
I'm looking for a programming language that is:

• Statically typed
• With a strong type system (no implicit cast)
• Garbage collected
• Include a REPL
• Isn't purely OO (the class is a redflag)
• Isn't purely functional
• Isn't Javascript
• Is stable
• Have rich standard library
• «Community» isn't an aggregate of utter faggot, SJW and trannies (picture related)
• Performance doesn't matter much

Attached: p7vbk91ccet11.jpg (960x1280, 90K)

have you tried turning it off and on again?

>class is a redflag
>muh community
>muh people and feels
>Performance doesn't matter

Attached: 1547998446687.png (882x1025, 246K)


Thanks for your help lads. After some extra researches I decided to pick Ocaml for my next project because it has all the feature I want!



Attached: fgm.png (533x390, 24K)

you already made it abundantly clear that you're a retarded faggot

Based language indeed.

Enjoy no multicore support lmfao

>Performance doesn't matter much


Haskell or idris.

SBCL is probably your best bet, but you might not be enlightened enough to understand its genius. Beside, CCL is better than SBCL despite its lack of explicit typing.

OpenDylan might be your cup of tea in that case.
Another options is OCaml but I don't like the fact it's so fragmented, even the standard library is a competition between 3 providers. Though as a bonus it's fast as fuck.

Standard ML (SML, an extension of ML, the metalanguage of Edinburgh LCF) would have fit the bill. Not sure if anyone uses it any more. Was my favorite language 30 years ago.


>performance doesn't matter

Why do you care about the politics or the community of a programming language you fucking idiot? If the average library code quality is garbage that's one thing, but you didn't say you wanted a competent community. If the community was full of 'SJWs' and 'trannies' and the community programming-wise was great would you ignore it?

And also you care enough to say 'no faggots' but you don't care about the performance of the actual fucking language? How retarded are you?


>I'm looking for a programming language

Wtf oldfag

I like common lisp but it's shit on microsoft® windows™

spotted the faggot

I'm looking for a hammer that is made of vibranium, can absorb radiation, is lighter than a feather, is less than $10...
If you had anything worth making you'd stop giving a shit about the tools and just build it.


CCL tends to work quite well on windows, unlike SBCL, which is one of many reasons why I recommend it. Don't know if it keeps working as expected if you push it to the limit but I hear it does.

Nim unironically.
>statically typed
>strong type system
>extremely performant, highly effective GC
>not purely OO
>not purely functional
>not javascript
>core language features are stable
>advanced features are approaching full stability, and are completely usable as-is
>nimble.directory is growing at an insane rate
>standard library includes massive assortment of data generic structures and algorithms, string manipulation and parsing, unicode, generic OS utilities, streams, serialization/deserialization of data structures, JSON, and XML, async/await, math, http servers and clients, crypto, unit testing, etc
>developers fixated on project, not politics
>reasonably performant, not the fastest thing on earth but respectable

>meaningful whitespace
>op_is_a_faggot resolves to the same thing as opIsAFaggot which resolves to the same thing as OpIsAFaggot

>syntactic whitespace
curly brackets are a kludge, t. C developer
>op_is_a_faggot resolves to the same thing as opIsAFaggot which resolves to the same thing as OpIsAFaggot
god forbid a language enforce clean semantics

as much as i like swift, it isn't mature/stable, it isn't garbage collected (technically, it uses automatic reference counting), and the standard library is only good if you're developing for iOS. to be honest i haven't tried using it on linux but from what i've read it isn't a great experience.

Absolutely retarded set of requirements.
Why the fuck do you need a REPL?
Who cares if the community is left-wing? That's unrelated to programming.

lol no generics


Use F# which is basically a better OCaml with .NET support



>strong static typing
So, right here, you've eliminated most programming languages with the exception of a few functional languages.

>wants non OO
>gives OO variant of caml

Dude just use common lisp

t. retard