Why couldn't they ever be bothered to make a graphical installer...

Why couldn't they ever be bothered to make a graphical installer? I've been trying to install Arch for the past couple weeks but keep messing it up. Yes I know I'm a brainlet but they should really make it easier, because there's no reason it should be this difficult just to get a kernel working.

Attached: download.png (2000x2000, 101K)

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gui easy to work with, but I do dislike the requirement to download everything from base install or pull together some hacky workaround to install something on my laptop with its broken ethernet cable
inb4 "just install core and manually install everything"

There’s antergos, maniaro and even installer scripts for arch. But if you’re too much of a brainlet to install arch you shouldn’t be using arch in the first place.

There's no shame in using Ubuntu, OP.

>I've been trying to install Arch
Well its not recommended for beginners. At what part are you stuck OP?
>Display server
>Desktop environment

The install only consists of about ten commands. What part are you having trouble with?

They got rid of it.

Attached: arch_06.png (720x400, 7K)

it you want a GUI installer then you shouldn't use Arch.

Networking should be the first thing you do after booting from the iso.

Just use aui, it's easy enough even for brainlets.

Read, and read well. My first Arch (and Linux in general) installation was at the age of 14, and I did it on my first try.

Manjaro exists, ya know.

Arch with a graphical installer is also known as Antergos. You're welcome.

It's gatekeeping. They want to keep people out and feel elitist.

They don't do it because they want you to build the system, but it's retarded because the install is already super minimal. It is just the base packages.
Of course, having a gui installer requires a gui.
Also the guide on the wiki is intentionally vague I think. For example they don't go over using parted. Just a suggested partition table. And actually they leave a lot of stuff out. Pretty sure it's to keep the seekrit klub going.

It is easier to install gentoo using their documentation than it is to install arch with the wiki.
It's just poorly written. This is like "self commenting code"

Arch originally did have an installer. Then autists came.

t. a person who never installed gentoo

t. a person who never installed Gentoo.
The handbook is great.

Like all things arch; read the fucking wiki:

Its pretty easy to install if you follow the wiki.. I made 7 partitions myself, avoiding the destruction of the factory reset partition, etc.

Its almost impossible to install if you don't follow the wiki...
I just have a backup of the installation wiki just in case someday I don't have internet available

nice try user

Attached: 2019-02-03-185522_686x566_scrot.png (686x566, 49K)

Arch is the Mensa of the GNU/Linux world. If you can install it you have an IQ of at least 140. Otherwise, please accept that you're not part of the intelligent crew and install a simpleton distro such as Ubuntu or Mint.

I have installed it and it really isn't hard. The handbook gives you every command for every step
Then you know firsthand what I'm talking about.

I literally installed it yesterday, OP and it was EASY AS FUCK.
In the last few years I had used some bullshit like Antergos or Anarchy because retards like you convinced me that Arch without its installer was hard to install but it's not any harder than it used to be.

You're just fucking retarded. It took like 15 minutes to install.

I installed arch linux on my first try and only struggled a bit with the networking when I tried to do it manually instead of just using DHCP, there isn't really much the installation requires for you to do and it's all stated pretty clearly in their guide (atleast when I had done it which was like two years back) but when I switched to gentoo I fucked up like 3 different times even with following what they told me to word for word since it's just much more involved with multiple different options that are up to you and the kernel generation is really just left up to you since it all depends on your specific hardware.

why so old?
Arch on 420

Attached: average weed users.jpg (453x604, 29K)

Since when

fuck off dripbag

Few years ago, user isn't kidding.
However: the install is basically the same it just doesn't have a menu

The whole point of Arch and the """""KISS principle""""" is that the developers are lazy fucks who don't really give a shit about you, so you have to do a lot of the dirty work that is done by the maintainers in other distros like debian, suse and even gentoo.

Attached: arch is not minimalist.png (1169x3679, 513K)

then why use arch? if the CL installation process bothers you so much then maybe you should use a different distro, or a more normie friendly fork of arch like manjaro. GUIs may seem easier for you but for someone that already knows linux and is comfortable using the command line, navigating a GUI is more cumbersome than setting up via command line. people also write install scripts, so GUI installers are kind of unnecessary.

>being less competent than the developers
posted from her iMac

>you don't want to waste hours finding out why some stupid bug broke something, you must be incompetent

>waste hours
ok pajeet

These instructions assume you managed to boot from your usb/cd/whatever; # means the command must be done with root permissions. This is on by default during the installation so you don't have to worry about it, but if you get permission errors, it's probably that. // means a comment. All commands are case sensitive.

#lsblk //make sure the disk you want to install arch linux is detected and take note of its name (sda, sdb, whatever it's usually sda)
#ls /sys/firmware/efi/efivars //if nothing comes up, you're good to go
#ping archlinux.org //check if you have an active internet connection, ctrl+c to cancel ping process
#timedatectl set-ntp true //to set system clock
#fdisk /dev/sda
|_d //delete all partitions that might be in your disk
|_n, press enter thrice, +200M, press enter
|_n, press enter thrice, +*150% the amount of your ram, so if for example you have 8gigs, you do +12G*G
|_n, press enter thrice, +30G //30g is a safe amount but you can do with less
|_n, p, press enter four times
|_w, press enter //all the things you have in your disk will be wiped and the new partitions will be written
#mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1
#mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda3
#mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda4
#mkswap /dev/sda2
#swapon /dev/sda2
#mount /dev/sda3 /mnt
#mkdir /mnt/home
#mkdir /mnt/boot
#mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot
#mounr /dev/sda4 /mnt/home
#pacstrap /mnt base base-devel vim //this installs the base package of arch, the developer package and the text editor vim
#genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
#arch-chroot /mnt
#pacman -S networkmanager
#systemctl enable Network Manager
#pacman -S grub
#grub-install --target=i386-pc /dev/sda
#grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
#passwd //whatever
#vim /etc/locale.gen //uncheck whichever you want, if you don't know which one: en_US
#vim /etc/locale.conf
|_type in "LANG=en-US.UTF-8" without the quotation marks
#vim /etc/hostname
|_type in the name of your computer; if you're unsure, just use arch
#umount -R /mnt

and it's done

The point is that wasting time on this shit makes no sense.


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if it takes you hours to debug an issue with ur distro then ur a pajeet. sorry

are we posting arch linux installation guides now?

Attached: how to instal starch loonix.jpg (2170x1070, 519K)

Attached: Arch does not amek you smarterer about Lunix.png (1880x177, 65K)

>outdated 2015 plebbit image
maybe go back?

Attached: Arch is a meme.png (1880x198, 39K)

>having a cope folder

you literally don't need it
it's useless and pointless and only gets in the way

Attached: arch too easy to install.png (3300x6993, 1.54M)

>I've been trying to install Arch for the past couple weeks but keep messing it up.

Attached: 1439421563122.png (622x626, 135K)

>"Arch linux just werks and never breaks".

Attached: Arch redditors.png (851x942, 184K)

Attached: arch users.png (1062x664, 114K)

Attached: arch broken xorg, an old classic.png (1349x695, 13K)

because it requires actual skill, arch/gentoofags can barely follow instructions from a wiki let alone code anything useful

Use Anarchy Linux (an installer for Arch) or Manjaro. Manjaro is honestly super comfy. I just hate the branding compared to the Arch logo

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to install Arch

tanks from WW2 were superior though

they actually updated the guide recently and the partitioning section is much better now

Attached: 2019-01-27_15-24-23.png (258x287, 42K)

Because a GUI installer would ruin the point of arch

What's the point of Arch?

t. just use antergos

same as DistroWatch

And the point of Distrowatch is..?

imagine being at computers

Attached: dwbanner.png (468x60, 10K)

Arch is a hobby OS and very high maintenance. If you are looking for something you can rely on for day to day activity use something else (solus, ubunutu etc.).

If you have a spare computer to play around with, use arch on it.

t.m maintenanc

what a retard. arch is not even hard to install it's just an unstable mess.

>Brainlets think having a gui installer makes it easier

Attached: 1547828819853-g.jpg (540x540, 17K)

fuck I'd settle for a text installer

>Arch is a hobby OS and very high maintenance.

tfw my main machine and just werks

Attached: 1548967024585-g.png (600x583, 620K)

Even though arch is easy to install now that i've done it three times, i'd still prefer a just werks debian installer because i can't be fucked even making an install script.

>update once every few days to a week
>nothing has ever broken for like a year since switching
I think "arch breaks every update" is just a relic, or an extremely exaggerated stigma.

there are a couple install scripts on github and architect is still around

Yea same here, only thing that ever broke for me was one program from the AUR for like a week or two and then it got fixed in the next update. I still try to be somewhat careful and check the newsfeed, just in case.

Not going to lie, TUI installers are fucking carcinogenic, they don't have the information density of GUI and don't have the flexibility of manual CLI installation, they're the worst of both worlds, hell, most people are more intimidated by TUI than a CLI, with CLI you know what to expect
Arch with installer is antergos or manjaro.

Just install void. It's better anyway

Attached: void-installer.png (713x383, 5K)

>Arch with installer is antergos or manjaro
ArchLabs masterrace here

Attached: ArchLabs_2018-02-07-02_1920x1080.png (1920x1080, 497K)

>no systemd
Fuck you

I never got this meme, do people just hear it from somewhere and parrot it without even trying arch?
I have used the same install for over 4 years, some people have used the same install for over 10 years. Tell me you can get this kind of reliability and stability with any other distribution.

It always broke on me while I used it. I have been using Solus for last two years, had only a single minor issue on one update. If I was using something like Ubuntu, I'd probably have no issue.

>You're autistic like me, use my distro!

You have the time in center of screen like a footfag.

Attached: 031a2b8d27e6cad5283f91c103f9c53da96cfc5e224b572d621532b8d8103605.jpg (480x363, 27K)

>isn't 4.20 blaze it


Manajaro installer isn't reliable, I basically installed Arch along with KDE packages.

if you can't use the tty installer, arch is probably not the right choice for you