Thoughts on Linus Tech Tips and Linus Media Group?

Thoughts on Linus Tech Tips and Linus Media Group?

Recent video:

Remember to disable your adblocker, it helps him tremendously.

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Linus is a faggot shill and the world will be a better place when he stops making videos.

remember to report OP and all linusdicktips threads


A video that had to be made because a Linux Gamer through a shit fit because of an automated video strike, causing more people to throw shit fits because they're more fond of working themselves into a pitch forked armed frenzy than actually bothering to know what's going on.

The Linux Gamer, after throwing his shit fit, went through the regular automated process of fighting the strike and the strike was cleared in just a few hours. He lost no views. He lost no money. In fact he's probably gained more notoriety for throwing the shit fit at a more popular Youtuber.

Pair of fucking faggots with an army of fucking faggots behind them.

The funniest part of this retarded ironic shilling trend is he still benefits from it. And you're not even being paid anything for posting this.

stay mad shill



dunno what's with Jow Forums and this guy, he just look like another clickbaity sellout youtube channel.

>cries about youtube
>still posts video on it
not very coeherent but then again youtube pays him very well. he is shitting where he eats, just like the other youtubers who always complain about youtube

You know what and you know what.

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I only support Paul.
Linuskiddies get the rope.




He created his own kernel

whats a kernel? like corn right?

He's quite fair if compared to the rest of the tech world.
Which means he's as corrupt as your typical brazilian politician, instead of you know being some sort of mob king.

He's cringe as fuck but I still watch his videos

No dude the military rank.

But that's wrong. If not Linus you'd have no Linux OS. And no server would work.