/wdg/ - Web Development General

Previous thread: >Beginner Roadmap and Overview

>Free beginner resources to get started
Get a good understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - a good introduction to HTML/CSS/JS and Node.js or Django
freecodecamp.org - curriculum including HTML/CSS/JS, React, Node.js, Express, and MongoDB
javascript.info - curriculum providing a strong basis in JavaScript

>Further resources
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - excellent documentation for HTML, CSS & JS
hackr.io - crowdsourced collection of tutorials from across the web for learning languages and libraries (ignore sponsored stuff, look at upvotes)
learnxinyminutes.com - quick reference sheets for the syntax of many different languages (generally not sufficient on their own for learning something, but very helpful)
pastebin.com/gfBPg24A - Everything PHP

>Asking questions
jsfiddle.net - Use this and post a link, if you need help with your HTML/CSS/JS
3v4l.org/ - Use this and post a link, if you need help with PHP/HackLang

Attached: wdg.jpg (1142x636, 140K)

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Svelte is the future.

Vuefags pls be aware by posting on 4channel your social credit score decreases.

why would you waste your time building websites, when you can just steal them from others

Ivy when?

Attached: Angular.png (490x490, 79K)

What if you want to make something nobody has made before?

>building websites, when you can just steal them from others
you can't steal server code, or ui interaction (you could technically, but its minified and would be fucked up to edit/adjust/audit the code)

Delete this image, or my husband will find you and beat you up nerd.

Attached: GettyImages_524632866.0.jpg (1200x800, 94K)

Help I'm being retarded
Why won't this center on the vertical axis

Attached: what the fuck.png (874x385, 18K)

because the body height is only as large as the element inside right now.
Try setting
min-height: 100vh;
on body


Ah shit, I thought background-color would check that

html/body background works a bit uniquely
>In the absence of a background on the html element, the body background will cover the page. If there is a background on the html element, the body background behaves just like any other element.

I generally didn't know that body doesn't automatically fill the enire height, though it does make some sense
I tried putting it within another div but that then also doesn't make much sense either

On another note
>try for 5 minutes to get a transparent black rgba working
>turns out I wrote rbga
I think it's time for a break

web app development is super popular in my area (St. Louis )and I really want to get an entry-level programming job as soon as possible

Although, I hate the work flow of web apps, and really all front-end web dev shit.
What's the most popular toolset I should become adept with to land an entry-level position at a local software development firm?

I mostly just don't want to work on front-end web apps OR be some nameless Java dev at a large corporation.
I was thinking native iOS development, but it seems like the vast majority of iOS dev jobs use stupid shit like ReactNative.
I'd prefer to do actually native iOS development with Swift.

you don't want to work in web or be some nameless dev in a large corporation but you're in wdg asking for career advice
ok come back when you're not confused about everything
highly recommend taking a basic software development program at any community college

What sort of things should a node/react dev know how to do?

currently i know
>authentication and user roles
>flash/toast messaging
>user profiles

what else should i know how to do?

"knowing" react isn't about being able to do something, it's about how you do it.
None of the things you listed really matter, as they can be auto-generated in any other web framework in literally 30 seconds.

For example in react, you can treat it just like normal HTML..If you wanted to, it means nothing to do something in react, you have to start using reusable components, better css management, use code splitting, enhance performance (google lighthouse for example), use progressive web app tools, make use of HOCs and use things like redux/mobx to control your app state.

you don't want to work in web or be some nameless dev in a large corporation
There's options in between those, like local software development firms.

>but you're in wdg asking for career advice
/dpt/ wasn't helpful and I figured some people in here might know the coding industry enough to give input

> highly recommend taking a basic software development program at any community college
I have. I've taken a C# and a Java class at community college, learned both of them a bit bit more on Treehouse, learned HTML, CSS, and JavaScript on Treehouse, and currently in an accelerated programming class that decided to push us into web app development without mentioning that when we all joined the class. They just told use that we'd learn Python, HTML, CSS, and C#, in that order.

Although, that all sounds like I'm a lot more experienced than I am. I only know the basics of all of those things.
I'm also getting into iOS development for the past month and I've enjoyed it more than anything else, but it seems like every company in my area doesn't have any native Swift development jobs for entry-level positions.

>They just told use that we'd learn Python, HTML, CSS, and C#, in that order.

>be yuropoor
>check job postings
>tons of developer jobs
>no one puts the salary for the position
>only 5% of them put the salary in the ad

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i don't think you really understood my question

i mean generally understanding concepts react is just the high level framework in this example but im talking about concepts even in terms of vanilla js.

like you should understand user authentication in terms of salting and hashing password and retrieving/comparing using a database...but what other concepts should one know? pagination? how search works? how blob types work? how sockets and chat room subscriptions work? etc etc etc

i dont fucking understand this at all either its the same in london unless the role is over 40k a year which is some lead role or contractor they never say what the salary is

tempted to just call up random recruiters and ask what the salary is even though im employed right now?

yeah, when you ask what's the salary for the position they are offering they stop responding lmao

if they put the salary -> they can't go below that
if they don't -> depends on your answer and they can go lower than that

>please include your desired salary in your application

Few days ago i got one email that said exactly that for a junior position.

I said
>I don't really know the salaries for this position. If possible, I would like to know what you are offering for this position

they haven't responded yet

context API or redux?


yeah, I can use both. Was thinking about it too. Will see, haven't used context api at all so far.

I might make it.

The key has been being annoying to the point where people do what I want them to do.

>tfw replied contux as a joke (cont(ext) + (re)dux)
>this shit actually exists

>The key has been being annoying to the point where people do what I want them to do.

All the things you are listing are completely trivial and not important, you're focusing too much on the "can I put this on my cv lol xD" side of things, but if you got questions about them you'd fail instantly because your entire concept of solving the problem is just "npm install passport" and "uh well..obviously you hash the password"

It's more about the implementation of what you are trying to do.

Do you know what crypto functions you should use and when?
Do you know what a timing attack is? Have you prevented against it?
Does your API give out too much info people could potentially use against you?
Do you send too much info through JWT tokens? Are they even secure?
Is what you are making even legal with GDPR being a thing?
Do you even store your users in a way that is efficient for future planning, or did you just shove the password and email in with the username and call it a day?
How is your API structured? Is it even scalable or are you doing N+1 or even greater queries all the time?
What if you want to add oAuth in later?

Knowing these things means you know how to design a resilient, scalable API. And that's the important part, because you can then speak confidently about knowing the real shit that solves real problems, not just the absolute minimum you find in a udemy course to make a toy app.

You have to apply this kind of thinking to everything, well if you want to be a good developer, I guess. Some people don't give a shit, which is fine too. Because not everyone needs to give a shit.

I figured if it ever comes to that, I would offer to start at a reduced rate (maybe like 3/4 of whatever the company normally pays new juniors on average), with the agreement to reevaluate performance and pay after 6 months, so both sides can make a more informed decision with the skills and results shown during that time.

I think during that time you would get a much better impression of your actual value and it should also be a reduced risk for whoever is hiring you.
Or would they think that it's overcomplicating things?
Have literally no experience with that sort of stuff.

>can I put thus on my cv lol xD
>just "npm install passport"
yep you completely missed the point of my question and just ranting about random shit because you feel like it now.

get that stick out your arse mate


My point exactly, you have no idea what you are even doing, or what you are even talking about.
You have no idea what half those words even mean, yet you say you "know" user auth. It's a joke, really.

Is React the PHP of JS?
I've seen people in the last thread saying they wouldn't use it in serious/big projects. I hear same stuff from PHP everyday

but i do know how to do auth ive done it in vanilla php before as well no packages like passport don't know why you're assuming so much

what kind of javascript framework would they use in a big project then?

why does the comfyness of /wdg/ always devolve into hostilities.can't we all just be frends.

probably the least hostile general I've seen across all Jow Forums

people always mention Angular but honestly I don't even know

Look at this guy making so many assumptions just to sound smart.

Typical Jow Forums

Is React the PHP of JS?

wtf does that even mean?

technologies people wouldn't use in big/serious projects?

nail the lifecycle methods, and I mean really nail them down, the other things you guys mentioned is more of a back-end problem than a react problem, and you probably want to gradually discover them one by one as your experience grows, instead of having a list of currently useless shit that you will encounter maybe in 2 or 3 years, plus, if you are working in a team, there is always a senior around who will warn you about the most crucial things

>made usign React
>not big project
PHP can suck a dick, tho

frameworks are like donuts.donuts come in many different glazes and creamy fillings,but at its base its still a doughnut.

>made with php

fuck php though

>php is so shit Facebook decided to create their own library

>2 months of various interview rounds?
>Is that normal?
it was over the course of two months, including applying for the job. the time between applying for a job and getting the first interview can be 4-6 weeks. sometimes longer, but usually shorter.

Total newbie here, learning HTML & CSS, what should I build?

using php? if it was so shit they would have avoided it all the way

whatever the fuck you want

a websites

A calender/organiser.

they didn't use php only. Facebook was a mess with Java, C,c++, PHP and Erlang

Responsive websites, that look good, scale good, with animated menus. Some with grid where you completely switch the elements depending on the resolution (media queries + grid), for example sidebar menu in full res becomes top navbar in tablet view. Also you should play with this to make a clone of windows interactivity: youmightnotneedjs.com/


also, twitter clone, google clone, instagram clone and youtube clone oh, and twitch clone

How should I go about adding e-commerce options to my website?
just a simple one-page "marketplace" where the user could choose between like half a dozen options and click "buy", which would then take them to payypal or some other payment medium.

holy shit, la creatura, still, PHP was their choice

i feel like those things aren't intrinsically related to either node or react and it's a real hodge podge of a list. knowing any of those things applies to like every web based language/framework.

every react dev should be familiar with the context api, some sort of knowledge/experience with the upcoming hooks and suspense api releases because they are going to be game changing. outside of new tech, every react dev should have a core understanding of the lifecycle methods and when to use them, how refs work, an understanding of memoziation and you should be familiar with the react profiler. basically anything listed in the advanced bit of react docs

the other crucial thing would be code splitting and lazy loading for optimized/fast websites


Attached: 1548703981849.jpg (1920x1032, 217K)

some of the biggest websites/companies around right now are driven by a react front end....

paypal integrations are easy as fuck. look at their docs for express integration. you basically just need get a set of api keys and then redirect them to a paypal endpoint. they will send a request to an endpoint you control after payment has been confirmed

perfect, learn how to use browser storage as an introduction to js, to save the special dates in the calendar, leave that as your last project

I've nearly given up trying to find a Junior Dev positions where I am. The industry's practically dead.

I had the choice of trying my luck with Upwork, or doing an apprenticeship (Which means getting paid less than half the starting salary of a Junior Dev, £9,000) because there's a full-time job at the end of it.

I'm going for the apprenticeship because I don't feel confident enough to do this self-employed.

If you don't live outside of London, and you're not already a mid-weight developer (Who knows PHP, because we're backwards at fuck 'round these parts) you are fucked, son. Fucked.

Attached: rarepepe.jpg (1038x769, 66K)

lots of jobs are looking for people with deep experience in react. i dont know how long the meme will last but its your best bet for the near future.

Argumentum ad populum

Some of the biggest projects in the world are run on both so I don't see your point.

>wtf does that even mean?
alot of people hate using react

lmao, I've built something that I have to stop developing because I love using it, even if it's half done

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Is headless Wordpress with REST API going to be a bigger thing in the future?

I did it Holmes. Why is web programming so satisfying? Is it the sadist in me?

What exactly is headless wordpress? Like client-side rendering with a JS framework that makes Ajax requests to e.g. "/posts.php?date=01-28-19" in order to pull content?

I guess it's the WordPress API.


Though I guess at that point you could also use something like contentful or prismic

Which of these header do you think looks the best?

Attached: headers.png (320x180, 2K)



Depends on the rest of the site

these, but first or second

Attached: 1483977686173.jpg (256x256, 13K)


underlined text is cheap
you used to need another set of letters to print bold text
underlining was a cheap alternative because you just needed a bar and didnt have to change the letters
don't underline text it costs the same as using something else in a computer

Attached: Metal_movable_type_edit.jpg (1600x1024, 613K)

How do you feel about an element?

no comment that was something a designer told me I work in backend

I know PHP. But for all PHP traineeships they ask for people with a beta degree.

Why exactly is this asked so often?

Attached: 1546822308444.png (727x682, 168K)

Because you don't know PHP, retard.

I used to do some front-end stuff a few years ago, but I got out of it. It was just Angular 1, some Less and CoffeeScript, and had a Gulp build chain. But everything has changed so much now.
Now I just want to set up a simple configuration with Webpack, Less, Babel, Vue and UIKit. Documentation is lacking and I can't get past setting up that whole stack. Where do I start, /wdg/?

absolute brainlet here, this might help:

also, read the docs

This may belong in a SQT, but how the fuck do you set the icon/image for a webpage like in pic related?
And can anyone tell me what the purpose of favicon.ico is and why I couldn't get node.js to work properly without having that file in the home directory?

Attached: Ali_icon.jpg (257x38, 3K)

Why are you still building non standardized web components that only work in a certain specific framework?
(Example VUE, React, Angular)

Why do you lock yourself in?

Why dont people just step out the framework world and step into the Library world.

Make components with technology that is made for that.. proper web components etc.

Why do people do this framework shit and after 5 years.. recode your whole shit in another lock down framework. Why do you cut yourself?

Attached: Web Components Image for EDJ_0.png (468x545, 139K)

That is the purpose of favicon.ico, you change it to whatever icon you want.

You probably got your cache stuck on the old favicon, if you break the cache or enter incognito mode it might show the new one.

It's because "favicon.ico" is the name of the file, so your browser just loads "favicon.ico" which would have previously been a blank image, it only looks at the filename.

I do that, but the whole process is just cumbersome

Webpack can be brutal when you start using it, though the newer version works with a lot less configuration. There is also Parcel, which makes bundling even simpler.
>Documentation is lacking
For what exactly? I know Webpack and Vue have extensive documentation covering everything.
you set the favicon in you index.html
>the purpose of favicon.ico is and why I couldn't get node.js to work properly without having that file in the home directory?
There is lots of information missing in that sentence. Node is just a runtime and won't care about some favicon file.
these are not interchangeable

Thank you. That's pretty much what I thought it was, but I didn't know not having it would break my program.

Partially because I don't usually have a choice, but also because I'm not familiar, and finally because most of what I do is back-end where I do avoid getting locked into a framework, but the front ends for my projects just need to be made quickly, look good and be usable.