>join channel to download movies
>speed is 100KiB/s
>8GB file
why would anyone use this when streaming exists?
>join channel to download movies
>speed is 100KiB/s
>8GB file
why would anyone use this when streaming exists?
Try torrent.
find a better bot dumbass
I like my computer virus clean torrent fag
> he doesn't watch anime
Are you retarted?
great argument, got any others?
You'd have to be a complete manchild fag for that
nice try, retard
>download animu
>8 to 9 MiB/s
That's not what you use irc for you fucking moron
>why would anyone use this when streaming exists?
Because sites get shut down all the time and some people like to keep things in case, or to watch while traveling, or for the fun of collecting.
Anyway, you don't go to IRC to download things you could find on open BitTorrent trackers in 10 seconds, you go to IRC to get the rares from hoarding autists.
Where do you go on IRC to get movies?
Discord has supplanted IRC
Assuming you trust the bot you get it from, there's less of a paper trail and those involved in the transaction as opposed to i.e. (public) trackers.
And, assuming the codec/container is up to it, similarly to torrents in sequential mode, you can watch immediately and if your player supports it keep watching as it downloads if the speed outpaces the watch time.
DCC bots, depending, also tend to have the latest or definitive encodes for releases and if they exist no matter how slow you're guaranteed to be able to downloaded unlike unseeded torrents.
but irc will outlast discord
Unironically this. Unlike IRC, people on Discord are much more nicer than all those fat autists faggots behind any IRC channel
It's hard to disagree when I'm sitting here look at a torrent with "145 days remaining"
>people on Discord are much more nicer
Let me guess, they don't bully you for bad grammar?
>not infinity remaining
pleb numbers
Based retard.
They're also dumber, on average.
>wants nice people
>can't stand fat autists faggots
>goes on Jow Forums
gj retard
Stop using curry trackers.
Discord is full of drama and furries.