Which language should I Learn and is this chart right?

Which language should I Learn and is this chart right?

Attached: 1_OF594B5qtCJR9MFSRTI-5g.png (1432x782, 686K)

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The diagram seems a bit biased toward Python, although I'd mostly agree for a first language.

What path did you follow in the diagram? If you give me some specifics, I can give you my opinions and maybe a recommendation.

I would prefer C as a first language. Knowing C any other language is a walk in the park.

It's a pretty alright chart, yes. Though you can just skip it and learn Python.

C is good for actually understanding how computers work; it's closer to the metal than Python and similar. But I wouldn't recommend it for first time programmers, since doing some simple things is a pain in the ass.

Mainly, not having to deal with strings and arrays manually makes things easier in a lot of respects, and helps new programmers ease in to the broader ideas of the field.

>C is good for actually understanding how computers work
>he thinks his computer is a fast PDP-11
>he doesn't know about the abstract C machine

>writing your startup backend in ruby/python/js instead of java

doomed to fail

Have learn C C+ and Java what's next?

The chart make sens.

There is for me 3 entry point in the dev :
High level: python, js, ruby

Middle : Java, c#

Low : c and assembler.

If you Just want to have fun and your computer and create script to make your life easier : try high lvl language.

You want to play with arduno and diy stuff go for low level language.

You want a career as dev, go what ever but middle is a good start to not struggle on stupid details but still learn about them

Python is slow and disgusting with it's whitespace autism. Don't do it. Learn C/C++ (probably C though) for a year, then learn something else that lets you make the thing you need to make the easiest.

>make chart about programming
>not including C
no wonder the tech world is going to shit

Attached: IMG_20190129_194720.jpg (408x364, 28K)

It does include C though, all the way on the right.

Chart is bullshit.

Every programmer should know the following languages:


Work your way through that list then check out some meme languages if you like.

>optimizing too early

doomed to fail

I want to learn Python. What is the best book or material to learn from?

Do you already know a language? Just read through the python docs. They do a pretty good job of explaining all the features of python.

The best language for game development is C# because everybody uses Unity these days.

Switch out objectiveC for Swift

Haskell. The chart is completely wrong since it doesn't include Haskell.

Why?, If you write C or C++ you really should have some idea of how your compiler generates machine code to write it efficiently.
