Jow Forums makes a programmable text editor one feature at a time

Jow Forums makes a programmable text editor one feature at a time.

Attached: sublime2-56a5aa575f9b58b7d0dde2ba.jpg (768x538, 68K)

Hentai browsing

nothing works

It launches vim at startup and then deletes itself.


installs gentoo

deletes all of your repos if you login to github with it

inserts malware into your sourcefiles

when you open it up for the first time it orders rainbow colored socks

Randomly swaps true and false in the code on save

When you indent a line it's ever so slightly off from the flow of the rest of the text.

God fucking damn it. Every time.

Runs on Electron.

Only allows saving files from 9am-5pm in your OSs current time zone.

Inline images but search and replace only works if you want to replace text with images of anal fisting or sounding

The only font is monospace horizontally, but not vertically.

Windows style line endings only

vim keybindings

Only font is Wingdings.

reading email

500 character limit per file

>everyone is describing all the features emacs has

Number of characters counted as the number of unicode grapheme clusters.

built-in scheme interpreter.

You need to solve recaptcha every save

Scrolling XOR's the text onto the line above / below.

secret password to exit

Better, you need to guess a random password to save your file

great idea, i will make the logo

press f12 a pink dick come on the screen and cums all over the places and erases your code.

>actually wanted to post a useful feature
God I'm tired, I need to go to sleep.

it's a vi clone with a scripting language that's not shitty

common lisp or scheme, perhaps.

Good news, i have made the logo.

Attached: logo.png (1920x1080, 22K)

To change settings you have to manually recompile the program

what the fuck

Requires root access

This but with a scripting language that is shitty

common lisp or scheme, perhaps.

Clone of acme wich expose its resources as a fuse pseudo filesystem.
You can use any language you like as ling as it has read, open, write on files

every letter is a random color

vi with FIFO FS doesn't sound like a bad idea, yeah

Tab inserts the eggplant emoji 4 times

shift inverts colors
caps lock randomizes colors

One button, that writes programmable text editor with features described one at a time

1 minute latency on every keypress

Randomizes variable names after each save to protect against hackers

autocorrect recommendations to gender neutral and PoC friendly terms, such as trans friendly acronyms and not use m*ster-sl*ve - perhaps part of a wider code of conduct.

revolutionary open source telemetry aka everything you type gets outputted through the official editor public twitter account with the hashtag #yourusernameyouripaddress

3D text visualization with a good plug in system for generating visualizations.
3D is woefully underused in programming even in inherently 3D problems.
Terry had the right idea.

Making an opening quote or bracket will always automatically make a closing one.
Deleting one will always delete the other.
Even inside strings.
Even if you escape them.
Even if you Copy/Paste them.
There is no exception.

in the 30 days trial version only the left half of the keyboard works

Useful features? On my Jow Forums?

>revolutionary open source telemetry aka everything you type gets outputted..

if you guys would actually implement even a third of these ideas, you'd have an award winning meme program. Shame, too lazy to even be sarcastic correctly.

a closing bracket always inserts an opening bracket on a random line in a random file

comes with a builtin screensaver that's actually a slideshow that fetches and displays the last 20 pics posted on Jow Forums

make a vi clone but with easier shortcuts, wait 2-3 years and every loonix faggot in their mother will be using that shit and vi will die off

>even if you copy paste them.
So if you've just got code "string code it will just close the string at an arbitrary point?
Are we not just talking about an editor which has lexing which is a very common feature in editors?
>deleting one will always delete the other
Again this sound like a lexing problem.
>even if you escape them
That's a new feature I think.
I'd like escaped quotes to be highlighted differently and be without the escape syntax.