How often does one's distro break during the year?

How often does one's distro break during the year?
Best way to stop this from happening

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Arch has never broken on me.

Use Solus. Only thing that didn't break on me for two years now.

Stop being a fag and use one of the holy trinity distros

>Debian Stable
It never breaks.
It's never up to date either, but it never breaks.

wait. Linux distros can just break?
Windows has literally never broken for me, been using it for 25 years.

Literally never, the only time my distro breaks is when I break it

>25 years of Windows usage
>hasn't ever gotten a bsod
Yeah sure m8


All distros break from updates. Arch, Ubuntu, Debian, Cent OS. All of them broke at some point for a number of users before an update is pulled. You should use a distro with a recovery tool or install one. OpenSUSE has Snapper which creates system snapshots you can access from the bootloader. Linux Mint has Timeshift which can recover a system using a flash drive.

How often should I update the kernel and packages? I’m in school right now and don’t have time to fix any iissues that may arise. I’m running arch btw.

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The only thing I run into with Gentoo is circular dependencies.

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Mint 19 hasn't broken for me yet. The only distros that broke were Ubuntu Unity and ZorinOS.

this, but manjaro

> How often does one's distro break during the year?
> Best way to stop this from happening
Don't update.

with KDE plasma
been using over a year now

Every 5 minutes or you better use n00buntu.

just use Manjaro. Weekly updates. then check the forums for people reporting issues. The fix if necessary will be pinned to the top. And read your pacman log. Been doing this for 3 years without a single issue. Only reinstalled my system once when I got a new laptop.

install a r c h l i n u x

If your distro breaks, then it's due to you using a rolling release model distro.

Don't use rolling release distros, unless you absolutely have to. You can get the latest and greatest software through Flatpak. Some projects also provide AppImages, which are also good.

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No, it's due to using a bad rolling release distro or just being an idiot.
I have literally never had Void break on me in two years and it was the first Linux distro I started using full-time, so I'm not some kind of guru that always knows exactly how to do stuff and not break anything - just an average user.

>It's never up to date either
it's up to date when it's released, lol
like debian 10 that's currently testing will likely ship with kernel 5.0 and plasma 5.15
