Is Jow Forums X dead?

Is Jow Forums X dead?

Attached: x.png (128x128, 925)

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Works on mine.

>not using the mantained Jow Forums X + OneeChan

Attached: 2019-01-22.png (1919x940, 298K)

Firefox + Violentmonkey here. Works juuuuuuust fiiiiiiiiiine.

With 4chanx is there a way to have the quick reply pop out from the side?
I remember it being a feature in appchan.

Oh wow.
Where di you get it, user? Forums-x Forums-x

there's step by step installation, follow them and you will be just fine.

You mean this?

Attached: Capture.png (337x413, 7K)

Instead of it being drop down, you could have it prop out from the size instead.

yeah, i understand, i find it useful, but there's not anymore, at least i couldn't find it in the settings.

>v1.14.5.7 (2019-01-06)

more like your brain is dead

Works on my machine.jpg

Attached: 4chan-x.png (2560x1400, 163K)

no, it just doesn't get updated very often. and i can see why. there's not much to update.

>tampermonkey botnet
>iridium miner
>meme browser

remember that bitcoin fag who donated a million dolaridos to gnome?
you just know they spent it on women and nigger out reach

>Latest commit 01319ee on 28 Nov 2018
>not dead
That fucker wanted something to do before uni starts and shilled it for a few days. Turns out that javascript is not for brainlets, contrary to memes.

wish appchan x was still updated, it was a way better extension

Parnell is a lazy bum, you should bully him in the desktop thread anytime you see him because of it.


no, you are
