Despite few quirks, you can't argue there is anything better than HN for technology news and commentary

Despite few quirks, you can't argue there is anything better than HN for technology news and commentary.

Attached: betterChannel.png (197x43, 3K)

Other urls found in this thread:

tech news is cancer and valley circlejerking tho

It's not exactly a sign of quality when you can disregard an entire website because you know exactly what their users are gonna say.

>for technology news
>and commentary

>news and commentary
Stand by for NEWS

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there will be like one good comment at the top of the page and the rest is karma whoring

i agree, the discourse here is much better.


This. Its a dunning-kruger playpen in the comments. You actually get more stupid reading it.

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ahaha no

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the best one

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Fail in every topic above undergrade C.S

>Ms Obama get down !!!

I can't even decipher what is going on in that thread. Plz explain

Abbos claim that eagles spread wildfires. This is of course complete bullshit. But some "academics" in the field of "ethnobiology", who have never managed to find any evidence whatsoever for this alleged phenomena, claim that we should "listen and believe" the abbos because abbos are very smart and know a lot more about nature than white man science does.

In that screenshot, we see that jacques_chester finds this all very believable.

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Thanks. fren.

Most of the comments are predictable Valley Boy garbage that GPT-2 could generate, but there are some exceptions. Mostly they come in the form of some oldfag expert using his expertise. You know, "This thing the story is about? Oh yeah, I wrote that in 1983. Here is why it works the way it does..." It's cool when it happens. Alan Kay and Rich Hickey arguing in the comments was fun to watch.

Good place to get link to random articles. Stay way from the abortion that is the comment section is full of know-nothing-know-it-alls.

what i learned from hacker news is that google employees are fucking insane

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He's right though. Its cringey when some middle american dweeb post random rap lyrics in their tech blog to seem hip and with it.

he didn't say it was cringey

> reading your own beliefs into a comment instead of reading what they said.

Funny how it's pretty much always the same leftists posting leftism: tptacek, DanBC, eropple, jacques_chester, anigbrowl...

yeah, those guys are a cancer. Throw in rayiner dick-riding literally anything the American federal government ever does. He's as bad as the rest.

Used to be, before they got invaded by webshits who get upset when you talk about actual languages and things like how programs shouldn't use 500MB of RAM for simple tasks.

Reddit also used to be good, but not that is full of pajeets posting their garbage tutorials that are sure to get your server hacked if you follow them.

it's sad how you guys know all these names
why do you keep reading?

why would you even read comments?

If I didn't work in the industry, I wouldn't. Keeping up on tech news bullshit is some sort of career obligation I guess. As bad as HN is, I can't think of a better site. It's not like slashdot isn't shit, and 90% of Jow Forums is the same GPU/smartphone/Intel/Apple bait threads over and over again.

It definitely used to be.

Now they ban you just because of language you use.

basically, it became a safe-space for hipsters.

I have got banned 5 times

Often enough the headline is bullshit and the comments call it out. Not usually, but often enough that checking the comments usually seems prudent.

And you read the comments, why? HN comments are on par with youtube comments.

Interesting, because I knew exactly what the comments in this thread would be before I even clicked on it.

see also maybe because I hate life and enjoy the suffering.


Common sense is normally enough to filter BS articles out. Just saying.

Paul Harvey did news? WTF, somebody tell me the rest of the story.

Why, yes. I remember the times it has been running on Arc and they literally discussed why Arc is so based

>HN comments are on par with youtube comments.
You have blocked out your memories of YouTube comments, boy.

Attached: average youtube comment.png (229x152, 8K)


Everything else is either thinly veiled corporate advertising or way too specific that it is useless to the average reader.

It's still running on Arc. Arc is actually a neat little Lisp. I wish it had become popular instead of Clojure with its JVM bullshit.

>way too specific that it is useless to the average reader
Those are exactly the good stories, though.

> It's still running on Arc.

obviously not. I has been rewritten on Rails (what a cringe). Google it

youtube comments are better desu

he is 100% right though

google shows nothing. proofs?

Attached: did someone say desu.gif (525x400, 35K)

No, I am talking about news sites that have articles about routine updates. I am not talking about a deep dive article on some specific piece of tech. I used to do it when I worked in the industry you basically just leech off any timely information you can for a few clicks.

You should go easier on the enter key when lying. There won't be no proofs because it ain't true. Hacker News is still running Arc. Here is dang talking about their optimizations to Arc just a few days ago. It took me 2 minutes to find this post with HN Search.

But why?

I could not find it, but once I have tried to apply for a job there and found out it is no longer an Arc codebase anymore.

BTW, Racket-based solution would not scale to the insane amount of traffic they serve.

You should have applied to work with your dad at Nintendo.

good to know. that means I have been misleaded and lost interest after hearing the word Rail

what a joke, desu. my fucking sides

Racket is just fine for that kind of workload, I've used racket for much more intense shit. They obviously have a great deal of caching in place of course.

What's more disturbing is they're not using a real database. They us the "pile of files" technique which is the sort of thing that appeals to true brainlets.

I'm curious how they simulate transactions.

No, using of plain text files is a sign of brilliance - the content become literally static after commenting is closed.

One does not need a database for a mostly static content.

ever heard of file locking?

It has nothing to do with mutation. It has to do with FS performance sucking.

I've heard of file locking, just like I've heard of Rails. The question is what they actually use. Unix file locking carries a lot of potential problems with it.

ever heard of nginx? or even fucking mod_cache?

but they are obviously using cloudfrare

Nigger what do you think I meant when I said
> They obviously have a great deal of caching in place of course.

this means that FS issues has been addressed and became irrelevant

BTW, the guys behind HN have the strongest CS fundamentals background imaginable, so they knew about things like memoization and immutability since their early twenties

>they knew about things like memoization and immutability since their early twenties

Paul Graham is a blowhard who thinks he's much smarter than he actually is. Of all the advocates of Lisp, he's easily the worst. Just a bunch of handwaving and magical thinking.

That sort of personality fits perfectly with "use the FS instead of a database because my brain is too big for SQL."

Linus is guilty of the same, except Linus has actually accomplished much more than Graham, to his credit.

I don't look at hacker news but oh look gpu accelerated JavaScript. What fucking retard thought it was a good idea to give JavaScript direct gpu access. Read some comments and apparently hacker news is 90% webshits who need to be ovened.

yeah, CS 101 - dynamic programming, memoization, solving exponential problems in polynomial times

mit-6-00-f08-lec15_300k.mp4 faggot

>apparently hacker news is 90% webshits
yeah that's about 90% of the industry right now, at least in the cali/valley sphere.

Read On Lisp and ANSI CL and kill yourself

PG is definitely not Norvig and obviously a fucking narcissistic snowflake, but he really knows his shit

and, of course, without rtm there will be no Viaweb or HN

On Lisp sucks.


> 90% of the industry

no fucking way

fucking Java is the industry. Webdev is just a PHP4-like incompetent shutstorm idiocy

only among retards

"sucks" is an exaggeration but it's really nothing special. It's reputation is really undeserved.

Also Paul Graham is wrong about macro hygiene.

>What fucking retard thought it was a good idea to give JavaScript direct gpu access.

uh the entire web ? WebGL is fully compliant with web standards.

The bar is pretty low considering any other site.

Paul Graham is the ESR of Lisp.

A deeply autistic shameless self promoter who wrote a mediocre book and believes he's the greatest thing that ever happened to the industry, but in objective terms has created extremely little of real consequence.

If you don't have webgl disabled you're probably stupid enough to warrant euthanizing.

it is not for retards to judge writers

the books speak for itself

sick burn buddy. don't you have a doomposter thread to be in so you can gloat about your superior intellect ?

no you

I like the site because it is always going to have some amount of focus on entrepreneurship and optimism. If you haven't founded a business, you are nothing because you haven't risked anything. Taking risk is virtue.
Cynical people hate the site, they'd rather have a 'safe' job. Many of the haters seem to be either sjw types or people with corporate jobs who envy what founders get.

>you just hate us cause you ain't us
whatever helps you sleep at night

No. The only problem with HN is fucking SJW censure.

It is NOT that I am against some reasonable behavior, like not talking obscenities, I am strongly against self-imposed sheriff-like low IQ cucks who are boosting their self-esteem by being "progressive"

It is a disgrace to host cucks who oppose biological and evolutionary facts with abstract bullshit.

HN is dead precisely because of this SJW low IQ cuckery. Reasonable people would never cross the line into a tasteless plain stupidity, where liberal arts grads police other idiots.


Yeah pretty much this. Try explaining that women aren't signing up for tech because MOST of them simply aren't interested in it and you'll get downvoted until you're slowbanned, dogpiled in the comments with bullshit along the lines of "you're wrong because that hurts my feelings" and people will start crawling through your comment history for any hint of who your employer might in hopes of getting you fired.

It's reddit but worse.

There definitely is that but the sjw are really at disadvantage there because they are posting on a site which really is a recruiting/promotion tool for venture capitalists.

There definitely is envy. Envy of what they get not envy of what they have to go through.

The vocal minority. Just like the alt-right and extreme leftists. The silent majority is somewhere in between.

>>The vocal minority.
No, the powerusers with small armies of sycophants. Try calling tptacek out on his shit and see how long it takes you to get slowbanned.

> SJW censure
Don't know what you are talking about, saw a post about diversity issue where half the people commented in the same attitudes as here. People were discussing and linking to documentary about gender differences from early age and stuff.

> HN is dead
If you live under a rock. This is probably the most well known, largest well maintained and active place on the internet for tech news.

You can find retarded people in any public forum, but computing overall value, HN is at least a several magnitude higher in quality of everything compared to Jow Forums for things that are similar. HN and Jow Forums are mostly different sort of things though, so they are not directly comparable. If you want to troll/rant/vent, discuss tech hobbies, ask specific questions or discuss privacy tools, Jow Forums is better. If you want to stay upto date with tech news, and find other non-tech topic that tech people find interesting, HN is the place. Jow Forums is very participation oriented. HN is more like a daily tech related magazine that is crowdsourced.

*slowbanning intensifies*


t. php programmer

> where liberal arts grads police other idiots
Another fuckhead that equates yearly income to value of something. Also, not all liberal arts covers a number of subjects that are completely different. But I can see why liberal arts people often do feel the need to police idiots, and it's because people starts spewing out idiotic shit that they know nothing about. STEMlords have high tendency of shitting out ideas they think they have any clue about what they are talking about. Saw this video few days ago as an example:

No. That would be the other site.

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are there really no alternatives worth mentioning besides n-gate and slashdot?


>I can see why liberal arts people often do feel the need to police idiots, and it's because people starts spewing out idiotic shit that they know nothing about
Of course, it just so happens that the idiotic shit they police is only of the kind they ideologically disagree with. It also just happens that their policing of idiotic shit leads to them acquiring money (sinecures) and power (Twitter mobs). Hmm.

The rot's already setting in after their latest batch of new users.