When will smug 4channers realize coding is blue collar work?

When will smug 4channers realize coding is blue collar work?

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It is and we do

nobody thinks otherwise

>Solve poverty and unemployment
You can't solve either of those things. There's always going to be stupid fuckers who will fuck up every financial decision, and there' s going to be people who won't want to work.

What exactly do they think blue collar means?

Attached: majorinEnglish.png (580x630, 110K)

The term codemonkey isn't new by any stretch of the immagination.

4channers aren't aware, but 4channellers are

They built successful mega corps without the help of the english dept. bints, so maybe they're onto something

it doesn't have to be outsourced to india because an AI does the job better.
journalists are outdated.

If it isnt now, corperations will finish making it so within the next 10 years.

I see the jernos are still SEETHING about being told to learn to code.

>blue collar work
She says, implying something is inherently wrong about doing blue collar work.

How can anyone want to hire these absolute twitter drama whores

>skills that can't be outsourced to India
>speaking English
>critical thinking
Holy shit, she's more based than half of Jow Forums, she basically called everyone in India illiterate, autistic retards.

It has been a pajeet codemonkey job since the shitskinisation of the IT, the only coding white people do nowadays is Latex.

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When most coding is automated, most coding job will be gone
AI/Genetic Algorithm is the future

>posting twitter images
should be a bannable offense
fuck off back to pol
it goes in all fields

But are Electronics Engineering jobs blue collar?
What about airbus drivers?

ThAt'S bEcAuSe JoUrNaLiStS hAvE bEeN tElLiNg PeOpLe FoR tHe LaSt DeCaDe tO lEaRn To CoDe.

I mean, she is right

What’s with people giving randos on twitter so much weight?

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these idiots seriously don't realize this is just to mock them telling "learn to code" to coal miners and their reaction is just making this so much funnier huh?

I think I will make a lot of money in this case, since I know some really legacy shit

I've got my PhD in people skills.

this, they told coal miners to learn to code but when we give it to them it's all "don't kick us while we're down! :'(((

why is it when asian girls get mad they're so autistic and pathetic?

Why are white people so racist?

Sitting in front of a computer all day will always be office jockey trash. Stop working your mr. boss nigger and start working for yourself. Code because you want to, not because it puts food on the table. Put food on the table yourself, with your own hands, not because your boss nigger pays you to sit infront of a screen for 6 months before you get a half week vacation.

technology will always be advancing, meanwhile journalists will continue writing the same opinions on politics and never contribute to anything meaningful

nice try i'm chinese

Does she really think that code work can effectively be outsourced to India? Everywhere I've seen that tries to outsource anything to the Philippines or India or pretty much anywhere else is just asking to spend a lot of money on what is essentially just copy pasted code from the internet.
That's not writing code, that's shitting into a computer and charging someone for it

>she basically called everyone in India illiterate, autistic retards.
yes, i think she just did. would be a shame if someone pointed that out to her former colleagues

Not really.
There's nothing stopping Indian people from having as good or better English language skills.
Secondly, you can remove the need for those skills (to a degree) with automation and outsourcing.
So really there is nothing assured in having the skills that she mentions there. They're definitely positive skills to have in any job placement, but your job isn't going to be secure just because you have them.

>Learn to think critically
That's what you should be doing when writing software.
Honestly, she seems like she had no idea what she's talking about and had just gotten btfo'd by some dude who writes code and tells her that her job isn't important and now she's trying to justify why she's important.

people then to forget coding is only half of software development, the other half is gathering the business requirement while ignoring irrelevant things random people want.

this level of reasoning probably worked well for her at buzzfeed where they would hire literally anyone who was willing to sit in front of a computer for 8 hours a day and write drivel about how the latest transvestite to rear their head on twitter is a victim of white men in connecticut

This is unironically true. There is a limited amount of programming jobs. If you just tell everyone "LeArN tO COdE," it will just make applying for jobs more competitive. Also, you'll get a bunch of incompetent tards that think they can be programmers because they know how to print "Hello World" and do arithmetic in Python or JS.

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Look. You're not getting the joke.
The joke is that journalists have been telling people to learn to code for years. Telling unemployed people, housewives, kids, just about everyone to learn to code like it is a ticket to getting a job.
People are telling them to learn to code now that they're complaining about being laid off to mock them.

Jesus christ they actually unironically think being an online scribbler is something impressive that only hard working geniuses can do.

Yup, but those diplomas and half ass courses that teach you how to use some shit framework and nothing about how to actually make stuff in code. You need to be taught principles and standards, not languages. Anyone with an understanding of OO can pick up the syntax and write code in another OO language reasonably quickly.
Being able to talk and understand what needs to be done is good, but winning good clean code cannot be taught easily or quickly.


Doing that without automation is backwards. In some scenarios it's even necessary with experimentation.

ohh, I see. I don't read news articles, so I didn't know.

It's really fun watching these retarded journalists get the same shit fed to them that they did to others for years.

Journalists are less than human so it's ok to watch them suffer.

>swandive into vesuvius

who is even telling these morons to "learn to code"?
they should go work at mcdonalds, there are already too many koders

She doesn't know that she's talking about, the company I work for has around 100 content writers from the Philippines all writing in English.

Impossible when FAANG is literally paying employees big bucks to do nothing in order to prevent them from creating competition.

>she basically called everyone in India illiterate, autistic retards.
Can you blame her?

but we're smug 4channelers

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Lol she's just mad that article generation/writing is becoming more and more automated.


Don't people understand the g-factor? If you're good at coding and math, then you'll be good critical thinking, communication, and soft-skills. I never seen a famous technical/STEM person that could barely read or write, but I've seen many english majors fail college algebra.

Attached: 200px-SpearmanFactors.svg.png (200x200, 10K)

>learn to think critically
But that's exactly why I despise these vapid clickbait artisans and am laughing my fucking ass off watching them finally reap what they've sown.

Coordinated Jow Forums attack to troll laid off journalists trying to get them to an hero.

That part is kind of fucked up

Blue collar work means the the workers wear denim or other rough materials for clothing while doing a job: it means you work with your hands and a cotton shirt would get destroyed during the same thing.
White collar work refers to people in an office, traditionally financing the blue collar backbone.
Both are important jobs because nothing works without the other. Calling programming blue collar work is inaccurate, but also implies this is an insult to programmers. That somehow blue collar work is a bad thing and you should be ashamed of being part of that.

>winning good clean code cannot be taught easily or quickly.
t. sysadmin who have seen too many times database servers bogged down by shitty single thread implicit lock multi table join queries

she's not wrong. neets think coding will be some kind of dream job, but in reality they'll just be another replaceable cog in a machine, no different than someone flipping burgers. the wild west days of technology are over. there are no more up and comers threatening the status quo. just fingers of amazon, google, microsoft, etc gripping your throat.

wtf are tech companies still doing this? every outsource to india project I have heard of has failed miserably and ended up being re-insourced precisely because of the culture/communication issues.

lol so $100k with good benefits, nice campus, and top tier opportunities doesn't qualify as dream job these days ?

The obsession and praise of coding in media is manufactured by tech companies to lower the cost of coders as quickly as possible.

>wtf are tech companies still doing this?
not really. there is currently a company that does all virtual hires for dev's so they can pay them $15 an hour to code in their home country. (blanking on the name, run by some rich guy from texas) but the catch is they develop the most bottom of the barrel B2B products that your employer probably doesn't even use.

This guy gets it, people who think that typing code in the computer is the sum total of a programmer's job will fail miserably at it because you also have to be able to talk to customers and figure out what they actually want (which sometimes conflicts with what they initially tell you they want) and understand how to design the program before you start writing code so it won't turn into something that's an absolute nightmare to maintain 5 years from now

Moving from one programming language to another is just not that hard for someone who's experienced, anyone who thinks they're done learning as soon as they've mastered one of them is in for a nasty surprise

Sounds nice but I get half of that and a nice cubicle instead of a campus.

I have an actual question. What do coders do and why do people like it? Our engineers write scripts to deploy out to the computers we manage... Super useful. I can imagine coders build some software.. But going through lines and lines of code seems boring as hell, only to compile it and spend as much as time figuring out bugs.. I love the IT field, but I don't understand Jow Forums's obsession with coding?

>implying every coder will end up hired by google

still better than your typical blue collar job.

Real coder ? Yeah that's what you get paid.

If you dick around with basic web dev or excel macros all day yeah you won't get paid that much but its still going to be a great job.

Based. That's probably her real thoughts regarding India.

fuck this bitch is constantly vomiting whatever fucked up garbage is in her head into the internet.

I work in IT and I find it boring. None of it is particularly challenging its just doing very basic stuff you know is possible and ironing out the details. When you program you get to discover what is even possible with a computer and the how and why things work.

Yes, that's why I'm staying at that job.

Sounds like you are a brainlet. I write software that manages 1000s of employees shift schedules. I save companies millions of dollars this way.

What have YOU done lately to actually provide business value?

problem solving, finding bugs can be an adventure at times. it can be creative and you can learn about a whole bunch of other fields (i have worked in mining, justice, health and finance). it's like a nexus of language, maths and archaeology.

you know if you are saving millions but not being close to earning millions you are being exploited.

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What kind of asinine logic is that? He doesn't have 1000s of employees of his own to apply his software to. It's a niche that he's filling. He's not being exploited, he's exploiting an inefficiency in a system to make money.

And you're a retard.

I probably am a brainlet and I respect your ability to write that software. It's not something I'd have the discipline or knowledge to do. The more I learn about the field the less I realize I know. As an SDA I never know what might come across my desk, from someone uninstalling MS Office on the terminal server to a company's signing pads all failing to work in just chrome. It's an exciting, mentally stimulating position. I'm no IT expert by any means, I've just tried coding and boy howdy was it boring af. I respect coders because that would be the last thing I could do. The time at the office would just click click bye for me.

I agree with her second point.
Learning employable skills WILL solve unemployment.

It's the problem solving aspect and learning new things about what's going on "behind the scenes" in a computer that makes things interesting to me, I can't even stand acting as free tech support for friends so I can only imagine hating it even more if I was doing that full-time

That's exactly the kind of work that's already being outsourced at my firm.

Laid off journalists should just learn to mine coal

>She doesn't know that she's talking about
That's pretty much the entire thread is about.

Why does everyone seem to think their work is more important? Coding for a living is just as stupid as writing blogs or journalism, because you're still a wagecuck either way

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Bullshit. It takes one copywriter and maybe one proofreader for a studio.

All these out of work journalists are going to follow their forebearers into HR, PR and diversity consultation. They will be fine, and all of us worse off for it.

Not really, if anything they're trying to help lmao.

>swan dive into Vesuvius
Then spread your legs, bitch

I don't care because I'm not classist.

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Stop trying to promote yourself as a victim by intentionally trying to incite, talentless hack.

You people need to stop falling for this same routine, brainlets.

>this is the tranny that calls you a "class-cuck"

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>it is IMPOSSIBLE for rajesh to learn english, team building, critical thinking, etc
fucking based

Qt Russian chicks?
On my 4channel?

>claims critical thinking is important
>doesn't realize that blue collar work cannot be outsourced by definition (physical labor, importing goods is not outsourcing work) yet somehow equates outsourceable work as blue collar work

>he thinks being unemployed means you don't want paid employment
are you retarded user?

stop following human trash

No one would shed a tear if all "journalists" were executed tomorrow.

Maybe they'll come up with new ideas and create moar jobs.

It's actually not bad advice and I've known humanities majors that have found programming careers, most programming isn't rocket science, it's office admin automation.