I come with a question

Is this divine intellect, or is this niggerlicious?

Attached: 2muchvoodoo.png (703x279, 40K)

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The language requiring all those backslashes sure is option #2.

Python. I used to not be bothered by the semantic whitespace but it is definitely fucking painful in this context.

Other than Python being retarded that particular piece of code is friendly to the eye to read from top to bottom, so I'd say divine intellect.

That's nice to hear. I'm strongly conflicted about the backslashes though. Taking recommendations for a HLL with good networking libraries that doesn't have preconceptions about how code should be formatted.

just use Rust if you're gonna use Python like that

Divine intellect.

Attached: 1542894472171.jpg (347x145, 10K)

slashes make it niggerlicious

even in languages where the slashes aren't required, it's niggerlicious

Forgot to mention I don't use tranny proglangs.

>write python like it's rust
>not a tranny
pick one

You just did.

Just looked up Rust code screenshots. Just resembles CPP to me.

In screenshot related there is pointer arithmetic. This is the kind of shit I'm trying to get away from - pointers, intermediate variables, wrestling with scope, etc.

forgot screenshot

Attached: rust.png (1740x1482, 261K)

>Just looked up Rust code screenshots. Just resembles CPP to me.
rust is closer to JSucker syntax than to Chad++
>This is the kind of shit I'm trying to get away from - pointers
and you prefer garbage collector to RAII?
t.web dev
>intermediate variables
>wrestling with scope
the problem iss your own incompetency

> and you prefer garbage collector to RAII?
Not necessarily. I actually think RAII is an advantage over GC esp. in a realtime context or for programs that work with large datasets; but in this case I'm dealing with neither of those things.

> intermediate variables
Because they make recombining code a pain. "A valid program in a concatenative language can be split along any (atomically) syntactic boundary to produce two equally valid programs. Likewise, any two valid programs may be concatenated to form another valid program."
^ wiki.c2.com/?ConcatenativeLanguage

This would be the end goal.

does map() in python works that it pipes the iterators/generators or does it collect the whole output into buffer in process?

In python2 map would collect the whole output into a list, in python3 it's "lazy" and works like a generator - if that answers your question.

the ".map" selector in my screenshot is also lazy in the sense that it only executes when a new datum propagates though the stream, but it doesn't involve Python's builtin map function though.

I would honestly write code like this, braces make me mad

You are the reason that the death penalty needs to remain

u mad brace boi

Attached: kys.jpg (697x768, 84K)