Can Technology save us from Death?

Can Technology save us from Death?

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That's torture.

useful torture

It's a medical experiment that will help us in the future. You have to understand that actual scientific experimentation is done with a pragmatic stance to ensure results. Also it's just a dog, not like it was an important living being like us. Even if you think that then why haven't you protested the millions of rats/mice killed in drug trials, why the bias?

>It's a medical experiment that will help us in the future
You're right, who needs ethics boards anyway? As long as it benefits science, it's A-OK!

Damn, image being that doggo...

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Much crueler things have occurred during war with no benefit at all.

Imagine the pain

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life sucks anyway

hopefully it can't save you op

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Unfortunately so, when you get right down to it bad things like that need to happen in order to reach a better understanding of the world around us and develop new technologies than can save lives. You all have to remember that despite the horrifying thing OP posted, know that it wasn't done as merciless torture. We learned something from that that is being applied even to this day.

Those are one of the tamest experiments we've done btw. We've done far far worse but learned so much.


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not like it was an important living being like us.
most people are as non-important as the dogo desu

then where is the line?

Not sure what point you're trying to make here. It's not like we had to choose between this decapitated head experiment or WW3 breaking out.

I'm saying there isn't one because we all literally make them up. Some think no living being has value while others think only a specific set of living beings have value. We're all hypocrites man, the sooner we can come to accept that the better.

I know what you're trying to say, but you're looking at it the wrong way. There is no line, that's why we created one. It isn't even hypocritical to say you're okay with violent experiments on rats but not dogs because you value dogs more.

Can't be torture when the animal has been long braindead


We didn't create just one, we created an infinite number of them that grows each day just like all the gods and fairytales out there. Everybody claims their line is the one "true" line despite there literally existing none, it's all made up.

The reason I find it hypocritical to say you're okay with rats being used for cruel experimentation but not dogs is because you placed value on the life of dogs in the first place therefore you placed value on life in general but now you look down upon rats. Who are you to determine what living being has more or less value? But we do it anyway despite claiming any life inherently has value.

good luck in court.

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I want to see this with human head

Oh no, some BS story made up by goat herders that was stitched together from stories of other goat herders says I've been a bad boy and the sky god will punish me.

What's your address? I'll pay you a visit tonight.


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No, I will punish you. You deserve the worst possible fate you fucking slime.

hope you know that most medical knowledge we have is gathered from far worse stuff

I live inside your head, I'm the eyes that stare back at you when you look at the mirror, I'm the thing you keep ignoring because I make you uncomfortable, I am all that you hope to never find. Drink my piss so that I may transcend you to a realm of what you're too afraid to face.

The brain of that dog's head is alive you stupid fuck

>Thinking a novel writting mean shit

But not its soul because all dogs go to heaven, right?

Fanfiction dot com is down the hall buddy

so Jow Forumseniuses can bend the knee to potter, but not to god? laugh of sick desperation. very common among fools.

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Who is potter and why do yo think anyone bend the knee to him/it?

The fool here is you because you take the legend of my favorite sky god and his superhero sidekick son: the book seriously. You're so endowed by the stories you read that you start thinking they're real instead of just shitty stories meant to teach you what other people think is right or what should be done to live a better life. You're no better than the witches you hunt.

thats fucking retarded. At the very minimum you need your liver and pancreas for basic metabolism, it's not just oxygen that's in blood.
Immortality will never happen.

and why wouldn't i take it seriously again?
because some /genius told me, that i should abolish the whole history and learn from only him provided sources, from the approved ones?

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Can death save us from technology

Not at all and you probably won't even if you're afraid you're wrong. I'm wasting time here as much as you are. The only difference here is you are a shill of one of the many sky gods and I mock you for that.

I think I'd subject myself to this level of experimentation if my head and brain were intact, but my body was damaged beyond repair. I'd sign up for this level of testing.

Pipe some air through a tube and your vocal chords might even be intact enough to work. I seriously doubt I'd want to live for long, but I'd try it as opposed to dying. If I could choose to end the experiment at any point I was able to communicate, or if I obviously in distress.

I imagine the worst part of this whole experiment for the dog (aside from it dying) was the pain of nerve endings being exposed( hopefully they gave it a general painkiller, then the pain of it's blood pressure being too high/low and then the pain of slowly decaying as it died, which hopefully they would alleviate after it was in distress by dropping the blood pressure to make it pass out.

I still think I'd sign up for it.

>won't even if you're afraid you're wrong.
i'm not wrong.
you are a fool.

>The only difference here is you are a shill
i'm fishing for souls that are interested in saving.
you are detracting them.
so you are rebelling against god.
you are fucked pal.

you can try praying to die sooner before your soul gets corrupted by another sify geniuses.

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>therefore you placed value on life in general
Except in this case you didn't place equal value on the life of a dog and the life of a rat, you assigned one greater value than the other. If you were to say that all life is of equal value, then yes it would be hypocritical, but most people value the lives of certain species over others.

>i'm not wrong.
>you are a fool.
You're a fool BECAUSE you're wrong.

>i'm fishing for souls that are interested in saving.
you are detracting them.
No, you are fishing for fools.

>so you are rebelling against god.
>you are fucked pal.
Too bad I'm not a fool, I have nothing to worry about.

>you can try praying to die sooner before your soul gets corrupted by another sify geniuses.
I love this one. You want to save him by making him a fool just like you?

By assigning any value to "life", any at all you gave it inherent meaning. To strip this inherent meaning from any living being as you please because you don't like it or whatever conflicts with you placing meaning in life in the first place. It's a perfect circle just like "the bable is word of gawd, the bable says so, therefore the bable cannot be wrong"

you are close minded and boring.
nice tunnel in a brain you have there.
you don't love anything but yourself.
still, i forgive you.
retardation is genetics.
not your fault.

why does this and

get posted so frequently? its the weirdest spam...

Wouldn't it make more sense to test it on niggers?

this is from a movie that was suppose to be a russian experiment but its fake

No. It can only prolong our suffering.
Live according to the Suckmore precepts and follow the UNIX™ way; only then will you taste the sweet nepenthe of oblivion.

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that experiment was fake anyway, so whatever

most likely we will live forever in a virtual simulation with out minds uploaded into it

kys and share your head then faggot
don't touch the doggos


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You can't digitalize minds. We're living organisms, not computers.

Living organisms (including minds) are the result of electro-chemical reactions that follow the laws of physics.
A powerful enough computer can simluate this.

>chemical reactions can't be simulated

But that is only a copy of you, not the real you.
But that's the realm of philosophy already

What if this is the ultimate punishment?
Beyond the death penalty, you are doomed to survive for centuries as a head connected to a machine.

ah, the old double cherry Mario conundrum

that's not proven to be true

You are oversimplifying this.

you are not proven to exist as far as i know.

thats because that's a philosphical statement
saying the mind is a result of an electro-chemical process is a concrete statement, and it's one that hasn't been proven to be true, it's an assumption

Ship of Theseus - Are you still you if you've offloaded your "mind" into another body/system?

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>Not slowly replacing your neurons with artificial ones until you become entirely digital


Subliminal Jow Forums threads, yes, I've seen them before, but subliminal /rekt/ threads? C'mon. Just make a subliminal /trap/ thread and we're all friends.

By assigning any value to "life" you don't give it inherent meaning. What you actually are doing is feeding the thoughts of people that already think they have some value solely by existing and that is likely, not true. The truthfulness of that claim skews towards false as our current understanding of this subject does not prove the existence of any inherent value.

and Isn't hormones essential for physical activity?

No one gives a shit about identity at this day and age senpai.

Now you're getting it.

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That's the first time I read someone describing it as such.
>Not accepting that the original you died with your body and your copy will survive and continuing your legacy in robot body/virtual space.
Are you even living user?

You would have to make a copy of your mind onto a new medium than just your neurons. You are at least neurons firing in your brain, so you would still be you, even after some sort of transfer to the new medium. Are there two of you? Is the new you still you? Are they two people now? Are you truly saved from death if you still die, regardless of a new copy of an instance of your mind is created?

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we have no fucking idea and it's better to acccept that we have no fucking idea than to compare our existence to something we recently discovered: hard drives and better than developing the inane idea of being saveable, uploadable or even owning "ideas" as in "intellectual property'. there's simply no data to save, upload, whatever. proofs me wrong.

> No one gives a shit about identity at this day and age senpai.
Google and Facebook just blocked your path.

The Ego is an illusion, there is only matter. The "I" does not exist, it is merely a state of things. Consciousness does not survive a day, nor an hour, nor a single thought. It is a state machine, to be frozen and restarted at any time. Once we see through the illusion of the Self, we forego the notion of feeling forced to save the Self.

It's an interesting subject in itself but I don't think any of those questions hold value to the feasibility of the "saving" process. Basically, it's "should I" and "why would I" to the simple "can I".

You sound like a French "intellectual" trying to explain post-modernism. If nothing means anything, and everything is just a state of being at any one point, then why not just kill yourself now and not bother with the nihilism that is existence?

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Because I haven't finished my Arch rice.

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brainlet jordan peterson fan detected

something that most don't understand today is that, hell described in the bible is not actually eternal. There is a mistranslation from the original hebrew with the word "ayy-eye-on" that relates to a period of time. It's been a little while since that education, but just know that hell is not eternal. I mean, the original hell in the bible was a literal place on earth where people would burn their garbage

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Because Jordan Peterson was the first one to criticize post-modernism? Maybe you should read a book or something, brainlet.

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>Because Jordan Peterson was the first one to criticize post-modernism?
oh god
>Maybe you should read a book or something, brainlet.

I expected him to hit the dog with the hammer.

Jesus, dog people need to get a grip

you're repeating his poorly-informed rhetoric verbatim, you don't have know what post-modernism is

*even know

That's quite the comeback. Maybe you're a post-moderntard yourself - nothing but criticism with no actual knowledge to be gained, and you undercut yourself while you're at it. PERFECTION!

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the only thing that can save us from death is technology to sustain the brain and keep it working
mind uploading or other science fiction garbage does nothing to save you since your brain still dies, in fact mind uploading would be the ultimate cuck since you are granting eternal life to another and then proceeding to die

but what if you could upload your mind into another meatbag, like in 'Get Out'?

Those old Soviet experiments of the detached dog head are dubious at best, and very likely outright fakes.

The best medical technology today would barely be able to keep a head alive outside of the body for any real length of time, because it turns out that you need a lot more than oxygenated blood to run a brain.
There's no source of glucose in that blood, so the dog would fall unconscious in seconds. Also no waste removal in the blood.

The most damning evidence against this video though is how the dog moves its tongue and head. Deep throat muscles would still be required to lick its own nose. If we are to believe that the head is severed, then the head is defying gravity and lifting itself into the air when the hammer is pounded.
Also note how it's from one specific angle, with a backdrop - you'd expect that they would at least show the connections from the head to the machine.

Basically b8 from the 1940s is still hooking people today.

I imagine that's how multiple life sentences are going to be implemented in the future.

>If nothing means anything
No part of post you reply to says that, bitch.
>then why not just kill yourself now and not bother with the nihilism that is existence?
Because I want to play this game lol.

What defines "you"?
Your body? Your physical brain? Your mind?
If it were possible to emulate your brain in a computer, that emulation would very much be "you".

The problem is that we have only the most surface understanding as to how the brain works, and no real idea what brings about sentience or sapience.
Our brains are extraordinarily complex chemical computers, with a ridiculous amount of input from all sorts of things that your conscious self doesn't realize. Emulating all of that accurately, so that a virtual brain would be able to run, is simply impossible with our tech.

do you really want to be saved from death?

Philosophical garbage. You are the you sitting there reading this post, and are functionally your brain. An exact copy of you is still not you, and an exact copy of you won't stop you dying.

But living a comfortable life where you complain about working 8 hours a day while some African fuck lost his hand for not working hard enough is a-okay. Also the 32 hour days some Chinese people have to work to put your phone together.

>32 hour days
No wonder China is fucking beating us in trade