Heeeey, user! Why don't install Linux Mint? Is just as good as Windows but withouth the botnet...

>heeeey, user! Why don't install Linux Mint? Is just as good as Windows but withouth the botnet, plus you can costumize it, real good!

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Sounds pretty based

No, it's better than windows.

>stock image from facebook of "30 year old boomer meme"

Nice cal arts wojack

i wonder how many years it's going to be before linux autists just give up and realise linux is absolute garbage for the consumer market and just accept the fact that it only excels as a server OS.

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No, arguing about different flavours of repackaged penguin shit is fun.

you know what's really fun? turning on my computer and loading up a game without checking the linux/wine compatibility chart and spending 3 hours hacking together my game to push 20fps with crashes every half hour so that i can post "see!!! linux can game too!!!" on Jow Forums

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Let retards be retards user. Why do you have such a hard on for windows to the point where you randomly shit on linux. Also


spending the last 20 years on the internet and hearing "200x IS THE YEAR OF LINUX!" starts to make you jaded after a while. it's not going to happen, it's never going to happen, stop thinking it's going to happen. ubuntu got close, but the market has decided and it's not going to change.

Also in all my years of sysadmin and IT management, i have found linux users to be the most insufferable annoying cunts out of everyone i've ever dealt with. extreme bias, inflated egos, never accept that another OS could possibly do something slightly better, always harping on about the same old tired "open source is the future!!!" shit. can't have a single fucking conversation with a coworker without a linux user interjecting with their thoughts on why windows is a bad OS. Just tired man.

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Guess I don't know a lot of linux users. As a person who runs windows 10 i think both are shit and i pray for the day that windows isnt 100% botnet.

cal arts get out REE

Our whole lab runs on Gentoo not even meming, and the supercomputer runs on rhel. but yeah some have Windows 10 in their personal laptop, which probably is because it came preinstalled. They either are too lazy to nuke that shit, or are okay with that half assed wsl crap.
Physicist btw

That's how I lost one PC.

I find there isn't a single good OS/Kernel in existence at the moment.
It's all outdated and broken.

Why is it outdated and broken my man? Linux kernel works just fine for my entire HEP lab, what super important shit are you doin

I'm beginning to see why UIs fuck up so much with every OS, I think the problem is the OS/Kernel.

I agree with him in that the computing world is in a sad state right now, but that doesn't mean nothing is usable. Things could be so much better if people were more educated on the matter and competition was pushed for.

I convinced my friend to try Mint, now he uses it as a main os on his laptop. He also installed mint on his mom's laptop.
He never complained.

Linux is the most popular kernel in the world today.

It really is in sa bad way. I watched windows workers trying to explain their linux subsystem in a video the other day and I get the feeling that the workers do not really understand the deeper processes involved or even anything on the mechanical level. I'm starting to believe that this ignorance is the reason why 10 is so bloated and STILL so broken. The abstractions built upon abstractions are simply not functioning efficiently or even correctly.

Why do you have such a hard on for linux to the point where you randomly shit on windows.

>not wasting your time trying to waste your time
okay i guess

>calarts wojack
holy shit it's perfect

I do agree with you, but I think the state of W10 is more complicated. The stranglehold Windows has as an OS on the desktop would be the primary cause in my opinion - there is no reason to actually improve performance because no one else is preying on their market. The tiny performance improvement that W10 got over 7 is the ones that came with W8 already - optimizations for tablets. Secondly, the people who worked on the previous versions aren't working on Windows anymore, or for Microsoft at all. And due to the monopoly they have, they can easily afford people of lesser quality to work on the OS. I'm willing to bet those certain leaked chat logs are 100% legit in that no one knows how to build the kernel, etc. properly; if it works it's great and if it doesn't, keep reverting until it does.

The average user having poor understanding of the system they're using is another point. Even if we disregard the lack of installs alternative operating systems get, the lack of knowledge means that the average consumer will never ask for better. Thus, Microsoft can push updates and even OS upgrades so that the average user can stay secure and now, beta test for them.

>my OS is the best thing ever because I play muh games on it
Every time. It's the only thing that tethers you to it.

mint is cute! cute!

Works fine on my consumer system.
Have you tried turning it on and off?


Ubuntu will be the gaming distro in 2021

Windows = botnet

get raped

Mint + XFCE is literally the most stable form of desktop Linux and everything literally works. I would say it is more stable then Windows 10 nowadays.

Anyhow I am sure I triggered you because I value function over the ability to rice my desktop. Now I know since all you ever do is browse the internet and jerk off to hentai that you enjoy looking at shinny things because your life lacks substance.

That’s Microsoft. They used the 640k workaround until xp I believe.

Low effort bait thread at best.

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