it doesn't work at all. Like the mails are outdated

What's the legality of downloading this entire password set?

In my country it's illegal.

If the people in the list cared at all they wouldn't be there.

Where are you from?

It's legal


Why wouldn't it be legal? Most everything in this list is old as fuck. Pretty sure it was selling for $45 originally, so that sort of gives you an indication of it's usefulness. If you have a legit immediate use for it, download it, but I think I'm going to wait until someone sorts it all and uploads the passwords list.That's really all this is good for anymore.

whats the most efficient way to search either the tar.gz or bulk text files in windows?

Thank you. does this include parts of collection 1? It looks like it might. Or have the torrent for it. See pic

Attached: torrent.png (1039x245, 45K)

probably a powershell command or you can run bash in Windows

Use a serious OS.

Windows is better at reading large files, Linux better at reading a lot of small files.

you mean inconvenience yourself 99% of the time to be efficient the other 1%

Attached: 160322_3006757_The_Coneheads_at_Home.jpg (720x480, 44K)

Glad I help. Could you tell me what ANTIPUBLIC or MYR means? I tried does email but nothing worked

Not sure unfortunately. Once they finish I will extract and report back. I expect to the files inside to be SQL dumps. I can easily parse these with phpmyadmin. If not SQL I can write quickie python scripts to parse

Someone tell me HOW tf do I use that??
Gmail doesn't even recognise this

Attached: c1.jpg (1370x819, 223K)

if you have the space to decompress everything to plain text files you can force windows search to dig through the text files

>indian OP
>dumb and lazy enough to avoid doing some shitty research by himself
never gonna make it, you fucking retard

>using windows search

I legit don't fucking know

you don't know what search engines are, and how to use them? yeah, that's obvious
finding info on a public leak isn't difficult, you are just dumb

I tried many fucking gmail adresse yahou and what not and got no results
what now?

The fuck are you doing. These aren't passwords for gmail. It's mail+password combinations for other sites.

don't help him, let the indian retard be retarded

>tfw enabled 2FA everywhere
i don't even care if my password is on those lists. anything that has access to my personal and/or financial info is behind 2FA, so no pajeet or other assorted shitskin will access it.

Collection one is already done, gigabit fiber fte. Lots of seeders for that one.
Collection two isn't as well seeded will take the rest of the day

Nice, gonna check it later. Is there already a version only with passwords?

What's the point of that?

Password cracking wordlists. There's nothing left of value in these dumps, it's all old shit, I don't even know why people are making such a big deal out of it. Most of the sites involved alerted their users to change their passwords long ago, and those few people who didn't have already been raped long before this list was made easily obtainable. I mean, you could use it for spamming, too, but, meh.

Don't think so, but removing usernames is trivial. Just remove all characters before ":" in each line. This would do:
$sed 's/[^-]*://' in.txt > out.txt

Lots of people still use these passwords for other sites. Also, many different people will unknowingly have the same passwords as others. People often derive their current password from the previous one. So if there is a specific target it will increase your odds. It may not be perfect but way better starting sample space than 0-9,a-Z plus all kinds of symbols.


so again, how do I mass search so many text files?

If you took the time to read the README in the torrent
>The total size of the uncompressed contents is 847GB. To search, please consider a command such as:
?zgrep -a "[email protected]" *.gz

Once or twice probably just text search like find or findstr. Explorer search in files option would work too.
I would bulk load into a database, create indexes, then search away.

>french text
who's the retard here again ?

I like it but jesus is it slow

yo mama slow

>tfw when some of your passwords are in there

I just downloaded it and grep'd for some of my emails. Feels weird knowing that people will be looking at my passwords.

You're literally one of the million people affected. Nobody cares about you specifically nor will anyone look at your password directly, computers will just use it.

I literally just searched for the email adresses of everyone I know and had a little laugh looking through their passwords.

>collection #5 social network combos


Attached: derrrrr.jpg (450x450, 44K)

>testing out grepping for files
>last entry is madman
The absolute madman

tried at least 50, none work

fake news, also got gmail banned my IP for 6h for too many login attempts so i cen't even login into my mail now

Are you retarded? You're supposed to use them for other sites, not the mail providers.

What websites are these dumps of?