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my diary desu
I threw out most of my books after I found pdf copies of them.
That's tranny manny's isn't it?
Thats some nice Java books in there.
I'm curious, do you work professionally with Ruby? if yes, what do you use it for?
just got myself the genki books too
pic related is mine
They're pretty good, if not the best beginner text books. I ended up signing up for classes at the local community college in order to force myself to be disciplined in my studies.
MDE book spotted
doesnt seem like you use the books much OP
I need a bookshelf. I mostly use PDFs but I have some books too.
Of course not, he went to prison for seven fucking years.
>programming books
nigga that shit get outdated so fast nowadays
lmao are you mentally ill/female/brown?
And some "tech lit" books in the living room.
This. Shit is worthless by the time you’ve bought it. Only things worth owning are SICP, M3, CC and maybe Gang of Four. Anything book on a particular language was an antique before it made it in the shelf.
>lmao are you mentally ill
>M3, CC
>IDA Pro
>That game hacking no starch book
based and redpilled fellow gamer
What's the MDE book
you're that RE/0day guy from the other thread, great taste friend
out of dorm currently, but off the top of my head
>Terry Tao anal 1,2
>Shilov lingebra
>Jech set theory
>Oppenheim signals and systems
>Stein harmonic anal
>Chlipala certified programming with dependent types
>King C
>Wirth algorithms+data stractures=programs
>Skiena algorithm design manual
>Kerr linux programming interface
>Clarke, Grumberg, Peled model checking
>Hennessy, Patterson computer architecture - a quantitative approach
>Micheli high-level synthesis from algorithm to digital circuit
>Hilton, Stammbach a course in homological algebra
Kek why you faggots buy books?
if ur in Vancouver we should smoke weed
I think you can get a pdf copy on gumroad.
doxing myself lets go
King C, Linux Programming Interface, Hennessy and Patterson are all fantastic
t. illiterate manchild
Is this the anrachist's cookbook for boomers?
I'm curious what you think I do with isopropyl? I use it to clean the bed of my 3d printer. Also, I don't smoke weed, but funny enough, we do live close to each other.
Yeah that's me :) Thanks.
>Countdown to Zero Day
but do you own her other book?
It's used to clean glassware.
Are you in Richmond btw
We have quite a few in common!
Want to come over and let me suck your dick?
No, I don't. That's quite a switch she made huh?
Ah your shelf is way nicer than mine, still on that just out of college living with roommates to save up grind
Do you do full time RE/VR?
Clean it disgusting animal. There's dust everywhere.
Thanks. Better-than-Ikea furniture is surprisingly cheap on sites like Wayfair. And yes I do RE/VR.
Nope, Seattle.
Only if you're a female (or female-ish).
I forget why I made this
some recent pickups
did you faggots just spend $3000 at barnes and nobel? none of this is good. throw it all away.
I buy my shit on amazon for pennies and borrow from the library for other things (but usually it's easier to just buy them if I need them for a project).
How is PoC||GTFO? I'm thinking of getting it. Is it a light read? I'm looking for something to read just for fun.
My collection is a bit scatterbrained and anxiety-inducing. I probably need to downsize.
> XM
> Flash MX
> JFace
oh god
Programming Ruby instead of Programming Erlang
I bet the Algo books has never been opened.
this is literally shit tier
Of Banks "Walking On Glass" and "Wasp Factory" are the only one worth reading.
Just kill yourself, please
all the crap except Will and Idea, but it will be waste of time
Why don't you read the BS C++ books?
It is literally all one needs.
A Tour of C++
Principles and Practice
and The Language
is enough for everything
Thanks. I'll look into those.
You're the kind of person I would hire, JavaScript is a shit language, but if you're going to write programs with it, you should do it right.
>t. zoomer
Only one is non-uni, what else is essential reading for an information systems security student?
It depends, the best book for the Win32 API is from 1998. The best AWK book is from the late 70's and the best C book is as old as me, most MIT book about programming are eternal (most LISP book too), the best design pattern book is from 1994. The languaged use by some books is dead but the concept are eternal.
How much money did you make in the 1990s and early 2000s?
dubs chooses the folder i upload to mega
CS pls
|t's PoC || GTFO
somones been watching juden peterstein
i also have a physical copy of SICP but i only read half of the physical
what? is that some white superemsscist thing you racist piece of shit
CS & Programming
If you ever do upload them, (You) me in another thread if this one dies
How many of the you actually finished? Because I also have bunch of programming books, which I'm never going to finish.
why waste paper when you can study from online resources and lectures
fuckin boomers man
it's a zine put together by commies
kys ||
Donate somebooks man..
The Feynman book.
It's an interesting zine and it's free online.
>King C
Does a searchable PDF/EPUB/digital version of this exist?
All the ones I've found are scans
I like to buy physical copies of programmer books I've read in PDF form to put on my shelf.
I've never opened them tho.
tell me more about karate
this poster right here, FBI.
ok wait a minute
doesn't take long for the tolkienfags to show just how garbage their taste can be.
As a man of culture, I have a stack of _____ For Dummies books in my cupboard.
>flash mx
> Not storing XML and XSLT side by side
It's a great book, I wouldn't call it "light reading" but YMMV.
Doxing is not cool, dude.
>clear gb pocket
>The IDA Pro book
why buy books when I can just use libgen