
It's made by google but it's open-source so i don't think they put niggerlicious spyware shit in it.

Should i use this to develop my application user?

Attached: Flutter-1-1.png (1920x1080, 28K)

You didn't even tell us what it's for.
It mostly likely runs on js and css anyway, so it's trash.

Attached: 1489697583028.jpg (412x519, 61K)

Curious whether anyone here would use this since it requires using dart

I tried it and liked it.

Dart is a failure of a language.

Just use React Native with Typescript.

Honestly flutter seems better, yes using dart sucks, but unless you are a javascript pro to begin with, you have to learn something new anyways.

Why the fuck did they have to use Dart? Just to say they have their language for mobile applications?

It compiles to javascript

Thats coming but essentially possible now, devs showed it off.

Can Also compile to machine code. Thats the beauty that it can do both so it can run native or be used in a browser wrapper

I work on a large RN+typescript project at work. It's alright but as with any cross platform framework, you're not going to get many decent (i.e. unit tested) cross platform libraries that hook in to native features such as Bluetooth, audio, etc. Even after 3 years of React Native, there still isn't an audio library that supports caching network streaming and local playback.

I like it. It allowed me to pump out an application for iOS and Android in a really short time that everyone in my company and the customers have liked.

The only problem is that I can now no longer imagine NOT using a reactive framework. And react is terrible to use in comparison.

Also, the async bridge performance is just god damn awful, you always end up over-scrolling on virtualized lists that show nothing but white for a few seconds, navigation libraries force you to either use an extremely opinionated native library (react native navigation) that has decent performance or a JS library with shit performance and a broken drawer that apparently will be fixed in the next major release (react navigation).

And also forget using remote debugging if you're trying to debug JS timeouts/intervals

>It's made by google but it's open-source so i don't think they put niggerlicious spyware shit in it.
Remember ungoogled chromium?

>It's made by google but it's open-source
so is chromium, and look how that worked out with spyware

Tbqh its mostly for mobile use so

1) people should look through its source if really concerned
2) you’re on mobile, you probably use google maps etc... you shouldn’t expect leak proof privacy..

>mostly likely runs on js and css anyway
It doesn't

wonder who's behind this compiler



Recently started using it and it's pretty comfy. I prefer it to iOS (I hate Xcode's UI builder) and Android (mostly just dislike Java) native development. I haven't used other cross-platform stuff like React Native or Xamarin so I can't really compare to those.

And I'm really liking Dart so far. I think it does a good job of taking the good parts of JavaScript and improving upon them, while getting rid of the bad parts. It does a lot to make writing classes better than JS, Java, C#, C++, etc.

It's based in Dart, whose syntax is somewhat based on JavaScript, but in the case of Flutter, is compiled to native code.

And the UI is done with their own framework, some of which seems to be inspired by CSS (some of the same box-model concepts), but mostly is its own thing.

And it renders directly to a native canvas, via Skia.