Attached: Screenshot_39.png (845x99, 4K)

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Attached: xd_multiple.gif (331x331, 325K)

Remove the quotes. Why are you comparing your integer variable to a char?

*Brazilian Portuguese

Because varables aren’t the same as numbers

"6" is a string literal, it's not the same thing as the number 6.

because i tried everything
first i just put a 6 didnt work
then (6) then :6: then (6:0)
i mean you get it, i tried fucking everything but for some reason it didnt work

Attached: Screenshot_40.png (224x70, 1K)

what is this gif suposed to convey?
Then how should i write this code? I mean in C i could do this shit, python is so diferent i am almost throwing my pc trough the window.

Did you try
if (Media > 6)?

>a thread died because OP can't wrap his head around a language without weak typing
suck-start a shotgun.

you need colon after condition you dumbass
also after else

char a = "a";
char b = "b";
printf("%d", b>a)


Attached: Screenshot_41.png (216x50, 1K)

Okay now i am embarassed
i had tried but i tought the colon was after the if not after the condition, lmao.

Attached: Screenshot_42.png (847x83, 4K)

Wouldn't this just print 0 or 1?

if media > 6:

Everyone is retarded in this thread~ Python requires colon before new level of indentation

you mean TRUE or FALSE

>getting mad at a thing you don't grasp
why do stupid people do this?

Well... because they're stupid.

>using python
but why, python is the nigger's programming language

now consider what it says about op if he's not able to comprehend a language that's so easy even niggers can learn it.

you need a following colon after the if , dumbass

fucking retarded favela monkey you need to put if Media > 6:

Is this bait

hello, please remove " around the number. this will fix the issue

dude just put if Media > 6:
6 is without quotations because they usually turn it into string, and you put : at the end of if statements, it's a syntax, that's how it is.

its common sense to expect shit in quote to be parsed as plain text tho.

Ok it was all my fault, sorry for being a monkey.
BTW i have another question, how do i use the split() to make multiple inputs?
i tried it but when i insert the values in the variables i get a error about a wrong literal on int, probably because of the space i have to put between the values, how fix it?


Stop with this meme, it was funny once but it is satured.


Yeah but then it would store as string wouldnt it? But it is 4 variables that i wish to sum

You're too brown to code. Find a new hobby that fits your aptitudes, like street crime or drug abuse.

I don't really understand what you're trying to do. Split takes a string such as '1,2,3' and returns a list of words from the string ['1', '2', '3']. Post your code?

I am quite white my friend, i even have blue eyes.
Also, i literally started today on this language and last time i coded was when i was 16, i am 20.

You're passing a string to something that is expecting an integer.

If your variable 'a' is the string '6', doing a+1 is not 7 because you're trying to add a number and a 'word'

So if I want to use the variable a as an integer I need to do int(a)+1

Or if I never want it to be a string, always an integer, do a=int(a), then a+1 will work.

ans=sum([int(x) for x in string.split()])

I have 4 variables, i want to give the 4 values in a single line, but if i dont use space between said values it will be read as a single value right? but then if i use the space it will read these values as strings, when it is expecting int, how do i fix it?

try deleting system32:
it might be blocking your python compiler from compiling correctly

You're missing colons dingus.
if Media > 6:

> Capitalized variables

I like because its cuter

It stores as a list. e.g.

x = ["fag", "got"]

#to access variables in list do x[i], i starting from 0
print(x[0]) #prints fag
print(x[1]) #prints got

Well your linter and CI will tell you it's not. Unless you write kawaiiLint

I probably just have to study more, i mean i know what lists are but i dont know how they work in python.

This is proof that 90% of Jow Forums has never written a line of code in their entire lives

OP might literally be a nigger since he's probably Brazilian

>all brazilians are niggers
Brazil isnt rio de janegro

x = ["fag", "got"]

print ('OP is a {0}'.format(''.join(x)) # prints "OP is a faggot"