The elites create destruction, war, famine, kill people and for some reason they're not afraid of the consequences or are they afraid of GOD. Some people say we might be living a simulation, a "matrix".

Is it possible the the elite know were living in a simulation or do they know that GOD doesnt exist? and thats the reason for them do to everything they do.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Or we’re not in a matrix, God is real, and they’re actually just evil

Of course they know things we don't know.

With their level of resources it would be inconceivable that they didn't.

They're just winging it.


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They claimed that "GOD" was "just a story we made up".
But then again, they haven't died. I did 3 times already.
>pro tip: They're wrong. ;)
Proverbs 9:10
Proverbs 1:7

>I did 3 times already.
explain, you saw god?

A huge chunk of elite is made up of NEET heirs. People who don't have real jobs important to the infrastructure and hang out with artists and academia.

The "Benefactor" class.

Another part of the elite is made up of the "working rich." Sometimes the patriarchs of families and descendants of tycoons who didn't lose their "working ways."

And then we have the nouveau riche elite.

technology is made, when too much humans appear the unworthy are wiped out, history rewritten, new generations taught the fake history, repeat.

pretty much this

The elite like the "freemasons" and titans of industry were successful in the USA because they've kept people fed, maintained a strong military, expanded terrain, improved infrastructure, and did things that made the USA a super power.

They worship Satan, they've been tricked by him.

The "thought experiment" for whether or we not we live in a simulation is postulating that if we do, it probably has a finite amount of resources, and then some type of phenomena within the simulation would be able to slow it down, perhaps even grind it to a halt. This is exactly what happens when you approach the speed of light, although the perception of that even varies depending on the frame of reference.

The second argument for why we live in a simulation is called the flyweight argument and it comes from software design. If you were to program a forest, you don't write out every individual tree, you create the most efficient system, and you only manifest the trees which are within each users's visible range. Similarly, particles wave/discrete duality comes from this idea. Individual particles do not even exist until they are being observed. By doing this, there is no necessity for the system to calculate every single movement and force each individual particle creates all throughout the universe.

The third argument for the existence of a simulation is the lack of civilizations that we have been able to contact. Its a sheer numbers game, the overwhelming number of stars and the fact that we were able to evolve into an intelligent civilization means we should have been in contact with thousands of others. They are nowhere to be found, because we're the only sample in the petri dish.

God does exist, perhaps it is better to call them Gods. Whether or not you want to call them that is your problem. There is no escape from the system, likely it is a system within a system, perhaps unto infinity.

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They know how to control people through lies and manipulation, not unlike the "simulation theory" meme.

>Is it possible the the elite know were living in a simulation or do they know that GOD doesnt exist? and thats the reason for them do to everything they do.
Unfortunately, it is much more trivial than that. They’re just afraid of losing power, especially now when complete world domination seems just around the corner. They know that if they don’t keep the pressure up with liquidity, land scarcity, consumerism etc. the system will collapse. And with it their little Brave-New-World project.

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We aren't living in a simulation and god doesn't exist.

The truth is, the "elites" are composed of two groups.
Those are as follow:
>Emotional idealistic types who truly wish to save all the humans
These people have no concept of finite resources and infrastructure, they truly believe that you can give everyone everything they desire and that if you do so everyone will be nice to each other.
>Logical realists who want the best possible outcome for themselves
These people know that there is not enough to go around, you can't give everyone everything they want and even if you did there would be those who would take from others to have more or those who would end up better off than others due to their own ability. These people don't actually care about humanity as a whole though and only want to improve their own position.

The reality of the situation is this:
>Humanity will reach a cataclysmic level if we do not cull the worst of us and reduce the global population by billions.

Both sides of the "elites" are happy to push the best of humanity into oblivion and in the long run send all people into a hellscape. One side thinks third world nigger muslims are just as good as whites or even deserve what whites have cultivated so they will give away everything to them, the other side knows this is not the case but they want slaves who will serve their goals and actually believe third world nigger muslims would make more obedient slaves than whites.

Either way nigger muslims are being imported.

The actual solution is simple:
>White people allow nigger muslims to die of famine and disease in their shit holes.
>White people use military superiority to claim all useful resources in the nigger muslim shitholes and pay them nothing
>nigger muslims are denied entry to the white world.
>Asians do the same and are the only trading partner
>Asians and whites draw up boundaries and each gets half the earth, the nigger muslims die, jews included.

This meme failed, Totalitarian Leftist gov should be "Blame the Whites."

They cannot be afraid of god, because god doesn't exist.
If i were god, i would eliminate all evil at least 6,000 years ago.

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I'm leaning simulation until I see more evidence for the other case.
The question is if simul then can the rules be bent and if so how?

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They are hiding Antarctica at all costs

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If it is a simulation then why is life so shit and boring.
Where's the cheat codes
And if its a simulation shouldn't it be possible to find people who are the 'players'

You're about as useful as a child holding a dolly telling it you'd make all the bad guys go away. Enjoy your time in Palestine while it lasts :)

Different universes=saved games
Other players=different galaxies?


>being an NPC this hard
I'm a player, what do you want to know?
inb4 nothing because NPCs can't into discussion of important topics.

Now prove to me god exists.
How does he look like ? How does he sound like ? Why didn't he ever appear on Jimmy Kimmel or something like that ?

They seem to be obsessed with living for ever . Those evil fuckers are pretty sure God does exist and they are so afraid of the afterlife meet n greet that theyll do anything to continue in this dimension.

What's the point of other players if they can't interact with each other.
You mean I have to level up to being a space faring intergalactic civilization before I can even meet another player?

You're not a player and I can tell because I am one and no player would ever call another player an NPC.

Not the user but can confirm, near death experiences will change you. I've had several myself. I know there is something after this life. I know I have a thing people would call a soul.

probably a junkie who's OD'd 3 times is what he means

What did you see? I seen a lot of people's near death experiences on YouTube and mostly all of have different experiences

>And if its a simulation shouldn't it be possible to find people who are the 'players'
>implying you can't find any
Players can easily spot other players just by seeing their face. Sure they are rare but they are easily spotted. NPCs can't tell the difference and think everyone else is an NPC like them. If you never spotted a player, you are an NPC. Sorry nigger.

Their only concern is is keeping the power and Israel.

Ok so players exist
How can the rules of this simulated reality be bent and/or broken?

Where's the command line?

Prove to me why you need him to exist. Why does it matter if he does or doesn't? Seems like he did a good enough job not to be needed and could even exist inside his own world.

An actual player character doesn't need a command line to alter reality. For a player character, it's very simple. You can do whatever you want. The NPCs will react to you and make your goal a reality on your behalf. If you want to be a recluse and do nothing while society tends to your needs than it is so. If you want to go out into the world and achieve some goal then you can easily do so. If you find an NPC desirable for your own happiness or pleasure you can easily talk to them and make them do your bidding, if you want nothing to do with them you can ignore them be dismissive and they will leave you alone. The NPC has a kind of detection system though, so you just have to avoid "upsetting the system" and your life is very easy and you get everything you want with minimal effort.

If its a simulation, what if there are no 'players'
Just us, and some are more tuned in than others.
And whatever created the simulation just observes and collects data

Explain the detection system
Every interaction I've ever had with NPCs has led to intense pushback

The truth.

Truth is useful but not powerful enough because it requires to be wrapped in deception before it can be deployed into the world to maek change

In that case the "god exists" scenario is no different than the "simulation" scenario.

It's extremely situational. Each situation has it's own set of "acceptable parameters". If you violate the acceptable parameters you will trigger negativity from all the NPCs surrounding you and face a full rejection. However, if you skirt the inner boundaries of the acceptable parameters you can alter what is deemed acceptable and by doing so they consider you a leader of sorts and all come to approach you with praise and offers of allegiance or favours. There are different ways to do this, for example when an NPC comes to you and is spouting some typical NPC programmed responce you can reprogram them by responding to them at first agreeing with them entirely and then slowly introducing examples of the exact opposite gradually getting more extreme until the NPC is a full blown "nazi" (for lack of a better word), you can try this in a group too, and do this with multiple NPCs until the majority of the group is on your side and then when an NPC comes along and presents the opinion which you began the process agreeing with, you don't do the gradual progression with them and go straight to the most extreme example and reject them as an enemy of the group, all the NPCs will then turn on the singled out NPC and laugh at them for having the wrong opinion as you ridicule them.

One time, a thing of nightmares.
Another time an out of body experience.
A third time I woke up in what can be called another dimension and returned back to this life when that dimension cataclysmed.

All events happened in near death situations, where I am bleeding out or my body is about to experience massive physical trauma.

Now in this life, which is good and all my wants and needs, even all my desires are satisfied, I see how... absurd and fake it is. Basically, to use the matrix metaphor, I'm constantly experiencing glitches. When people are with me they also experience glitches, so the effect is localized on me.

All of this has revealed several cosmic truths to me. I will share one with you now, which explains how I experienced all this stuff. Time is the only thing that is both constantly changing yet unchanging. You could say, time is an illusion. All that exists is the moment but the moment is infinite.

El is a Northwest Semitic word meaning "god" or "deity", or referring (as a proper name) to any one of multiple major ancient Near Eastern deities

The word Elite in old french 'elit' which comes from the older 'elu', elu means "A person who has been chosen (by God)". The EL'ite are people who were chosen by EL.

"ite" is a suffix used to form nouns denoting followers or adherents of a specified person, example: Adamsite, Campbellite, Jacobite, laborite, Mansonite, Reaganite, Thatcherite.

So literally an EL-ite means a follower of EL or one who was chosen by EL.

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how can i join them?

>reprogramming NPCs
Makes sense
Requires patience, I lack.
But I'll work on it.

They study control that is their secret

we live in a society in a system

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Why do you think none of current leaders have children?
Past children of vermin got punished for their political treachery.

God punishes all sinners.

This is referenced in there

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NPCs have agreeability. If it is just you and one NPC that will be the most work you ever do, first you have to separate them from whatever influences they have, if your NPC is heavily influenced by some other group this will be more difficult. If the NPC has no major ties then it will be fairly easy and can be done in less than half an hour. Once you have one agreeing with you, you can invite a second, most NPCs try at all costs to fit in with the majority so this second NPC will be easier to program and as long as you build the group each new NPC gets exponentially easier to influence to the point you don't even really have to try and the group will do most the work for you by repeating the arguments which you already presented. You also have to realise that as a player you are not bound by "social norms", and violating typical "social norms" without violating the "acceptable parameters" is very stimulating to the NPC.

For example a violation of acceptable parameters would be approaching a stranger and telling them you hate niggers which would result in rejection, but a violation of social norms would be approaching a stranger and pointing out someone ridiculous and making fun of them. A big part of it is making the NPC feel like they are in on something, like they are a part of something and on a team, by some kind of secret knowledge and shared judgement of outsiders, rather than making them feel like you are an outsider and have them branded as an outsider too.

Honestly, it's probably this. Have you seen the scions of some of those old money families? Fucking low iq libtard retards. No wonder everything is on fire.

Mm.. this is persuasion
I have to learn this as a skill.

No, but we know something that the elites don't.
That those migrants fucking suck. That they will never be able to hold down even modest jobs because they don't have the attitude that it takes. That they will not work in facturies and give us an economic boost. That they will in fact take us down economically through the sheer cost of welfare unless we holocaust 2.0 the shit out of them. Now.

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If you are a player as you claim it is easier than you think. The system is built to convince you not to do these things out of fear, but when you go out into the world free with the knowledge that the NPCs are thoughtless and have no opinion let alone an opinion which might be negative towards you it becomes easier and easier.

Take DMT every day for a week and you will know everything the elites know.

If you survive, of course.

Oh and also, you have to remember that this NPC theory is unproven and it might just be that I am a sociopath who is teaching you to think the way I do naturally. I don't really know, but if I am a sociopath, I probably wouldn't empathise with you enough to share that fact would I?

Sociopath just means someone who is willing to shape reality the way they want it to be.
Persuasion being easy is interesting, I've always avoided it though. I'll keep what you say in mind.

no OP listen :

The elites are simply more ruthless and selfish. They believe they are ALWAYS justified. They believe they are the embodiment of self-fulfilling prophecy.

If they have everything they must therefore be the right person for the job after all.

Unfortunately they are 50% correct.

But human progress suffers greatly for the other 50%.

In fact our future is a fucking coin toss due to this mentality.

If you read the Bible it tells you exactly in Genesis that demons descended upon earth with satan, and in fact satan is the god of earth, even Jesus acknowledge this when satan tried to tempt him at the hilltop, promising him all the kingdoms and their glory if Jesus bowed to him, because it was satans to give away. For now anyways, these "elite people" are not humans, they are evil beings, and when Jesus returns they will all be thrown into the lake of fire, but they are ignorant in their ways, or maybe they are afraid God and whats to come and this is their way of establishing control before they get destroyed for all eternity.

Manipulation is most easily achieved when you are alone with a target who knows nothing about you, you can shape their view of you and reality more easily this way. If you are with an individual who knows facts about you or has a preconceived notion about you who is not in on the game they can ruin it by presenting an alternate reality to the target. Once you have the target in your grasp you can shape them and others who fall into the web.

Another interesting factor is once you have programmed one set of ideas into the target it is difficult to change that set of ideas if you wish to reprogram them to something entirely different without more extreme measures which will take a much longer amount of time because of their previous programming. So if you half ass it and give the NPC a certain "balanced opinion" and then later wish to push them to a more "extreme view" or vice versa you will have difficulty. But it will work if you have the dedication and a long term, for example, you can constantly reprogram a NPC gf or wife throughout your relationship but don't expect results immediately you have to work towards the results you desire. But if you hope to alter someone you just met at work you will have difficulty changing them after your initial impression has been made in addition to the regular difficulty due to the acceptable parameters which come with the workplace so you have to make your initial impact count.

The term "Satan" doesn't appear in the Bible until the book of Job. There certainly are no demons or satans in the five books of Moses, Genesis included.

Please take at least a superficial look at the Bible before you make up strange lies about it.

>You must be at least 18 years old to post on this board

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They know this:

This is good user.
It seems that persuasion is simply a skill, and it has rules and can be learned and mastered.
I will look into this when I am ready to try it - books, videos, other sources of knowledge etc.

Thx for opening my mind to this art.

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty.
He was, he is, and he is coming.

Sounds like utopia


Some do, but not as many as some may think. Some things are just best left to enough people that can pass knowledge along and not be a point of failure with the passing.

Genesis 6 verse 4
Angels created offspring with humans, this is a sin to God, they are fallen angels,
My bad for using the common term "satan" and demons first words that came to mind.
Anyways perhaps you should study the Bible.

4sure that (((they))) know more than we are, like someone’s tell that they have just more money to get all the info. BUT am wondering: “if they really using (old school) blood magic, and they still stronk, is magic a think in our reality?”
Btw newbie in magic (includes meme magic) ‘07

This, elites know that control over humans is most valuable resource. It's not the money, resources or corporations they want to control, those are just means to an end, they would toss them asaide for more control over humans.

But what is the endgame? Still asking myself

Buy Chainlink

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OK, so I looked up the original text of Gen 6:4, and I find 3 terms here:
nefilim - commonly translated as "giants"
>inb4 Zecheriah Sitchin - he didn't know shit
bnei haelohim - literally sons of god(s)
and they are the "geburim", which translates as "strong men" or "heroes".

Nowhere is there the word "fallen" or "angels", which would have been "mal'achim".
Btw. my dictionary and my German Bible backs me up there.

Of course. They've controlled academia, in particular humanities and use "social theory" since the Frankenfurt school, to shape the world into their vision and interests.

Could you imagine if it turns out we live in the timeline where this is really what's going on in Antarctica? That would be so fucking tight.

Pretty much.
>Br sober-minded and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.

Have you ever taken acid? Were your experiences anything like that?

the earth is a simultaneous projection of all creators present...

they want you to have a "hellview" because then you generate it

think BLM and SJW's

You create your own storm.

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Yeah nah they are not elite. They are scum. Linguistics is one of their control tools.

They want to own everything and everybody.
1 family, 1 blood line.

Soul harvest

yes language is important

time and space are both illusions
you've been initiated my friend

>Queue "I Don't Like Reggae (I Love It)"

This is just solipsism with a modern veneer.

To gain even more control, or said.

thank you, brother!

I just looked it up, and the confusion might come from the word "nefilim" when translated by people who don't know semitic languages. The word means "giants" and comes from the root consonants P-I-L, with the n being a prefix. P-I-L denotes something big, and today it is the Hebrew word for "elefant".
However if you conveniently omit that there's a yod in the word "nefilim", then you might think it comes from the root consonants N-P-L, which indeed means fallen. But to form the actual word "the fallen", you wouldn't put a yod in there, and you'd end up probably with something like "naflim" (distinctly two syllables), not nefilim (three syllables because of the yod).

So someone who isn't familiar with how semitic languages like Hebrew works might make that mistake.

>The elites create destruction, war, famine, kill people and for some reason they're not afraid of the consequences or are they afraid of GOD. Some people say we might be living a simulation, a "matrix".


So the next step would be the single card and then the next step would be to replace the single card with a skin implant. The single card could be lost or stolen, give rise to problems; could be exchanged with somebody else to confuse identify. The skin implant on the other hand would be not losable or counterfeitable or transferrable to another person so you and your accounts would be identified without any possibility of error. And the skin implants would have to be put some place that would be convenient to the skin; for example your right hand or your forehead. At that time when I heard this I was unfamiliar with the statements in the Book of Revelation. The speaker went on to say, "Now some of you people who read the Bible will attach significance to this to the Bible," but he went on to disclaim any Biblical significance at all. This is just common sense of how the system could work and should work and there's no need to read any superstitious Biblical principals into it. As I say, at the time I was not very familiar with the words of Revelations. Shortly after I became familiar with it and the significance of what he said really was striking. I'll never forget it."

Omg man, I’ve really believed in that theory (like 70/30) but it’s always getting me too far away. Imagine that, emotions is the food of ET gods (or so) like for thousands (less or more) of years. Why are we killing each other for rain, or good “harvest”, some lizard god like Quetzalcoatl, for the name of the Christ and Allah in past, and for comfort and laziness in our time. Thats really crazy. In my 30 realizing that People around me, is just a reflection, and that life is a great endless maze :)

Been waiting on this thread user, glad to see it.



Emotion is energy... nothing goes to waste

>If it is a simulation then why is life so shit and boring.
People play RDR2 in this universe for entertainment and it's just as dull as real life, so it makes sense that people would pick a dull simulation

just feelings
you feel it but you can‘t prove anything because it‘s just a mental state just feelings which don‘t steer or reveal the course of reality.
It‘s the exact same things with drugs

sounds like a fart inside your mind