Facebook allegedly pays for noise-cancelling headphones for employees

lolpen office

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I like my open office because my coworkers aren't subhuman and I'm not autistic that I can't tune them out.

good programmers are autistic, there's no way around it desu


My job gave everyone plantronics.com/us/en/product/voyager-focus-uc when we moved into our new buildings.

They are a little bass heavy, but decent for calls. I've sinced moved to a mostly remote team and have been really enjoying the ability to focus (though home does have it's own distractions)

op is probably talking about developer jobs not call center monkey subhuman jobs like yours

>tfw sit behind the supervisor's desk at an open office and have a wall of monitors and equipment separating me from the babble and distractions

yes it's obvious to me how that compromises my ability to actually supervise people but do you think I care?

I don't get this meme. Software Engineering is a very collaborative and also political process.
If you're social skills are garbage I don't see how you could function in "most" engineering jobs.

Giving people who lop their dicks off and kill themselves at 30 an option in your dropdown menus isn't political.

That's how it works.

The virgin employees keep the company working, the Chad managers yell at the virgins and get paid 200k+ starting.

>pay $300 for headphones or pay $20,000 a year per employee for his own office
>gee, I wonder which one is better?
Also, Bose is shit.

The "virgin employees" get paid 200k+ starting. Also you don't become a "chad manager" without being a "virgin employee" first. They don't hire clueless MBA fucks with no technical knowledge to manage the programmers, because all of them would quit immediately.

I don't think you've ever worked in an engineering firm. Being technically "right" is never enough. I've been having to deal with my company's security team and convince them to adopt a better process.
More often than not my work isn't mostly coding, it's communicating my thoughts and implementation and getting buy in. Sure if you're some sort of savant you may have some success but most people aren't, but it's delusional to think just because you're a bit cleverer than other you're gonna succeed.

>Software Engineering is a very collaborative and also political process
no it's not, thats just the zoomer meme startups in the last 10 years or so. open offices are shit and people notice, most unhappy employees, unproductive, and so on. deal with it.

How is that related in anyway to what I said? Every fucking job you do is political, especially engineering where you're trying to convince non-technical people to do or not do X.

>Software Engineering is a very collaborative
Not if you're any good.
Hard to think deeply if you're being talked at and expected to respond.

>open office
just like a sweatshop

the whole network is noise.

Facebook has done this since forever. Even when they were in the Sun building.

Cheaper to buy shitty bose memephones than it is to build proper offices.

Wiring up React pages doesn't make much intellectual energy.

When developing software what you need is 75% of the time the ability to concentrate. Communicating with others, although of high importance, isn't what you do most of the time. As a separate matter, open offices are prevents effective communication. A team office with 3-5 people is ideal for collaborating.

Since when is writing code considered “engineering”?????

about a decade ago and engineer is "one who designs and builds" so its not really that misleading in relation the other job titles that abuse the word. but its just a word and it doesnt really matter as long as everybody is on the same page

t. unemployed

design and planning is collaborative, implementation you can do on your own

Not when it's just you and an intern.

>open offices are the future!
>take everyone out of cubicles or their offices
>put them in an open office
>give them noise cancelling headphones so they have at least some privacy back
>some higher ups got paid tens of thousands of dollars for suggesting changing to an open office

Social skills arent required. Whats required is neuro linguistic programming skills. Understanding neuro linguistic programming and how it can be used to create more readable code is mind opening on many levels. For example if you got some big ass monolithic class that no one understands cept the guy who created it 10 years ago and no longer works at the company, then change the name of the class to "what it does". Simply naming the class for what it actually does will naturally decrease the size of the class. A huge monolithic class might be called 'Machine', to decrease its size, change its name to what it does 'MachineRunTimeValueEvaluator,' if your team is following the 'boy scout rule' the size of the MachineRunTimeValueEvaluator will naturally decrease in size with onlly the methods that directly pertain to evaluating the machines values at runtime...

If you need to decrease clutter of many classes, create a new class that describes what the many classes "are", call it "what it is" to naturally increase its size. For example, say you got 10 different classes that all do damage to an enemy (assuming your making a video game), changing the name of the classes from 'shootMissle', 'punchNazi', 'fireArrowFromBow', to a more general class name like 'AttackEnemy' will naturally allow one to reduce the size of those classes (with an abstract class) or remove them completely (with a builder pattern, or state pattern, or strategy pattern...).

When used correctly, class, method/function, and variable names can drastically reduce complexity of a codebase, and therefore reduce the amount of time spent explaining shit to normies with so called social skills. Social skills are for fags.