Why do people still use this dated format?

Why do people still use this dated format?

Attached: 1049px-Adobe_PDF.svg.png (1049x1024, 72K)

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new files are not necessary to be created in this format but for file preservation purposes we need PDF readers to read the 6 million already made .pdf files

Because it works.

Compatibility, flexibility, and because people are used to it.

unga bunga it print good bangu bangu

Because the layout doesn’t get fucked across different OS’s

just dont use actual adobe reader but third parties which support .pdf

actually is there anything inherently wrong with .pdf format?

it is the adobe reader which is fucked up

How about you actually specify what's wrong with it? Why does it need to be replaced?

This is why I like PDFs so much. If I need to print something I can create the document in LaTeX and print it on any computer available.

>6 million


Attached: ada4f02479185cad07efcce982541ff5.jpg (500x312, 37K)

What's so "dated" in it except that it wasn't made last year?

Why bother with fixed layout formats when we're in a digital age that allows us to create documents displayable at any dimension?
Shit like EPUB is a full webpage packaged together,with reflowable content to match any device or page dimensions one might need. A reader with the full CSS spec would be a hundred times better, in my opinion.

It targets a near-dead medium.

Don't imagine things, paper isn't going anywhere any time soon. Also even if you read from screen having pages is better than continuous scrolling.

CSS has support for paginated content, while still being flexible across page dimensions.

What commonly used desktop software supports epub? Even if Edge supports it (IIRC it does) that's still not commonly used. Meanwhile, every sys admin is installing a PDF reader of some sort onto employee computers. It's rarely ever about what tech is better.

Hey, just like Windows. Neat!

Digital documents in a non-editable format able to be saved locally and read with ease in a browser the PDF format is great Adobe's Reader is not needed since the format itself can be made and used without Adobe.

This is bull. It at most has less abstractions in terms of page layout, making editing less convenient, but there's nothing special that makes PDF "non-editable".

>read with ease in a browser
HTML files? If you want to make it difficult to edit, just obfuscate it's contents to be generated live.

PDF is just extensions on PostScript, of all you need to do it print and view documents you don't need PDF.
Zathura has postscript support
Failing that for whatever reason DjVu is smaller and does what PDF does better.

If you want you can convert PDF's into these formats and back again, I do this with my resume it's stores is a ps format but I can also generate a pdf with groff of I need to send it out. Hard copies are printed directly.
If you have an ltp printer you can do something like this:
cat document.ps | /dev/lpt to print it directly with out drivers on unix like systems.

Try filling government forms nigger
Only pc/mac adobe can open them. Not even the adobe mobile can. It gives an error that says you need to open them on a fucking computer

Fuck that's a lot of typos.
Not a poo just working on a total of 6 hours of sleep over the last 3 days because of insomnia and family ER shenanigans.
Point is Jow Forums and the rest of the internet will focus on how PDF preserves format perfectly across all platforms, but so does PostScript and DjVu but they're just better if not a little more obscure formats.

epubs fucking suck

What sucks about them?

I hope your loved ones recover to the fullest extent.

Because you are obviously mentally retarded. kys