Wake up

>Wake up
>Turn my computer on
>Open Firefox
>Realize that I lost all my logins and passwords, some of them really important and randomly generated that I can't even remember
>Just because I made an immediate shutdown
wtf Firefox.

Attached: loginsss.png (737x225, 31K)


Why didn't you just write the passwords down?

you had all your eggs in one basket. use a password manager

Don't put important passwords in a browser you retard

>You should just use OUR basket to store all those eggs, goyim! Trust us!

>really important
so (you) have a backup.

I have cut off power while Firefox was running many times and I never lost a single thing from Firefox. Let me guess you are using Windows. This I your own fault. Same for Macs.

>Let me guess you are using Windows. This I your own fault. Same for Macs.
OP's pic related looks like a screenshot from Windows' file manager to you?

I use Manjaro GNU/Linux.

KeepassXC never has and never will have this problem

No, I was too stupid.

You are right. I'm going to use Keepass now.

>he doesnt have a password excel sheet that is encrypted
>he doesnt store this encrypted pw.xlsx on two encrypted USB sticks stored in two different locations

Attached: dubu_laughs_at_you.jpg (1000x1500, 157K)

Just keepasscx and block it from accessing the internet fag

why in the fuck are you allowing firefox to manage your passwords.

>not having an encrypted hardcopy printout

Attached: 1494813861564.jpg (517x768, 195K)

>not having your encrypted passwords on several punched cards made out of weather resistant material spread around the globe
it's like you WANT to lose access to all your important data you amateur

Attached: ouch.gif (318x287, 782K)

PEBCAK nigger

>not engraving it on several monumental sizes monoliths spread across the solar system

Attached: you.jpg (480x360, 11K)

I unironically use Firefox sync for this very reason, any important passwords use 2FA anyways.

Is Firefox Sync data stored on Mozilla's servers somewhere, or it's only device-to-device?

Mozilla's servers you can set up 2FA to protect the account from someone else but not from mozilla itself, however you can backup your user folder from device to device manually if that's what you want.

Just write your passwords on post-its and keep put them in the front of your fridge with magnets lol

user is a dumb nigga

>storing passwords in browser
firefox did you a service by wiping the passwords before someone stole them

So recover them using the email address on the accounts?

sounds like you're using Firefox 3.5

>letting your browser remember passwords at all

>not writing a Caesar cipher binary code of you password on a piece of paper

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windows doesn't have this problem