Comfy CLI UIs

I'm writing a command-line thing with python/curses (screenshot attached), and I'm feeling totally uninspired when it comes to the UI design.

Is there some kind of gallery out there of good text-based UIs? Or maybe post screenshots of some that you like?

Attached: snip.png (1044x629, 54K)

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Bampin' for Jesus


thanks frand

You're talking about TUIs, which are different from CLIs.
As for CLIs, I like ed's UI. It's been shown to be usable for things other than text editors too, like in the web browser edbrowse.
As for TUI's, I suppose tinyfugue 5 is alright, but probably not what you're looking for. All it does is separate input and output into two separate panes, and let you switch between instances of these with alt-left and alt-right.
Finch's TUI is horrible. It basically tries to look like an entire DE in your terminal. If you don't enable optional mouse support, it's basically a nightmare to use, especially since newly-spawned windows are just spawned in the upper left corner of the screen at their minimum size.
Also, OP, what's up with your font? The default font in win10 is different than that.

Attached: finch.png (1024x768, 9K)

>Also, OP, what's up with your font?
>what are the raster fonts that have been in use since DOS 2.0

Attached: gtop.png (1060x908, 1.1M)

Attached: ncmpcpp.png (1028x896, 1.18M)

Attached: htop.png (1018x910, 1.17M)

Attached: s-tui.png (1014x889, 882K)

Good point. OP, if you're already using curses, you should also be using color.

needs more padding to go with the useless blinking graphs

Not OP

Attached: glass18.png (1920x1080, 514K)

Only your purposes can make something useless.

no you fucking cringy hippie, there's just tools that do the same shit better whilst using half the screen estate. it's useless because it's shit.

Cool, then post screens


Attached: cmus.png (857x523, 94K)

Attached: 1541323103165.png (1167x829, 23K)

True, a lot of people like Mutt and newsboat.

Attached: wordgrinder.png (804x460, 30K)

Here's a UI i made using python/curses for my terminal youtube audio player

Attached: 68747470733a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f523861305a79352e706e67.png (1919x1079, 590K)

Share your wallpaper, damn it!

It +7mo
here's a link

Attached: 0.png (256x256, 10K)


any TUI for parted?

not a CLI

Attached: goaccess.png (1006x880, 1011K)