Things that should be illegal:

Things that should be illegal:

* Case windows
* 16:9 and wider monitors

Attached: 1518464518216.jpg (957x621, 90K)

Things that deserve gulag: OP

>ultrawide curved

Attached: IMG-20190227-WA0000.jpg (500x486, 23K)

Attached: 1530528438782.png (648x615, 304K)

- 4K
- Windows 10
- Steam
- Discord
- Twitch
- YouTube


What the fuck is wrong with a 1920x1080 16:9 monitor?

Get out of here gramps.

Attached: lolibooru 177274 agung_syaeful_anwar eyebrows_visible_through_hair gradient_background looking_at_vi (679x960, 211K)

We had more vertical pixels in the last century

What's wrong with the right computer? It looks perfectly fine and clean

1920x1200 monitor you get for 5$ is better

>Thing I don't like should be illegal
Alright cool

Assblasted nerds that can't appreciate objectively attractive computers.


Attached: gamer washing machine black.png (750x1000, 311K)

Attached: ford reddit.jpg (477x324, 66K)

Freetards can't afford Noctua stuff though.

I browse Reddit

>I don't know how computers make color Soo I hate on RGB because fuck color theory

Typical fag/g/ot

Y-you have to go back

Attached: 1484403191306.jpg (882x624, 72K)

Attached: mspaintcomic.png (900x900, 38K)

Gulag for you as well.

desu, I enjoy laughing at plebs wasting their money on ricer crap.

Nah brah, it needs to look all pretentious and in your face, or else how will I get muh 480fps g-sync fully sik performance.


Attached: ricer.jpg (392x294, 22K)

Good thing my monitor is 9:21.

>People didnt have this 10 years ago and everything that is new scares me and i will discard it as stupid

Fuck off boomer

People had case windows and colored lights inside almost 20 years ago. It was as gaudy back then as it is now.
At least back then they had to cut and install windows themselves. The only difference is you can buy them off the shelf.

Things that shouldn't be illegal but we'd enjoy it if they were: you posting stupid threads like these

You literally don't have to buy any of that stuff

Frog posting

* Frogposting

>Things that should be illegal:
* Buttsecks
* Rust
* Freetardism
* JavaScript / Scriptable web browsers.
* AutoPlay/autoload video (with above)
* Obesity
* Metrics that isn't deniable opt in.
* DRM besides serials numbers.
* Mutilating babies / children.
* Rust, teehee.