Remaining on Old Skype

It seems like Microsoft finally decided to carry out the final execution of old skype today. It struck multiple of my other friends who too, like me, were holdouts refusing to update for as long as possible; Oddly, it didn't strike us all at the same time, nor even the same day. The first to fall was a week ago, me and another lad have just been hit with it today. I've been trying to figure out how to prevent this popup (other than by turning the internet off, but then Skype is useless) but I haven't had good luck. Any anons here figure out how to remain on Skype version 7? I really don't want to "upgrade".

Attached: forced update.png (518x394, 35K)

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I still use Lync at work because Skype is so horrible

I know right? time to move to raidcall

Is that still a thing? I remember it had lots of music bots. A quick search returns weird sites like

Honestly, I'd say you just switch to a different platform; it's not worth the effort.
Give a try. Or, if you're not afraid of botnet, try Slack or Discord.

Kys shill

Shit I haven't used Raidcall since 2014 or 2015

I guess it is, huh.

I need the ability to group call, group video, screen and audio share would be nice too. I also want to stay out of the botnet with my niggas.

Does Riot have group video calls?

People like you are why there’s so much garbage traffic on the internet. Patch your shit already.

Maybe Microsoft should stop removing features in version 7 (like separated Sound/Screen share) from the program I use to communicate with friends

>suggesting three separate pieces of software is shilling
okay then, neckbeard. go install gentoo again or something.

Riot does have group video calls.
I'd say Riot/Matrix is the best non-botnet chat platform out right now.

>I need the ability to group call, group video, screen and audio share would be nice too.
Discord has everything, also you don't even need an account to use those services. You can just use an ditch every time.

I don't think you can actually stay away from the botnet if you want all those features.

idk man

I was thinking about Riot, I've tried it before but didn't switch over due to the lack of interest in my friends to switch with me

Just use Discord bro

Wire is like old skype, but better - open source and encrypted. Good shit.

Attached: cholula.jpg (578x578, 28K)

I don't want to give all my convos to the Israelis

More info on wire?

The US government works closely with the Israeli government. If the US government has it, then the Israelis do. And I highly doubt Microsoft hides any chats or voice from the US government.

Agree. Just signed into Xbox Live on a new computer and chats from years ago show up. Microsoft stores literally everything you type into their ecosystem.

>still using skype
holy shit

Pretty sure skype 7 is/was pretty privacy friendly for the most part though