Majored in cs

>majored in cs
>complete forgot how to program because I have no use for it and hate technology
>keep trying to learn again but it's so demoralizing
>keep dropping languages and trying to learn new ones
>always stuck in this cycle where I'm perpetually in a boring introduction
>end up giving up for months
>tfw stuck working in a warehouse

I don't even want a job I just wish I could program something cool...

Attached: Movie_review_Kingdom_of_Heaven.gif (1140x797, 413K)

Not everyone can learn to code and it has no statement of intelligence either way. I'm sad I fell for that lie from my professors . I wish I studied something meaningful

>majored on cs
>have no use for programming
>hate technology
Dude, why?

well, you should work towards something. I'd personally suggest doing some website stuff.

The job market is like mostly website programming, then doing stuff for military. You have to think about where you wana live, what kind of things you wanna do. And programming can easily get you a 6 figure income in 1-3 years. This is a huge supplement to whatever long term goals you have. The long term is what you should aim for, doing programming sucks, and everyone hates it. You gotta get over that, everyone is in the same boat. Even if you want to do something else, you should use what you have for now, cause it allows you to be s much ahead vs not having anything and bleeding yourself.

Personally I'm looking for embedded programming jobs and those are either medical devices or military contractors like boeing/lockheed martin/raytheon/cerdec. but this is to save up to take yoga teacher training.

I liked computers in the beginning and eventually it would have taken longer to graduate and I had already realized I hated academia and couldn't stand classes other than certain math or cs theory.
I never majored in it for the salary . It came from a genuine enjoyment of computers . But after learning about how they function and being forced to program as well as paying more attention to tech development . I'm completely uninterested and rather antagonistic towards the whole affair.

I feel that I'm stuck in a cycle of feeling I need to learn coding to justify the degree but really coding is the least interesting aspect of CS. I don't like it and I don't like developing . But I feel like if I don't know it I'm "dumb". Really what I'd actually like to do is be a writer but I can't justify that to myself because it seems like such a fairy tale and low brow soft option compared to coding. Everyone says anyone can do it so when I can't it hurts. So I'm constantly guilty if I'm not trying to learn yet disinterested in the subject. There are other aspects of computing I find interesting but it's all theory . I really liked my operating systems class and computer architecture class but I avoided programming and implementation aside from minor vhdl. I also feel guilty because people will think ill of my alma mater when they see I'm a CS that can't program when really I'm a huge outlier.

Just learn python if you’re having a hard time learning other languages. The syntax is heavily streamlined and it does most of the magic through libraries so you can get right to creating projects

as a sidenote, if you love hardware so much why not switch to CE or EE instead of CS?

Uh. I don't love hardware. And it's a bit late to change degree when I'm months separated from graduation. Why didn't. Do it when I was still a student? That's a pretty worthless question unles you have a time machine. But it's because I'm stubborn and just wanted to be done. Even then I felt the onset of depression so I wanted to graduate before I did something I regretted . Plus staying in school for another year or more wasn't an option
I already tried.

>unable to even get a CS bachelor degree because shitty at math
>still able to create programs at commercial level and solve problems using programming
I don't understand this world.

Is not c fair

Apparently Jow Forums is better for advice than Jow Forums.

>completely forgot how to program
You can just say that you never programmed.
What do you want to do? You can absolutely start a project without knowledge and just pick up what you need.
It'll have you struggle a bit when you come across others code but it works.

The truth is I have zero interest in learning programming yet paradoxically think if I don't learn it that means I'm dumb and there's something wrong with me. I need to justify my degree but I just don't care for it at all. I'm miserable when I'm not learning it and miserable when I am.

>I'm miserable when I do things I think I should like and I'm miserable when I'm not
That just sounds like depression.
>I'm placing arbitrary standards on myself for no tangible gain and I can't fulfill them. It's making me miserable.
Sounds like a similar issue.
>I feel like I'm dumb because I don't know programming
user you'd have to be an idiot to think that. Einstein didn't know programming. Countless smart people don't know programming.
Just find something to learn that doesn't make you miserable. Just study physics or something. Any STEM science is harder than software engineering.

What else can I study? I am a graduated computer science major. I have genuinely only known computers my entire life.
I know I'm too old to ever be a good writer . That's a pipedream. I liked theory a lot. Cryptography and Complexity theory in college. But you can't really independently study those things. And I don't want to be a professor.

Ask /sci/. Ask a therapist.
I'm sure they're more used to dealing with impractical desires for more knowledge.
I can understand how you feel about wasting your degree but if that's genuinely not what you care about you should look elsewhere.

Maybe you would've preferred comp eng or something

Well you still helped me. I think I've decided to drop programming and try to learn that math from my degree that Interests me. Maybe that'll give me the sense of accomplishment I'm missing . Programming is too miserable to be practical to me

Consider if you can turn it into a career. A student councilor would be good for that. I would except them to just recommend you learn programming proper or something but maybe there's another route which isn't teaching or software.


nah nobody wants OP let him die

I don't think a career involving those b things without programming is available to a non phd

>I also feel guilty because people will think ill of my alma mater when they see I'm a CS that can't program when really I'm a huge outlier.
lol wtf. this the only part of your post that isn't unreasonable. you gave them thousands for an education. you don't owe your alma mater or its reputation shit.

that is unreasonable*

Writing books is cool, no one cares about your coding skills if you can write good books. If you don't even care about jobs, stop trying to do something you dislike and go write something

>majored in cs
>complete forgot how to program because I have no use for it and hate technology
How is that even possible? To spend fucking years of your life doing something just to forget it completely after.

Exact same boat as you OP.
I graduated 6 months ago, and haven't programmed a thing since. Need to get a better job that utilizes my degree but I am 100% not fit to work anywhere.
All my friends say you learn on the job, and that they don't write code unless they are getting paid for it, but I don't feel like I have the skills to be useful to a company.
The longer I wait the harder it will be to get a proper job. I'm honestly considering getting some IT job since I'm more comfortable with hardware than software, but in my mind I don't want to get complacent and stuck working an easy IT job.
I'm 24 and I'm feeling fucked.