Fuck Apple and its proprietary walled garden! Computers should be totally open and developed by a public decentralized...

>Fuck Apple and its proprietary walled garden! Computers should be totally open and developed by a public decentralized meritocratic global community!

>Yes Daddy Trump, Build That Wall™ and keep the scary brown people away! Global markets bad! But also government bad! And vagina scary! Mmm cheeseburgers and porn.

How do you reconcile these two?

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Are you comparing participating in a FOSS project to wanting criminals and terrorists roaming free in your streets?

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How do you know criminals and terrorists aren’t contributing to your favorite open-source projects?

You are implying that I'm a Jow Forums imbecile and a murican bootlicker.

You're wrong

Free software works in our favor.
Border security works in our favor.
There's your answer.

based trips shitposter

>Free software works in our favor.

In whose favor? The Chinese?

If they are they are doing a good job

The customer. Open borders and proprietary software work in favor of only one kind of people - owners of transnational corporations.

Are Google and Amazon and Samsung and Huawei and OnePlus not transnational corporations?

You have to go back >>>/reddit/

This, based criminals

A good job concealing backdoors and deliberate vulnerabilities? Yeah maybe.

If we actually had any kind of meritocracy we wouldn't need all the border-wall garbage. But we don't, we have diversity quotas and HR departments that are too stupid to actually recognize merit, so they use degrees and qualifications as a substitute, even in the face of diploma mills.

Linux uses a true free software license while the res of Android uses some cuck licenses. Because of that they are oblied to publicly release their contributions to Linux kernel(and they do) thus directly benefitting the customer while they aren't obliged to release any changes to Android itself(and they never do). Google's course of removing all traces of GPL code from Android is directly anti-consumer, as expected from transnational cancer.

>Fuck open source projects, I want Google and Apple to ram my asshole with spyware! Nothing to hide, nothing to fear! Meritocracy is bad because niggers! Let me lick more corporate boots!

>REEEE the president is doing things to increase national security and the quality of life of US citizens! How fucking dare he! REEEEEEE

How do shitlibs reconcile these two?

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It’s not my fault!! The scary brown people and vagina-people made me do it!!!!

This thread brought to you by a based discord tranny

>hurr da brown people wanna be my friends!
How fucking sheltered and naive do you have to be to believe this? Go travel. Go see the world. It's not butterflies and rainbows, faggot. Go backpacking in the third world and get beheaded like these imbeciles so we don't have to see your inane shitposts anymore.

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holy shit are you steve ballmer

>I love free software!!! Everyone should contribute, even adversarial foreign entities and enterprising criminals!!!!

>No, this country is only for deadbeat trailer trash heroin addicts from Ingurland!!! DARKIES SCARY

>I can only contribute when WHITEY pay for my educayshun and food! ORANGE MAN NO LIKE ME STAY ORANGE MAN BAD

Unemployed people should be sterilized.
Elderly people should be euthanized.
Affirmative action and cronyism should be illegal.

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>what is white hat vs black hat
nobody cares you kike

>da brown people wanna be muh friends!
>muh russia is gonna hack elections with open source!

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Trump is cronyism for lazy dumb white people like him

>Trump is cronyism for lazy dumb white people like him
>literally brought jobs back to the country's people regardless of their race
Clapping for your single digit IQ display.

Have you seen what brown people do to each other???

Yeah sure, look at all those black coal miners going back to work (until they inevitably get laid off again because their industry is irreversibly doomed)

How do you know a serial killer doesn't shop at your favorite grocery store? How do you know a murderer doesn't work at the movie theater you go to? Did you know that 100% of murders have drank water? I sure hope you've never had a sip of water!

>be "dumb and lazy" white people
>build all of western civilization
>in return we're told we aren't allowed to exist
Yeah, nah. Trump is entirely your fault. Your eventual execution by firing squad will also be your fault.