What language do they teach in CompSci?

What language do they teach in CompSci?

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And Java

mostly programming languages


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Pajeet-tier Enterprise Java


javascript cuz its the bestest one

Mostly Python. Maybe some Java if the prof. is Pajeet.

Ugh. I'm wanna get into compsci next year but not study python. I thought it was usually c++?

It depends on the course and professor. I graduated somewhat recently and was taught Python, C, C++, and C#.

The first term they taught us Pascal (unless you already knew functional programming), from then on you use whatever you want.

Depends on
And occasionally the alignment of stars.

Java and C++

Why do you need to go to uni if you just want to learn c++? Just teach yourself dummy.

In my uni
>starts with java
>then SQL and database stuff
>then assembly
>then C
>then vhdl
>back to c
>assembly again
>back to vhdl
>then bunch of different ones depending on electives

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in my course they taught c, java, haskell, mips assembler, prolog and c++ (although the last was mosly by ourselves)

depend where you go.
For me it was :
5 years C
2 years java
2 years c++
2 years asm
3 years python

I work with C++ now.


the better the university, the better the languages

At CUNY it’s Python, C++ and Java.

Java for my program... i ended up dropping out though so they made have taught other stuff afterwards.

When I still attened UC Davis, the curriculum when something like this:
>C++ (well...mostly C with classes)
>Java, LISP, Prolog
>Whatever else you electives required of you

I hear nowadays C++ is being replaced with Rust or Java depending on the professor. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing. No SICP because it's not Berkeley.

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I'm in my second year and so far: Haskell, Assembly, C, Java and currently learning Javascript and Erlang.

This can't be a CS class, 95% of the class DOESN'T have a laptop out (with 80% being mac books). But the languages you learn in CS are different depending on your school. Where I'm from, in chronological order, it's
>introductory course with Java
>Data structures with C++
>Data architecture with Verilog and MIPS assembly
>Systems programming with C
>Numerical methods with python
>electives based on w/e you want

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In my case (you'll know which uni this is if you went), Oberon (as in Niklaus Wirth's) and Haskell and a little bit of Scala. It didn't make any sense at all.

Oh and then of course for any practical programming they just magically expect you to know C/C++/Java/whatever as soon as they drop a group project or something on you that requires it. Thanks guys really helpful.

>MIPS assembly
Academic world, please stop with this bullshit. If you're going to be teaching people assembly at least teach them an architecture that's actually relevant and they can use outside the class room.


Which one, I'm starting at Hunter. Not from here heard city is the correct choice

Python, Java, and C

first semester: C and basic Assembly
second semester: C++ and SQL
third semester: Java, JavaScript, PHP, Matlab, C and SQL
fourth semester: Java, C, C++, Python and JavaScript
two semesters remaining

MIPS assembly here and I'm Europoor

Depends on the Uni and teacher. I graduated in '99 and it was all C++. I talk to the interns at work and most of them say it's a lot of Python.

C++, Java and C#

Its not about the languages brainlet

My engineering school taught C, C++, AVR Assembler, Java and C#

I was taught in this order during my bachelor's degree:

Why did all of you only had 3-5 languages? Did you even studied computer science or just go there to get a job? I can't imagine teaching theory and paradigms with just top 5 langs.

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At my uni so far

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In mine
>started with C
>more C
>Java again
>more C
>more Java

I forgot about Go. I learned we learned it while doing Ada.

and redbulled

Why would they need to teach it?

MIPS is probably the most common architecture out there. x86 32-bit is what my college teaches

You probably can get a job working in MIPS assembly -- if you live in Beijing.

>MIPS is probably the most common architecture out there
Maybe in "intro to assembly" courses but not in industry. Most common architecture by number of processor cores out there might be something like 8051 or some similar cheap-as-chips microcontroller architecture.

You could pick up all three of those languages in a couple of days once you understand fundamentals, the fact that you're taking a CS class and you didn't explore one of them one your own shows what a lazy, untalented piece of shit you are.

MIPS is commonly taught in universities for two reasons:
1) Most academic material is written for MIPS
2) It's one of the "purer" examples of RISC architectures, which makes it suitable for teaching

In reality, MIPS is almost non-existent in industry and ARM is the most common RISC architecture these days.

Java - A lot of universities don't require students to know a programming language before they start since some schools don't offer the facility to teach programming. So usually your first semester will have a basic crash course in Java where you can probably skip the lectures as long as you complete the assignments (which are basic programming tasks). If you have any group assignments then you'll probably have to do it in Java.

Haskell/Ocaml - You'll probably have at least one functional programming module where you'll have to use these

Javascript - Usually there's at least one module on websites, where you'll also cover HTML/CSS/XML/etc.

MIPS - A lot of courses will have a module on computer architecture and MIPS is usually taught due to its simplicity

C/C++ - It was an optional module on my course, but it was a necessary pre-requisite if you wanted to take any OS-related modules later on

Python - My course never officially taught us Python but we needed to know Python for some of the more specialised modules where you would use Python APIs (e.g. robotics)

These but some school double up and teach 2 semesters of python and 2 semesters of java.

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>LGBT studies

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Oh I forgot Python.

MIPS is good, user

> African Liberation

So it took you 14 years to get through your comp sci program?


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English, obviously as a second language.


That's a lot of post-grad... right?

Start with C first semester, then C++ the next semester

Third semester continue with C++ but go over MIPS assembly and lower level concepts

4th semester branch out into C#, Standard ML, Python, and a tiny bit of Java

After that you use whatever you want, all the classes are theory or group project based.

Broadening units are cancer and a waste of money.
Fuck them.

Bydhon :DDD

For electives:
C++, python, matlab, sql, opengl and others were taught, but usually it was up to the professor

>going to uni for 14 years
>for fucking comp sci
And I thought FOUR years was too much time. I know some teenagers who understand all of those languages, and more..as a hobby.

My program was heavily theory and notes were generally uploaded so guess the jokes on me

>Big 10 school
--Other languages are based on specialization and electives--
I fucked up early on and didn't have money/time to take any C/C++ oriented classes.

It doesn't matter anyway, every single entry level position within 250 miles is just C# and ReactJS

Haskell, Java, C, C++, Prolog, Python

Top UK uni here

My course so far has consisted of z80 Assembly, pascal, Java and go. We've done some JS (we learned about node.js but made a pact to keep JS in the front end where it belongs) and php for web tech but idk if that counts.

your first class will be in python, the rest depends on the school. i've used python, java, and c in my classes so far.

My first class was in Java, Both in high school and college.


You're not studying python you fucking retard. You're learning concepts that will be taught using python.

Why do you guys care so much about languages? Most languages you would be taught are easy as fuck to learn so long as you know at least one and excluding more exotic languages. Literally just learn pretty much anything and you'll be able to figure out the rest.



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Welcome to American University.

But how are you going to write N64/PS homebrew? Or hack Tesla Model S cars?

We are doing everything at my uni. Used Java, Python, C, C++, PHP, Javascript to name a few.

I think the best universities will expose you to the major paradigms as well as get you exposed the most in-demand languages of today.

My uni started with C for some fucking reason. Probably to deter brainlets (like me)


C++, Java, Python, SQL, Matlab
Math/CS double major, minor in accounting

>t. currently using the accounting minor more than the Math and CS at my job, STEM is saturated, desu

Instead of, you know, teaching computer science.

python, c, java, mips asm, lisp, prolog, haskell, javascript

Well yeah that's a given. I'm just talking about languages.

stealing this one for future ylyl threads

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Lmao came in here to post this, and it was the first post

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t. Drops out first semester, blames it on python

Depends on the college, although it's usually Java, Python, or C++, sometimes all 3.

>UC Davis

Why would anyone go to that school for CS? I understand for vet stuff, but not CS.

>Calc I junior year
CS majors truly are brainlets

Main Classes: Python, C++, MIPS ASM, Java
Elective Classes: Fortran 70, Ada, Lisp, C, Android, and MatLab
That one Stats class...R
Research Project: Mathematica (Computational Physics)

All the theory classes/data structures were C++ or Java our choice.

i did python first sem, it replaced scheme at my university

What about WiFi routers, Cameras, and TVs??

"MIPS is faster than ARM clock by clock for networking, but for software,VPN and others ARM is faster" - some asshole

City tech?


for me, roughly in order:
- python
- c++
- c
- x86 assembly (but only a small amount)
- ocaml
- haskell
- scheme
- java
- prolog

but ultimately depends on the course(s) you take.

went to CMU


Everything else was mostly math and used programming languages sparingly

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My grad level CS stuff was mostly made up of Macs. I went to a top 10 school as well. Most of the spazbergers and purists were masters en route people.

Java on theory courses
Simplified hypothetical assembly in computer architecture
R on statistics courses
Sepples in competitive programming
Occasionally someone organizes a course for some other language, but usually it's better to just read a book or enroll in a MOOC organized by another university