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Dont worry Ill kill it with my bayonet

Attached: 1403140621415.jpg (544x604, 262K)

be careful these shitters are venomous.

Then I will shoot it

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>be australian
>wake up

i wouldn't eat them. a thai guy once got bitten by such a thing and as a revenge he ate it and died.

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I've been bit by one of these fuckers. They are way too fast.

doesn't really look increadibly disgusting, but does look scary

cen i d get

we should just exterminate all species without an endoskelleton


I'm willing to make an exception for bees and shrimp but that's it

in Australia we call that a baby bitey leg worm

>not calling it a "leg sausage"

that's a big bug


how horrifying. did it rush at your legs before you could dodge?

pede id


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can I have one

Centipedes are cool.

>germans will defend this

centipedes are literal bros tho, we only come out at night so they won't scare you during the day like the pussy you are