Come home white man

come home white man

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no thanks cucks for redhat

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how many threads are we going to have about fedora?

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Bruh . . . . .

just look at all these triggered guinea pigs for redhat's testing bed distro without arguments

literally nothing wrong with manjaro whatsoever

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nobody on Jow Forums knows shit about distros
they can only differentiate between desktop envs


I honestly take it as sign of great endearment that the biggest problem anyone seems to have with manjaro is that it's for zoomers. it's really fucking good for what it is

>cringe-tier Jow Forums white nationalist zoomer larper identity politics faggot retards are using my distro of choice

What do I switch to now, Jow Forums?

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a fucking chair

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>distro is literally called fedora

Yeah that's what Linux needs...most fucking distros.

There are parts of it that a lot of people complain about it other than it being zoomer fuel. It comes with no firewall by default, something that is common place on other distros and should be a default for a distro shilling itself to be for "everyone". It has a nice select-a-kernel, but other than that, what does manjaro provide over arch other than an ootb experience? I ask that same question to a lot of forked distros.

If u gonna l33t at least l33t right and get Arch.

manjaro breaks every few weeks
fedora just werks

>what does manjaro provide over arch other than an ootb experience?
Shit security practices and incompetent maintainers?

Distros are just glorified presets with a package manager on top of them, they're not that different.

ok zoom zoom.
enjoy your shit security and instability.
Unironically the best distro, Debian is too old and Ubuntu is a piece of shit

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how do you people even use that slow as fuck package manager that fedora uses
jesus fuck is that possible what a pathetic piece of thrash software

werks fine for me desu senpai. dnf is pretty fast.

Ootb AUR access in every popular DE/WM alone is enough to sell it for me. Security issues I can give you are a valid concern,f but still pretty negligible given the obscurity of linux and the ease of installing a firewall

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>dnf is pretty fast
Fucking what?

I like Fedora for its stability but dnf is very fucking slow compared to something like apt

>arch for people who cant install arch

Oh okay.

>Security issues I can give you are a valid concern,f but still pretty negligible given the obscurity of linux and the ease of installing a firewall
Then couldn't the reverse be said about installing something like pamac for AUR support? It's hard for me to see the differences between it at arch, the backports between the two have little differences. Idk, I would be a hypocrite if I said "just go to the source" because I like pop_os way more than I'd ever like ubuntu.
Not him, but I find very little difference in speeds when I'm using them on an ssd.

memeing fedora for a month paid off?

I like to think this was mostly due to my rampant shilling the last few days, but I appreciate your help.

Who the fuck shills Facebook on Jow Forums

Arch > Debian unstable > RHEL/CENTOS

All the derived dists may be used by beginners only.

fuck off

>Arch > Debian unstable > RHEL/CENTOS
right. if you are measuring instability

1 every day until fedora 30

a rope

storage isnt the bottleneck - its python

Gentoo is the true white man's distro.


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No it's the forced mwtadata syncs

better keep up the promise or I will start them myself, let's kill ubuntu

>Some fucking designer is working to ruin this beautiful logo

how exactly does pacman fuck up Xorg.conf?

Does anyone know how to get a install of fedora gnome without getting shit like cheese and every gnome app in existence? I've been spoiled by the Ubuntu minimal tick option

Thanks for the chuckle.

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Just uninstall it.

By installing Fedora KDE and not supporting fucking foot.

Considering how GNOME devs are Red Hat employees I imagine Fedora's KDE must be badly maintained.

This is why you install white man distro.

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it's too bloated. i prefer solus budgie

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All Linux is shit on the desktop, but I use Fedora on servers and I like it. Most of my clients use RHEL or CentOS. Those of you who have a job will see the value in using what you work with at home.

The KDE Spin is pretty good. Better than Neon, way bettet than Kubuntu. Anything is better than n00buntu based shit.

Actually KDE support in Fedora is being dumped.

>GTX 1060

>If u gonna l33t at least l33t right and get *Gentoo*.
ftfy user

there's not that much of a difference between distros user

But there is. You just don't know.

rhel != fedora
its paid centos

I agree with this assessment

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lmao how new to linux are you bro. pkg managers and init systems and your DE/wm, etc. are interchangeable and still use the same apis

>daily reminder if your company isnt using redhat they are either poor or stupid
>daily reminder if you use a home distro not related to the one you use at work then you are not doing anything difficult at work
So what is it? Are you neet? Do you work for poor stupid company? Or are you bottom of the ladder?

You have no idea about maintainers setting up stuff differently.

Install gentoo, unironically.

>seriously recommending a distro that supports shitstaind
kill yourself

Nigger you have to go out of your way to install systemd on.

systemd is not even a default.

gentoo still supports it, which means it's just as pozzed as everything else
so what? by supporting systemd you're basically announcing your affiliation to the NSA

Imagine being this degenerate

after hearing about ibm buying redhat i switched to fedora because i expect to see great things coming.

RHEL != Fedora
Why the fuck does everyone believe that? I mean yea Redhat supports Fedora but Fedora is independent. If redhat does something it doesn't mean Fedora will do exactly the same. Heck they even have different goals. Fedora wants to be a free-software distro with the latest technology while Redhat wants to be used for enterprise stuff.

kill yourself, NSA shill

>Fedora is a Linux distribution developed by the community-supported Fedora Project and sponsored by Red Hat. Fedora contains software distributed under various free and open-source licenses and aims to be on the leading edge of such technologies. Fedora is the upstream source of the commercial Red Hat Enterprise Linux distribution.
>Fedora is the upstream source of the commercial Red Hat Enterprise Linux distribution.

Which means Fedora does something and RHEL might adopt it. How is this a problem again?

it's not a problem, but to say that possible innovation triggered by ibm won't find it's way into fedora is unrealistic.

No thanks

If you're so scare of the NSA, why are you on the internet in the first place?

because i don't subscribe to whatever defeatist cuck attitude like you

You gotta try harder than spamming unfunny Jow Forums garbage to shill your distro, redhat pajeet.

fuck off IBM shill

net install minimal with system tools
xorg server
xorg libinput/synaptic
-for wifi in TTY
network manager wifi with nmtui
and if need, your firmware.
that's what I do regardless of the distro

>servers fedora
>clients EL
what, I thought people either did EL/EL problema EL/Fedora for server/client

Nit as great as openSUSE though, I'd say the number one KDE distro

If fedora was on a one-year release schedule it would be better than CentOS

except it is

>bashing Arch for systemd
>in the Fedora thread

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Fedora is an NSA botnet. Enjoy you botnet faggot.

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>Fedora is an NSA botnet. Enjoy you botnet faggot.
[citation needed]

>greatest professional FOSS community is a botnet
imagine having schizophrenia like this guy

he probably thinks Fedora doesn't have systemd despite being the first distro to include it LOL