Take shit

>take shit
>wipe thoroughly
>no poop on toilet paper
>hour later asshole itches
>go to wipe
>poop on the toilet paper
fucking explain this phenomena

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this explains it

you didn't get it all and it went more outward from your sphincter as you moved
you need to use baby wipes instead of paper to get it truly clean otherwise this'll keep happening

i cant. im at college. also the showerheads is fixed so i cant even clean properly during my showers

why the fuck would being at college matter
do they not have trash cans in college

I just took a poop, got a bunch of shit on my finger while wiping, washed my hands with shampoo, then five minutes later I'm here pooping again. I'm gonna take a shower next

i dont want to walk out of the stall with a bunch of shitty wet wipes if someones there. also you cant flush them down toilets thats how clogs happen

...they don't have trash cans in the stalls?
haha get fucked
just poop at home

not in the stalls. i guess from now on i'll hold in my shits for 4 weeks

you're in class for 4 weeks straight?
i'm afraid i don't understand the confusion

i live several hours from my home.

so where do you live and shower
you know what i'm not gonna try to understand just drag a trash can in the big stall with you

good idea

you missed

what the fuck america

it's hiding in your fat rolls

just wrap your finger with at least 4 layers of toilet paper and shove it way up your ass
swirl and clean

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Are you an indian?


I actually cannot believe this aspie is in college and can’t wipe his own ass. Euthanize yourself

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whoa man take it easy its just a literal shitpost

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>jack off thinking about how this happens to girls too

This happens to me almost every other day. Try using baby wipes instead. That's what I used to do and about to go back to doing.


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>didn't use a bidet
ok retard