Why is MX Linux so popular?

I mean it's good and all, but isn't as polished as other distros.

Attached: Logo-MX_big.png (1200x1200, 47K)

The Big Three of Distrowatch are now:

1 Manjaro 3762 <
2 MX Linux 3033 >
3 Mint 2237

I guess its secret is that MX is a working version of Debian

No systemdick

Are you sure? Last time I checked it had systemd.

kek, when I used MX it froze alot, was bloat and had wifi problems. never had any of that using Debian

It has it but doesn't use it

you put it on a portable drive and it keeps the updates


It uses sysvinit

This has to be satire

Distrowatch is a bad joke

Because it is Debian done right.

Never heard of it so your title is wrong

It was pretty OK until I tried to get a dev environment running...

Distrowatch's stats have literally nothing to do with actual installation base.

I thought it was a mexican distro.

It's greek.

>Never heard of it so your title is wrong

It is tho, because now you do.

where to find actual installation base stats?

My old man swears by it, having used various puppy distros for well over a decade and getting tired of the comically fractured support.

Distrowatch stats aren't an accurate reflection of market share.

the what now?

>mx linux
literally who?

When you search "mexican linux" the third result is to distro watch MeXican LINUX.

freetards like shit logo.


what the fuck is an MX linux?

debian based distro. has system d but uses sysvinit, actually works and has alot of built-in mx apps to handle your shit.

i received a new laptop and planned to switch to linux, mx or void, but mx was so good on 1st try there was no need for void.

only minor issue is standby which doesn't happen correctly but surely there's a fix somewhere i just haven't put in the effort. dell 7490.

Have used it for a year and it is so fucking stable and flawless that it bored the shit out of me and a few weeks ago I installed Arch for the lulz. Now finally there's stuff to fix, again.

gotta get your Xorg.conf fix somehow, i totally understand.

It's Debian stable with a much more recent kernel, mesa and some other tools. Also plenty of actual good tools with gui that they designed, including their snapshot one which is great.
It's also really really stable. It's a good alternative to vanilla debian if you get bored of it.

>if you get bored with debian
if you 'get bored with it' then you were distro hopping anyway and dont deserve debian

vpn kept shitting itself after wakeup so i noped outta mx. debian just werks