What's the best tool for making backups?

What's the best tool for making backups?

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Pen and paper

The one time I had to copy a hard drive I've used FreeFileSync.


I've heard Urbackup is pretty good, if you want to backup over the network





Windows 7 system image creation.

As long as you don't need to keep the permissions, ZPAQ (mattmahoney.net/dc/zpaq.html). If you do, then tar. Use them to create incremental backups. Copy the backups to a remote server with rsync, rclone, etc.

Not on its own.

Actual serious answer:

Home users - there isn't any. It's best to sync all the personal files (~/documents, ~/Desktop, and so on) to Dropbox or some other service. That way in the case of the inevitable catastrophic failure, ransomware, or lost password, recovery is as easy as installing Dropbox and letting it suck all the files back from the internet.

Small business - something like ownCloud with at least 2x redundancy for the inevitable catastrophic failure.

Enterprise - redundant live systems that are slow-synced to the production systems so when the inevitable catastrophic failure happens you have a known-good slightly-old copy of everything that is ready to go in minutes.

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Backup tool not backup server you retarded Jow Forumsnigger.

I said, there isn't any. All home backup tools suck severely and have major problems restoring the backup. Syncing personal files is way easier and doesn't require any fiddling at all. Install app, select sync folders, done. If you're an enterprise with production client-facing systems then you obviously need a live failover. It's that simple.

>just upload all your personal data to servers you don't own or control, fellow white man!
i wonder who could be behind this post

zfs send & receive

cat /* >> backup
Really cool, imagine that you write your entire file system by hand and then store the sheet in a huge archive.


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Backblaze is my set-and-forget solution. When I used osx I also used a local Time Machine drive, but I can't find any Windows solution as good as TM.


>is a freeware tool in Microsoft's PowerToys series that provides an easy-to-use graphical user interface for synchronizing files and folders.