Wierd or obscure pc parts or addons

Title. Post some wierd or dumb tech shit that has no reason to exist

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>no fun allowed

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Lel, I used to own pic related. I had to toss it when my daughter figured out how to push in the lighter. Total fire hazard.

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It exists to keep my coffee warm. Enjoy your cold coffee, loser.


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I used to have that chassis. The 2x external SATA drive bays on top were awesome, but those sides alongside with 1x120mm intake, 1x120mm & 1x200mm exhaust made it a fucking dust vacuum.

It turns an otherwise useless blank 5.25 bay in to a cup holder and cig lighter. I wouldn't want one but it does have a reason to exist.

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>get pc cupholder
>fill with water to the brim
>compile 3 gentoo kernels in parallel at 3 am
>cpu overheats
>pic related

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The fuck is this and i want one

can anyone explain why would anyone buy usb expander cards? he must have had some grant for it. probably research thesis for nsa of some sort.

>diet bepsis
>not a bud light and marlb
Soys these days

Wtf is this, a little roomba that runs around a touchscreen?

After a few seconds of this video I thought you were one of those faggots who encode low res images as webm to make them somehow cooler, and was about to close it. Then it started moving.

for the keks, presumably
>he must have had some grant for it
USB controllers are dirt cheap

This made my day

god i remember having to do that kinda shit. am I a boomer yet?

>Original Centurion
Fugg, that hit the nostalgia guts.

Its the secondary display that came with the Mozart TX, that fuchueg case they came out with a great while back. One side of the case could support any normal system while the other could host a mini-itx system (or mATX with a quick and dirty hackjob). That thing was for the ITX system.

Drink bleach and shoot yourself in the mouth, you worthless abortion-surviving sack of shit.

To get more USB ports, retard. They cost less than $10, how retarded can you be.

My old CRT that I still have (though not on my main computer have lcd for that it's on an old one these days) still has these arms attached to it from the 9x era.

Attached: s-l640.jpg (571x640, 55K)

>these things are real and not photoshops
I was sure that thermaltake thing was fake because it looks exactly like a car dvd player

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Thats still only 15W. gonna be a slow cook.