Female sexuality

Redpill me on women and BDSM. Since 50 Shades of Grey has become one of the best selling books of all time one should ask: why? Show me your best red pills. Subjects can range from: BDSM, female psychology, hypergamy/MGTOW/PUA, (((feminism))), sexual liberation, strategy guides on dominating/enslaving women etc.

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Women love to be raped, consensually. sage

Why consencually? Youre saying they dont enjoy being raped by a stranger?

You know how you experience a (negative) feeling at the idea of getting bitched out / humiliated? Women sexualize it. It makes them cum to be dominated

woman's natural position is subordinate to the male. Read: wife subordinate the husband.

That state has been properly disrupted for about 100 years now, so where man's natural state is that of executive and dominant has been undermined, they're looking for a replacement. Since it isn't the woman's natural state to actually seek and find (active roll rather than passive) they'll pick up any imitator that flips a switch, with priority to whichever flips the most switches.

Summary, everything is disordered and meaning has been bleed from identity/purpose. People can not ultimately deny their nature, and thus perverse facsimiles fill the voids.

Ravaged, they like feeling like they are irresistible to you. They also have a deep need to be enjoyed, they know they are physically helpless and want assurance/protection.

Remember the lion killing the other males cubs, they are selected to know this pattern and want strong partners so thirsty investment in children won't be wasted.

Only if he's hot. And rich.

Most females like being held down and fucked forcefully. They are ashamed of their own desires so they want a man to dominate them because then it won't be their "fault" or whatever.

Women are biologically porogrammed to be raped.
It is how natural selection works on humans. Women reject all men, and they have to chase the woman. The best hunter will get the woman and subjugate her. She will resist, but actually enjoy it a lot, both the running from the hunter and the getting caught and raped. It is the explanation for the so called Stocholm syndrome.

Civilization imposed (out of need) monogamy on people, and the idea of women being property. Originally rape meant sex without permossion of the owner of the woman (her father or hustband). That's why in the Bible it says that if a man rapes a woman he has to marry her, because it meant premarital sex without permission of her father, not necesarily without her permission.

In modern times the definition of rape was changed to be the consent of the woman. And after centuries of women being told that rape was wrong they internalized it, even if they love it at biological level.

Women who liked being raped didn't end up dead as much after their village was conquered by another tribe.

Everybody is ashamed of there sexuality, force means you have sex but aren't complicit in the shame.

What is there to explain? Females are submissive, males dominant. Anything else is either extreme outlier or masked defect/mental issue. Relationships are like mob - respect is everything and if you lose it, your relationship is finished. For women, respect comes from non-direct instinctual knowledge their man is better at everything. Stronger, more clever, he knows his way around and dominating in his social circle (that shows her other are worse and she picked her mate right). That is why you really shouldn't let go with your woman. Don't apologize, don't confide your inner weaknesses (rather work on them quietly), don't cry in front of her. Every female has her limit in tolerating lack of this respect (=your weakness). Better (more alpha) the woman is, lesser is the tolerance. On the other hand, good and healthy women should be pro-actively supporting of you and your ventures, so that there is very little need for you to fall into your weaknesses. Good woman will indirectly help you to attain your goals - so you'll end up happier and stronger and she has more reasons to respect you. This cooexistence is the nucleus of a healthy traditional relationship. Hence nowadays, men are weak and women not supportive - thus insane divorce rates and whole cancerous dating culture.

In the whole "consensual rape" aspect, this is bretty gud post

This. So much of human behavior makes sense if you think about how and why stereotypes come about

Women like dominance. But it must be consensual.

Women want to marry up as far as they possibly can, but they want a caring man and mostly complete psychopaths become billionaires because the stress involved

So here's a woman transforming a bad billionaire into a manageable husband. The sex part is gratuitous.

If you know what you want, who cares about what women want. Forming a persona in accordance to women's reaction seems pretty demonic to me.

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Female bdsm is like bags of pixie dust.

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They enjoy rape. Period. Keep in mind, rape was the norm for most of human history. Those who resisted were killed. Hence, natural selection.

this post gave me aids

Women are biologically compulsed to be submissive but have been wrongly taught by Jews that they have to be as dominant as men in social and economic spheres. This unnatural sublimination of their true nature reveals itself in the bedroom, where all but the most zombified have become extremely and kinkily sexually submissive.

The farther from natural law propaganda has lead them, the more degradation they desire in the bedroom.

Implying you didn't have it already, sandrat.


>Redpill me on women

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This is what women want
It's also what (((They))) want.

Women just don't like pussies because they already have one.

Just don't be a pussy and women will cum to you.

> based ´n Czeckpilled

Rape takes away a woman's ability to monetize her cunt

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The vast majority of women enjoy being dominated sexually. This is common knowledge.

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Are you saying women aren't into that or what? In my experience they love rape fantasies