Prometheus --> LaTeX

Prometheus --> LaTeX

Attached: 3sengLM.jpg (600x315, 41K)


Attached: lout.jpg (960x1200, 212K)

What's so good about it

Nothing. It's basically Jow Forums autism

fucking everything


But Knuth is a genius. I read his books on latex and metafont and taocp


Attached: basedlout.png (1622x844, 213K)

So tex has soul and magic to it. Like a really weaver of reality I feel when I use it.

Lout is boring . 21st century soulless monotony utilitarian . Dehumanizing

Attached: reallynigga.jpg (369x387, 24K)

Everyone uses tex. I literally have a job because I only know tex (not a programmer at all)

Nobody wants lout

what kinda shit job is that?

I never heard of lout, TeX sucks major asshole and nowadays I would rather use web browsers and print to PDF or share some link to the page. Everything else is just ancient crapware.

I work remotely and get $70k for basically working Microsoft word infrequently . It's a sweet job .

Are tex and lout Turing complete




Attached: pandoc.jpg (359x588, 51K)

Damnit bro
I need a job and I know LaTeX, computer science, programming, mathematics, Linux, networking, security and a bunch of other shit
Why can't I get a job??

Please verify

Does lout allow you to make custom fonts and symbols

tex is great but I hate the default font

I like Linux libertine and biolinum myself

No idea, but i implemented an ODE solver with RK4 in LaTeX a while ago. it was dogshit slow.


4th order Runge Kutta method

Because you don't know any of those things. Search up Dunning-Kruger effect.

I thought Prometheus was a monitoring system